Drop In results in Major Brawl

I mean who could blame a case of fisty cuffs for this savage drop in. Matt Honeycombe waited 45minutes for this wave. Long-time bar rider and Whiritoa local PC decided that 45 mins was a waste of time when you can just paddle out get the very next set wave after just having one. Matt was yelling from inside the tube, PC turned a blind ear and ignored the screams of “It’s MINE!!!!”. When the two met out the back it was like an episode of UFC meets WWF crossed with a hint of Dwarf Mud Wrestilng and a shade of the dolphin performance at Sea World in OZ crossed with the annual whale massacre in Japan. There was blood, there was bubbles and threats of who had the biggest claw hammer in their car. The line-up was silent, well, amongst the howled insults and death-like war cries. Heavy stuff for all those that witnessed it.

….. haha….The truth of the matter is that HC was too deep and although the angle makes out that PC was in the wrong HC was non-plussed and no words were exchanged. I should work for a tabloid newspaper…..Bending the truth is really easy. News of the World here I come. Next week the John Key Two Teacups, One Teabag sex tape….

About DiggaSURF

Writer and photographer
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2 Responses to Drop In results in Major Brawl

  1. jesse says:

    h.c is the pig dog marvin foster master of the backhand tube he would have made that easy so many waves get fucked on the the bar by sholder hopping

  2. DiggaSURF says:

    Im not sure if he would have made that. I think his back locked up in that position and was then carried up in that locked-up position and placed in BJ’s dog cage on the back of his ute….then takin up the wentworth to chase some wild boar….

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