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Texas Divorce Answers - Lucio, LaFleur & Associates

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• I’m afraid of my spouse. What do I do if I think he/she will become violent?
If you believe you are in immediate danger or if you believe there is an emergency, call 911 immediately for assistance. If your situation is not an immediate emergency, but you feel that based on the fact that your spouse has been violent or threatened to be violent with you or your children in the past and you think that family violence is likely to occur in the future, you should immediately consult a family and divorce attorney. It is possible that you may obtain a protective order for yourself and your children. If your situation warrants it, you may be able to get an emergency order from the court without your spouse’s attendance at the hearing, the same day that you consult with an attorney. If this is the case, your attorney will likely take your legal documents to the court and attempt to get the court to issue a temporary protective order lasting up to 20 days, that will order that your spouse cannot come within 200 feet of you or your children, or both. If your spouse attempts to violate the order, he/she will be arrested on the spot. A hearing that will allow testimony from both parties will be set within the 20 days, to determine if the protective order should continue. If you have been served with a temporary protective order, requiring that you maintain distance and refrain from seeing your children until a set hearing date, please follow the court order. Following the court order is not evidence of your guilt. If your spouse obtained the order by lying to the court, it will usually be quickly exposed to the court at the hearing. Your chance to defend yourself will be at the hearing. You MUST follow the order until you hear otherwise. Your chance to be heard will be at the protective order hearing. It may seem very unfair, but judges are stuck when they are presented with evidence from a spouse who expresses concern of violence, so if they make an order, it will be temporary, only lasting until the protective order hearing, unless the judge extends the protective order at the hearing, based on credible evidence warranting the continuance of the protective order in effort to protect the spouse or the children. If you feel that you may need relief in the form of a protective order, or you need representation because you have been served with a protective order against you, experienced Dallas family attorneys at Lucio, LaFleur & Associates are available to assist you and are available for a consultation at our Dallas/Collin county location or our Tarrant county location. Please call (972) 664-1511 for further information on making an appointment for a consultation.

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• I don’t want a divorce yet. Can I get a legal separation first?
Texas has no “legal separation.” Either you are legally married or legally unmarried. If you leave your spouse and do not obtain a divorce, but move away or carry on your life, living apart from your spouse, regardless of how long you stay away, if you don’t divorce, you are still married to that spouse. This means that your spouse may incur debt and you could possibly be at risk for being half liable for it, or on the other hand, you may acquire significant assets after you leave and your spouse can come back and claim an interest in those items. If you need protection from either of those issues, or other potential consequences, you must obtain a divorce. Lucio, LaFleur & Associates offices in both Dallas and Tarrant counties to conveniently serve you. Call (972) 664-1511 to make an appointment for a consultation with an attorney who practices exclusively family and divorce law.

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• I want to get a divorce. Should I do anything to prepare?
Divorce can be a difficult process both financially and emotionally. If you have children, you will have to realize that co-parenting will become a part of your life. This is a tough adjustment for any parent who is used to having your children live with you full time. There are many good books out there with helpful advice for divorcing parents. I have heard good reviews for, What About the Kids?:Raising your Children Before, During and After Your Divorce by Judith Wallerstein. Additionally, if you plan to ask the court that you be named the primary custodian of the children, it is important that you don’t leave your spouse and the children to live somewhere else before you file for divorce and consult with an attorney. If you don’t have access to any money because you are unable to gain access to financial accounts, you should start looking for resources to help you get started with an attorney. Many people don’t have the required fees to start a divorce suit, but most attorneys will require a down payment of $1,500-$5,000 to begin your case and many times your attorney will set a hearing to request attorney’s fees for you from your spouse. If your spouse has a job that pays enough wages to hire an attorney, many judges will order that the earning spouse help pay your attorney’s fees. Other common resources for down payments are: relatives, payroll advances, credit cards and loans from retirement accounts (401ks). If you believe you may divorce in the future, you can call our offices and make an appointment to discuss your case specifically with one of our family lawyers conveniently located in both in Dallas county, in Richardson, TX, on the access road to central expressway (Hwy 75) and in Tarrant county, Fort Worth, TX.
—Also see “ Will my spouse have to pay my attorney’s fees if I don’t have any income?

