Selena has a TATTOO?

We’re not sure if it’s a tattoo, birthmark, she draw it with a pen…you judge! The first picture is from when Selena was in Mexico promoting her album Kiss & Tell and Wizards(in April), the second picture is from the A Year Without Rain music video!

4 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Horatio
    Sep 04, 2010 @ 22:24:39

    If she did i wouldnt mind cuz im completely in love with her 🙂 ❤ and will always love her forever and always…but just so you know something about tattoos and woman make a guy go crazy lol it turns men on wen women get tattoos no matter what size haha…so if it a real tattoo then im even more turned on by her than before


  2. Imiiee
    Sep 19, 2010 @ 10:10:23

    Selena is amazing and her voice is amazing ! She is the best ! xxxx


  3. selena pasion
    Oct 07, 2010 @ 17:50:35

    i love it


  4. mckinsay
    May 30, 2011 @ 02:27:31

    heeey yeah im prettty sure that that could be a tattoo. i dont think she could have drawn that, shes not a tattoo artist now is she? and i also would just like to say that yeah im coming for you selena because you are a home wrecker and you just stole my husband justin bieber so go jump off a cliff alrighty? mmkay buh bi


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