Friday, February 26, 2010

Fight the Bite Poster Contest



While it’s still a bit dreary and cold here in the East, and across much of America, lots of kids are stuck inside due to the winter weather. Here’s a suggestion for fifth and sixth graders seeking an indoor activity during the next two months: create an entry for the Fight the Bite poster contest.


The CDC and DEET Education Program are once again co-sponsoring the contest, which is open to all fifth and sixth graders in the U.S., including those who are home-schooled. Entries must be postmarked by April 5. Helpful hints, the entry form and rules are at, plus winning posters from prior years, which I’m sure you’ll agree are amazingly good.


The contest encourages students to illustrate ways to protect themselves and their families from diseases spread by mosquitoes and ticks by using repellent while outdoors. Two winners from each state—one fifth grader and one in sixth—will receive a $50 U.S. Savings Bond and an award certificate. Two Grand Prize winners—one from each grade—will receive a $1,000 U.S. Savings Bond, a plaque and a trip to CDC offices and laboratories in Fort Collins, Colo. (airfare and lodging provided) with their parents for the awards presentation.


I’ve co-hosted the ceremony the past three years and I can say it’s a fun event that the winners and their families seem to enjoy greatly. There’s even an educational component to the trip, courtesy of our CDC partners.


“Tips for Teachers” also have been added, based on input from a Missouri teacher who has assisted two national winners. Public health and mosquito control professionals are encouraged to use any of the winning posters for educational outreach, public service materials and similar purposes.


Keep in mind that tick season is upon us, especially in states that have an early spring. The new ticks, known as nymphs, are really hard to see but they carry diseases like Lyme, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and the like. So, be sure to dress appropriately and use repellent to protect yourselves when you venture into the woods.


You can post questions, suggestions and comments below, or via


Best wishes for a wonderful and healthy spring and summer!


Susan E. Little

Executive Director, DEET Education Program