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• What are the grounds for divorce?
Texas allows “no fault” divorces. If you are seeking a “no fault” divorce, you will file under the legal theory of “insupportability. ” There are other “fault” grounds you can file under as well. Examples are: adultery, cruelty, abandonment.

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• What does a “no fault” divorce mean?
If you are contending that there was “no fault ” on either party for the resulting divorce, you are essentially saying that neither party is ultimately to blame. A “no fault” divorce would generally award each party an equal split of property, money and debts. However, spousal support may still be awarded in a “no fault” divorce. If you want to have a “fault” divorce, you may want to claim a “disproportionate amount” of the community property, meaning that you could make a claim for more than 50% of the property because of the other spouse’s fault for the breakup.

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• What does it mean to “file” for divorce?
In Texas, a party who wishes to be divorced must file an “Original Petition for Divorce.” This is a legal document that basically lets the courts know that you are intending to be divorced and that you will be proceeding with a divorce suit. The document names the parties, the grounds for divorcing and other basic information. Generally your attorney will draft the Original Petition for Divorce for you and file the document. There is a filing fee that must be paid at the time of filing. This fee is paid to the county. It varies from county to county and is generally $250-$300. Once your Original Petition for Divorce is filed, you case is open. You will need to have a copy of the filed petition served on your spouse in order to proceed. Once you have filed for divorce, Texas law requires a 60 day waiting period before you can finalize your divorce. Lucio, LaFleur & Associates has offices in both Dallas and Tarrant counties to conveniently serve you. Call (972) 664-1511 to make an appointment for a consultation with an attorney who practices exclusively family and divorce law.

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• How much does a divorce cost?
Divorce costs vary. The average divorce in America is approximately $8,000 per side. However, many factors can change this to be either less or more expensive. In general, the more agreements that can be made, the less expensive it will be. The more hearings and contentions that exists, the more expensive it will be. You will most likely pay your attorney an hourly fee. In the Dallas and Fort Worth areas, attorney’s fees range from approximately $200 per hour to $800 per hour. The average Dallas Divorce attorney’s fees are $200-$300 per hour. It is difficult to predict with certainty how much your divorce will cost. However, if you and your spouse are going to both fight to be the “primary conservator,” you can bet that your divorce will get expensive. If you have no children and no property and your spouse is going to sign and agree with the divorce, you divorce may be a “flat fee” and be quite affordable. When I consult with my clients, many times we “do the math” before we decide to pursue contested issues, especially concerning property or money disputes. For instance, if you and your spouse both want the $2,000 vase, and Wife says, “I want it because I believe it is mine,” and Husband says, “No way is she getting it, I picked it out, so let’s go to court over it,” I will discourage Husband from fighting this battle. Husband may wind up paying me far more than $2,000 to go to trial over a vase that costs $2,000. Sometimes you have to humble yourself if going to court is going to cost more than the value of the items you are fighting over. Lucio, LaFleur & Associates has offices in both Dallas and Tarrant counties to conveniently serve you. Call (972) 664-1511 to make an appointment for a consultation with an attorney who practices exclusively family and divorce law.

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• Can I do my divorce myself to save money?
You can always try! I understand you can also give birth to your baby at home to save money! Is it recommended? Probably NEVER. It could work out or it could have devastating consequences that you never imagined. When it comes to health care and legal assistance, a bargain should not be the goal. As parents we go to extravagant lengths to protect them, get them into good schools and make sure they are happy. A poorly written divorce decree threatens all of the above. If you have children, doing your own divorce is a very risky task. A small phrase buried in crowded language could have the effect of losing possession time with your child, over paying child support, or allowing the primary conservator to move out of state with your children. Additionally, if you leave out important language, you could have significant problems as well. If you need assistance with your divorce, contact an experienced Dallas Divorce Attorney to handle your divorce in Dallas, Collin, Denton or Tarrant County. We have convenient locations in both Richardson and Fort Worth.
—Also see “ How can I get an “online divorce?”

