My Cat Bites All The Time!!!-Help Please!

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    My cat bites me all the time and I pay a LOT of attention to him but he just bites me and my mom a lot, like last night I went to go to the bathroom but it took me 15 minutes because Boots would be meowing and if I move he would want to hurt me and and bite me

    Why is he doing this to me?


    How old was Boots when you got him? There has to be some kind of history of rough “play” in his background to make him think it’s okay to bite. It’s hard to say. I’m not sure if I’m the one to tell you how to break him of the habit. I believe that cats that bite are not bad cats, they were just taught bad habits. Try this link. It may help.


    Hi I Love Boots – is your cat a youngster? It sounds like attention seeking. I’m no expert, but remember some advice someone else gave on a similar topic before we had this forum set up.

    Cats hate being ignored. When Boots does this, say “NO” in a stern voice, and then completely ignore him for a few minutes (that’s a long time for a cat!. Slowly he should start to get the message that this behaviour is unacceptable.

    I think I’ve remembered this advice right – I’m sorry I can’t credit the original agony aunt, perhaps they’ll comment below and help out. Good luck!

    liz mom of 4

    Sometimes you just need to thump him on the nose. My cat Lion was always biting me and I would just thump him gently on the nose and say no biting. Now when he tries to bite all I have to do is say no biting.

    Ignoring them works wonders too.


    Hey Thanks For some of your comments soo far the qustion you have benn asking was “how old is he?” well Boots is 3 but we gottne him when he was 6 months old


    Is Boots declawed?

    Do you spend time playing with Boots, or otherwise pay attention to him?


    No boots is not declawed because i dont have enough money and yes he gets attention 24-7!!


    Thanks for the links Miu!


    try useing bitter apple spray, they usually don’t like the taste. I trained my cat not to bite with it. I would spray it on my hand and let him bite only where I sprayed it and after a while he stopped biteing.


    Is he a kitten? Or a cat? If he is a kitten then he is probably teething!!!!!

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