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• How can I get an “online divorce?”
You can certainly order forms designed to do a “do it yourself” divorce, online, but you CAN NOT do a divorce “online.” There is NO ONLINE DIVORCE. There are numerous sites offering forms and advice, all promising to save you money. I caution all you bargain hunters. It may not be a bargain. I will give you an example from an actual client. The client came in and had considered ordering forms and was still considering ordering forms to do his own divorce. He said he was only consulting with me to see if he was going about the divorce correctly. When I looked at his forms that he had carefully and stressfully put together, with the aid of his wife, a neighbor and his own research at the law library of a notable, local law school, I assured him he was not saving money. My fee for his particular situation would have been $2,500 from start to finish, all fees included. I first noticed that he had miscalculated his child support and failed to deduct from his earnings certain items that were qualified to be deducted. By his child support miscalculations he was set to over-pay child support by $120 per month. So for starters, he was overpaying child support in the amount of $1,440 a year. If he didn’t modify child support for 3 years, he would have over paid child support in the amount of $4,230. Additionally, he had failed to make provisions for the incoming tax return and failed to have the house deed changed to his name after the wife awarded him the house. These mistakes would have cost him a few thousand more associated with the tax return, and his wife would have legally owned the house that he paid for, 17 years later. It is these types of mistakes that a divorce attorney can spot and prevent, ultimately saving you thousands rather than only costing you a couple thousand.

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• How long will it take to get my divorce?
At least 60 days. The state of Texas requires that an original petition for divorce be on file for a minimum of 60 days before a divorce can be finalized. Generally, if your divorce and property division, etc is going to be agreed, and the final decree of divorce is drafted and signed, you can probably be divorce shortly after the required 60 days. If your divorce is contested, it is difficult to say how long it will take. However, typically a divorce might take 4 to 8 months if contested. If you have a contested divorce, experienced attorneys at Lucio, LaFleur & Associates will be glad to consult with you regarding your Dallas, Collin, Denton or Tarrant County divorce. Feel free to call (972) 664-1511 to set up a consultation with an aggressive family lawyer.

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• Will my spouse have to pay my attorney’s fees if I don’t have any income?
If you don’t have income or access to cash or bank accounts, your attorney can set a hearing to request that the court order your spouse to pay your attorney’s fees. Remember, in Texas, we are a community property state. Your spouse’s income, bank accounts, retirement accounts, regardless of the fact that they may be in your spouse’s sole name, are presumed to be “joint” property of the marriage. If your spouse has access to enough money to pay a retainer and you don’t, the court may require that your spouse pay your attorney a retainer. If your spouse has no income and no credit cards, retirement accounts, etc., and you don’t either, you can’t count on the court for an order requiring your spouse to pay your attorney fees for the divorce process. Even the courts, with all their power, can’t make money magically appear. If you are in this position, it is best to consult Legal Aid or an attorney well known for doing a lot of “pro bono” (working for free). Don’t take attitude with attorneys who are not interested in doing work for free. It is funny, as an attorney, I get calls quite frequently, requesting that I take a case for free. I have never known of anyone who calls their hair stylist, barber, doctor, accountant to ask that they do their work for free. I have never seen anyone enter a store and ask if they can have items for free either. Lucio, LaFleur & Associates takes pride in the fact that at times we do pro bono work. To qualify you must fill out an application for pro bono work. We don’t mail applications and you must come to our offices to pick an application up. We review applications once every quarter, and the attorney’s collaborate and decide if they will handle any of the cases on a pro bono basis. You will receive a call if your case is selected. We consider the following: income, history of family violence, children, work history, references. If you have only limited money to begin your case but your spouse clearly makes enough to pay for your attorney’s fees, call a Dallas Divorce attorney at Lucio, LaFleur & Associates for assistance with your case in Dallas, Collin County, Denton County or Tarrant County. Call (972) 664-1511 to consult with one of our aggressive divorce attorneys who practice exclusively family and divorce law.

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• I won’t be able to pay bills if I file for divorce because I am a stay-at-home mom. Are there any options for me?
Yes, there are generally good options for a stay-at-home mom. If your spouse’s wages have been sufficient enough to allow you to stay at home with the children rather than work, then likely he will be ordered to continue to pay all the bills while the divorce is pending, including your attorney’s fees, as long as the court is presented with evidence showing that his wages are enough to support these things. If you have stayed at home with the children, most likely, you will be named the “primary conservator.” If a husband has a pretty good income, a housewife will likely be able to continue to live in the house with the children while the divorce is pending, with the husband paying the bills, so long as he makes enough money. However, unless a housewife is going to be getting a large amount of property or cash in the final divorce, she will likely have to consider obtaining employment. Realistically, it would be very difficult, and impossible in most circumstances, for a wife to be able to continue staying at home with the children, after the divorce is final. Lucio, LaFleur & Associates has offices in both Dallas and Tarrant counties to conveniently serve you. Call (972) 664-1511 to make an appointment for a consultation with an aggressive attorney who practices exclusively family and divorce law.
—Also see “ My spouse has a much higher salary than I do. Will I get spousal support?

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• My spouse hired an attorney and they want me to sign a “waiver of service.” What effect will it have if I sign this?
I NEVER recommend that anyone sign a waiver of service without first consulting an attorney. Please read it carefully. The waiver of service may have a phrase that says “I agree that the court may hear this case without further notice to me,” or “I have entered in my appearance in this case for all time.” The effect of that phrase basically means that you have agreed that your spouse and his/her attorney may proceed on with the case and have it decided any way they want because you have agreed that the judge hear the trial without you. If you aren’t there to defend yourself, your spouse can request whatever he/she wants and it will likely be granted because there is no one there to contest it. So AGAIN, you may be doing far more than merely, “waiving being served.” There is a reason that it takes many years to become an attorney. There is a reason that one cannot be licensed to be an attorney after taking a weekend course or even after graduating from college. A licensed attorney has graduated from a four-year university and then gone on to an accredited law school for at least three grueling years before finally taking and passing the Texas Bar Exam. It is also best that you consult a licensed Texas attorney to handle your Dallas or Collin county divorce. Lucio, LaFleur & Associates has offices in both Dallas and Tarrant counties to conveniently serve you. Call (972) 664-1511 to make an appointment for a consultation with an aggressive attorney who practices exclusively family and divorce law.

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• What is an “agreed divorce?”
Not every divorce has to be a contest. Despite the fact that two individuals have decided to divorce, doesn’t mean that it has to be nasty or mean. In fact, the more agreeable your divorce is, the less it will cost. If a couple has discussed divorce and has reached agreements concerning division of the property and debts and custody of the children, one party can hire an attorney to draft all the associated documents for divorce, and parties can both sign and agree to the terms and therefore avoid trial and other costs of litigation. However, if your spouse has hired an attorney and you are being asked to sign the documents, I highly recommend that you seek the advice of an attorney to make sure you are signing and agreeing to what you understood you were getting. If the divorce is finalized and then you realize that certain provisions are not fair or not what you expected, you are probably “out of luck!” Lucio, LaFleur & Associates has offices in both Dallas and Tarrant counties to conveniently serve you. Call (972) 664-1511 to make an appointment for a consultation with an attorney who practices exclusively family and divorce law.
—Also see “ How much does a divorce cost?

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• What is “Collaborative Divorce”?
Collaborative Law is a newer concept when it comes to divorce. The idea behind collaborative law is that parties negotiate all aspects of the divorce, along with their lawyers. Hearings are not a part of Collaborative Law(although a final prove up hearing is required). This is a great idea for couples who want to make their own decisions without subjecting themselves to the uncertainties of a judge or jury. The divorce decree becomes a project of both parties and their attorneys. The only downside to a collaborative divorce is that a “collaborative divorce agreement” must be entered in to. Parties have to agree that if the divorce is not settled after negotiating extensively, parties must hire new attorneys if they wish to proceed with the traditional court process, including hearings and trial. This can be very costly in the event that settlement does not occur. All fees paid to the collaborative attorneys are lost. New retainers will be required. The attorney that first represented you during the collaborative process may NOT continue to represent you. An alternative to a collaborative law agreement is to simply try to mediate after your attorney files your divorce. Both parties and their attorneys can still come to the table and try to settle first. In this scenario, you won’t run the risk of having to start over with a new attorney. But, because of the ability to continue and not be bound in a collaborative agreement, settlement may not be as likely. Divorce attorneys at Lucio, LaFleur & Associates will respect your decision to participate in either type of divorce.

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• Can I keep my own 401k?
The division of property can be done by agreement or by the court. If you had your 401k before marriage, it will likely be considered to be your separate property, however, if contributions to the account were made during marriage, your spouse will be entitled to some of the 401k. If the 401k was started during the marriage, it will likely be community property and will be divided in half. There are usually large penalties for “cashing out” sums from your 401k, so in divorce situations, the court can order that the 401k plan “roll over” a portion of your 401k to have the effect of your spouse having his/her own 401k account. An experienced divorce attorney should always draft that order because it is a somewhat confusing document. See information under “Texas Marital Property Laws.”

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• I own a business. Will my spouse get part of it when we divorce?
If the business was started during the marriage, it is likely community property. If divorce occurs, the business can be sold and assets divided, or one spouse can “buy out” the other spouse, or the business can continue to run under the same management, and profits continually divided with the other spouse. There are many complicated factors that have to be considered when determining one’s rights to a business during a divorce. If the business has significant debt or profit abilities, it is very important that an attorney assist you in determining how to handle this type of situation, otherwise, serious adverse consequences can result if you attempt to resolve this issue on your own. Lucio, LaFleur & Associates has offices in both Dallas and Tarrant counties to conveniently serve you. Call (972) 664-1511 to make an appointment for a consultation with an attorney who practices exclusively family and divorce law.

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• I think my spouse has secret accounts that she stashes money in. How will I know how much she has?
If your spouse is doing this, trust me when I say, he/she is not the first “genius” to think of this. Once you have obtained an attorney, you will want to tell your attorney about your concern. Subpoenas can be sent to any bank, requiring that the bank turn over any and all bank statements associated with your spouse’s name/social security number. Additionally, the “stasher” of money may also be required to turn over all of this information during the “discovery” process or sworn inventory process of the divorce.

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• Will I get any part of the secret accounts in the divorce?
“Stashers” beware, the money you are putting away in your own name is most likely considered community property, whether it came from your income or from something you sold. If that is the case, the money is not just YOURS. Spending it quickly can easily be revealed as well. Your bank statement will reveal a withdrawal, should you decide to quickly withdraw the money after reading this, and a good attorney will discover your secret. The courts don’t generally have good feelings for a person who does this type of thing with the intent of hiding community money. Once the divorce process is started, the courts may order that you give the other spouse all or some of this money to use during the period while the divorce is pending for living expenses, attorney’s fees or other expenses, and will almost certainly order that it be divided upon the entry of the final divorce.

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• Who will get to keep the house?
Generally if the house was purchased after marriage, the house will be considered community property. If both parties are on the loan and one party wishes to keep the house, it is important to get the house refinanced into the party’s name who is keeping the house. For instance, if Wife and Husband’s name is on the loan, and Husband is keeping the house and continuing to pay the mortgage, Wife may fully trust that Husband will pay the loan, but if he doesn’t, it will still affect Wife’s credit. Additionally, Wife may want to get a loan for her own house and may have difficulty because her credit report will show that she already has a loan. If Wife wants to keep the home and there is equity in the home that Husband is entitled to, Wife could buy Husband’s interest by paying a monthly payment to Husband, or could give Husband his half of equity from another source such as a 401k, etc. Example: The house has $50,000 equity that should be split equally. Wife has a 401k with $50,000 in it that should be divided equally as well. Wife wants to keep the house rather than sell it and split the equity. Wife could keep the house and the $50,000 equity in it would become hers. Since she should have paid $25,000 to Husband, she could give Husband all of her 401k instead. If an agreement can’t be made regarding who should keep the house, courts may order that the house be sold and the equity distributed. If you are in need of an aggressive Dallas divorce attorney or Fort Worth divorce attorney, call Lucio, LaFleur & Associates at (972) 664-1511.

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• We won’t be able to afford our mortgage payment if we file for divorce and have two households. Is there anything we can do to prevent foreclosure?
It is possible in some circumstances to request the court appoint a “receiver” in your divorce. Many times the receiver will be able to stop the foreclosure process for a period of several months so parties can resolve the issue or attempt to sell the house. Lucio, LaFleur & Associates has offices in both Dallas and Tarrant counties to conveniently serve you. Call (972) 664-1511 to make an appointment for a consultation with an attorney who practices exclusively family and divorce law.

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• My spouse put the house, car and bank accounts in his name. Will I be able to get part of them?
It depends on whether they are community property or separate property. If any of these items were bought or acquired during the marriage, they are likely community property and you will have as much right to them as the spouse whose name they are in. It will be important to have the name changed on any items that you are awarded in the divorce. If any of the above items were brought into the marriage by your spouse, they may be his/her separate property. Even in that case, if the spouse continues to make payments on them after he/she is married, you may have some interest in them because community funds(either of your incomes) were used to pay off a spouse’s separate property.

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• My spouse has a much higher salary than I do. Will I get spousal support?
There are separate standards for temporary spousal support (during the divorce process) and spousal support following the divorce. If you are in need of financial assistance during the divorce process, see Divorce FAQ I won’t be able to pay bills if I file for divorce because I am a stay-at-home mom. Are there any options for me?. If you are seeking spousal support after the divorce is final, there are several factors that are considered. Overall, Texas is not an “alimony” state, but we have relief available in certain circumstances for spouses who lack minimum earning capacity, have special needs or disabilities. The marriage must have been for at least 10 years in order to be eligible for spousal support, unless there is a conviction resulting from family violence. As an attorney, I have heard clients complain about having to pay spousal support. It is the fair solution in many cases. If a wife stayed at home with the children and was a housewife, and the father worked for 10 years with the same company, climbing the ladder to a high position in the company, if the two divorce, the wife may have very limited earning ability and had she known that her marriage was going to end in divorce, she likely would have finished college or had her own career. In this case, she relied on the marriage continuing and relied on the benefits that she would have received had the marriage continued. If the father decides that he wants a divorce, what position does that leave the wife in? This is the type of scenario that may call for spousal support. There are many factors that must be considered when either arguing for spousal support or arguing against it. Before you agree to pay it or agree to forego it, consult a divorce lawyer who can assist you in deciding how to proceed. Lucio, LaFleur & Associates attorneys will consult with you upon request, by calling (972) 664-1511 and requesting a free divorce consultation with a Dallas Divorce attorney, Julie Lucio.

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• I have some things that I have done in the past that I fear will hurt my case for custody. Is there anything I can do?
Depending on what it is and when you did it. The most important thing you can do is be honest with your attorney. We are not here to judge you. In divorce, usually at least one party has done some things that they are not proud of. That means that 50% of our clients have this issue. We are used to hearing it. It is important that we are aware of it because it may come up in the divorce case and we can ALWAYS deal with it much more effectively if we are prepared for it. Finding out at the final trial that our client was arrested once for beating up the other party, is never helpful for our client. If you fail to disclose “skeletons in your closet,” (bad behaviors) to your attorney, whether your spouse already knows about it or whether you think your spouse DOES NOT know about it, is a bad idea. In the case where you keep this a secret, expect a startled, pale looking attorney, as this type of testimony comes out at trial. It is similar to going to the doctor for help because you feel bad, but failing to tell them that you tested positive for the flu, but still expecting them to know to treat you for the flu.

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• I had an extramarital affair. Will my spouse get custody of the children?
Despite how much this topic seems relevant to divorce, it is not generally relevant to custody. Most judges view private immoral behavior as just that. Generally, adultery is unrelated to a particular parent’s ability to parent a child. Custody is based on which parent would be best suited to be the primary conservator of the children, considering factors such as: current routines, level of responsibility, age of the child and other relevant factors related to the actual parenting of the child. Adultery is a painful issue in a marriage and because of the pain and disappointment that is brought on by one spouse’s infidelity, courts may award the innocent spouse more than half of the property, cash, etc. and may award more than half the debt of the marriage to the guilty party. While I don’t condone adultery and neither does any judge, it is not fair to punish children who still wish to view each parent as a “hero.” It takes a lot of maturity for the innocent parent to refrain from attempts to punish the guilty party. It is always a bad idea to talk negatively about the other parent to the children. It only hurts the children when they learn that they are not, in fact, the lucky child who has a great mom and a great dad. While the innocent party may feel better after bashing the guilty party, the children are left confused, sad and insecure. Talk to your friends and support system about your anger, not your children! If you have had an extramarital affair and you are facing a divorce, you will not be judged at our firm. We are professionals and you will be treated with respect. We understand that sometimes a spouse needs to move on for various reasons. Our concern is for your legal rights and most importantly for your children. Lucio, LaFleur & Associates has offices in both Dallas and Tarrant counties to conveniently serve you. Call (972) 664-1511 to make an appointment for a consultation with an attorney who practices exclusively family and divorce law.

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• I want to move away from the area after the divorce and take the children. Will the courts allow that?
Most likely, not. I know this is a hard concept to hear. I have heard many who are getting the primary conservatorship say, “But my entire support system lives in another state. I have no one here. We only moved here because of his job, etc. Why can’t I move back to my home state, the divorce is his fault?” All of these may be valid statements, but the bottom line is that although a move might be better for you (financially, emotionally, practically, etc.), the courts don’t really care about you. Yes, you read it right. The courts are to first consider the best interests of the children. I have personally witnessed Judge Roach, a fair but strict judge, of the 296th District Court in Collin county say to litigants, “Yes, and I will tell you now, I don’t care about you or you, (As he points to both the mom and dad), I first care about your children.” Think about it. Your children didn’t ask for the divorce situation. I am not saying that either parent is to blame or that the divorce is not needed in your situation. What I am saying is that regardless of the reason for your divorce, your child needs a mom and a dad. Children are strong, but in order to provide your child with the most security and love and opportunity in life, the child NEEDS to have easy access to both parents. Therefore, the court generally will restrict the primary conservator’s residence to the county in which the divorce is finalized in, and the counties that directly surround it. This does not mean that it is IMPOSSIBLE to get a judge to allow you to move. Several factors will be considered. It is important that you consult a lawyer to obtain the best legal advice in this situation, to see if there are favorable factors in your case that might allow you to move with the children. Lucio, LaFleur & Associates has offices in both Dallas and Tarrant counties to conveniently serve you. Call (972) 664-1511 to make an appointment for a consultation with an attorney who practices exclusively family and divorce law.

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• How much child support will I get?
There are several factors that go into calculating child support. First, the GROSS income of the “obligor” (person who is to pay) is considered. All bonuses, overtime, etc are considered in totaling the “obligor’s” income. Once gross income is tallied, the following government tax chart is utilized. (Click to see chart). Child Support Chart There are separate figures to use, which are determined by whether the “obligor” is employed or self-employed. The chart aids in determining what the “obligor’s” net income is. Net income is the number that is used finally, to determine the final number for child support. Your spouse may say that they get less net income than what the chart shows. The chart is used because many times a person’s net income is what they receive after deductions are being made by the employer, which are not considered when computing child support. Examples of ineligible deductions are: costs for uniform laundering, contributions to 401k, contributions made for insurance for the “obligor,” and others. By using the standard tax chart, a person’s net income is easily determined and is the standard in determining child support. Finally, after determining what the obligor’s net income is, child support is determined by percentage. (1 child-20%, 2 children-25%, 3 children-30%, …) However, several other factors can influence the amount to be paid, including other children the obligor has a duty to support, special needs of the child, health insurance premiums for the children, and other factors. In Texas divorces or custody cases, the income of the “obligee” (person who is to receive child support) is not generally considered in determining the amount of child support. It is important that you don’t miscalculate child support on your own. A few miscalculations can have you paying significantly more than you are required to pay, or have you receiving far less than you should be based on the law. For an example of this, see FAQ Can I do my own divorce to say money? If you need help computing the correct child support amount, make an appointment with an experienced attorney who practices exclusively family law. Lucio, LaFleur & Associates is glad to offer you a consultation with one of our experienced Dallas family attorneys, with convenient locations in both Dallas and Tarrant Counties and serving Dallas, Collin, Denton and Tarrant Counties. Call (972) 664-1511 for assistance with setting up a consultation.

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• My paycheck includes overtime that is not consistent. Will the courts factor that in when they calculate child support?
Generally, yes. Whatever your paystubs show you earned is used to calculate child support as well.
—Also see “ How much child support will I get?