30 Seconds

30 Seconds is The Evening Sun's reader reaction column. To submit your thoughts for the online edition fill out the form below. Online submissions will appear as soon as they are reviewed.

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Jun 12th, 2024

Want your own handle? Register an account and choose your unique handle to stand out from the crowd.

0 0

You want to know why things cost more today than yesterday? A CEO of a company wanted more profit, so they started to charge more
- Man from Norwich

0 0

Okay MFN, instead of three just try two.
- Man from McDonough

0 0

TTL, Maybe avoid using words like Irony when responding to MFN. He'll likely get confused and think you're talking about the Steel Industry or something.
- Man from McDonough

0 0

Re:"Hate to break your heart TRAMPY but he dimply puts them in his daughters or sons name, they apply for the license and business as usual. - Man from Norwich" Hate to break your heart, Cultie, but the application process may take long enough to interfere with the pleasure of the golfers and considering the gigantic ego that is the GLOAT's, will he be happy that he would no longer be the legitimate proprietor. Think on that, Qaren!
- TheTrampLies

0 0

WBNG and FOX40 out of Binghamton reporting 4 people arresting in North Norwich yesterday in drug raid. This paper missed another one. Oh forgot, it was in North Norwich forgot, not in City of Norwich.
- Woman from Norwich

0 0

Why is everyone so smart on here ?
- Man from Outside Chenango

1 1

"Lax rules at the Dept. of Social Services". YUP- they give that $$$$ away like candy in this RWNJ dump. Then it's off to the pill mill and the bar! YEEEEEHAWWWWWWWW-Ain't life grand.
- Man from Norwich

1 2

The division's handbook explicitly states that anyone convicted of a crime "involving moral turpitude" is ineligible to hold a liquor license. - TheTrampLies Hate to break your heart TRAMPY but he dimply puts them in his daughters or sons name, they apply for the license and business as usual.
- Man from Norwich

1 1

Re:""Man from Norwich" WOW, how IRONIC!" JSYK, I use one for me, and my significant other half uses another. - Man from Norwich" So the two of you, you and your "partner" are responsible for all of the MfN posts: Good to know where all the "funny" stuff comes from. JSYK, I really don't care, since you have nothing productive to contribute. Your regurgitated lies have no bearing on our society.
- TheTrampLies

2 1

You’re in a cult kid. Fact. 🍊🤡
- Man from Norwich

1 1

Which town is so desperately willing to risk it's air and water? You know the decision has already been made otherwise they wouldn't be publishing this. Follow the money, as usual. Who will be our new Sacrifice Zone??? "...Silicon Trading, LLC reconsidering plans on where to move its warehouse after rules limiting chemical storage disqualified the originally desired location in the City of Norwich. Officials said the company is dedicated to finding a new location in Chenango County.
- Kill Project 2025!

6 1

Donald Trump** had 44 members of his cabinet during his presidency — his most trusted advisors, all people he handpicked and worked with closely. 40 of those 44 are now REFUSING to support Trump’s candidacy this year. Yes, you read that correctly. Why would these people, people that knew him personally not want to endorse him?
- TheTrampLies

6 1

DjT** gets devastating news as it's revealed that the NJ attorney general's office is considering stripping away the liquor licenses for his golf courses because he's a convicted felon. A spokeswoman for the NJ ABC, which falls under the purview of the attorney general's office, stated that they are "reviewing the impact ofTrump’s** conviction and declines further comment." The division's handbook explicitly states that anyone convicted of a crime "involving moral turpitude" is ineligible to hold a liquor license.
- TheTrampLies

6 1

It's all about the "Benjamins": DjT**gets slammed with shocking allegations as Nevada Republican accuses him of accepting bribes in return for endorsements. Dr.Jeff Gunter, a Republican candidate in his state's Senatorial primary, says he can produce evidence proving that Trump** endorsed his opponent Sam Brown in return for a bribe. It should be noted that Gunter—who describes himself as "110 percent pro-Trump**—served as Trump's** Ambassador to Iceland. As such, their established relationship gives even more weight to the allegations.
- TheTrampLies

6 1

The best nationalist maga cult phrase: "Ya great to yell death to America!" HOWEVER, I don't believe that was my message. How old were you during the Korean Conflict and Vietnam War? I ask because it is relevant to this anti war protest and part of free speech. The antiwar demonstrations were for peace and opposition to government policies; as are the current protests for wars that solve NOTHING. Protesters who are violent should be prosecuted, now as then.
- Madam Tattarrattat

6 1

Since we cannot abide a "2-Tier" Justice system and if Bob Menendez can go on trial for accepting hundreds of thousands in bribes - Clarence Thomas can go on trial for accepting millions in bribes.
- TheTrampLies

6 1

New York Daily News: Editorial: "Thirst for violence: Trump’s Jan. 6 ‘warriors’ comment is call to arms"
- Man from Norwich

3 1

"How long do we have to wait til Joe Biden" "Bribem Sr holding a gun control" "Another Fake Trial.....Bribem" "then on the last day, Daddy will pardon" "Joe l!es like he breathes" "since the Biden administration’s border" "Joe Biden said" "still blame Trump for Joe's failures!""Joe looked like Walter the puppet" "Joe stumbles and mumbles" "I blame the people who voted for Joe!" "He is so pitiful': Joe Biden ripped" Via a person that acusses others of having Trump-derangment-syndrome.
- Man from Norwich

4 1

You are absolutely NO patriot as maga traitors try to undermine the country!
- Man from North Norwich

4 1

For MAGA, any American who does not support "their guy" is a Liberal enemy or an "Infidel" and revenge and retribution must be enacted upon them. Difficult to tell Trumpism and Radical islam apart.
- Man from McDonough

4 1

Trump said it all in Nevada he told his supporters he DOES NOT CARE about them only wants there vote. There you have he only wants your TAX Dollars to give th Wealthy a Tax Cut which is his first order of Business, so quit bitching about taxes when you keep voting for the Party the Republicans who keep giving the wealthy your Money fools.
- Man from Norwich

4 1

RE: FALSE Biden Admin Opposes $24 Billion Pay Raise For Enlisted Troops. TRUTH: Biden Admin NDAA, full chamber expected to approve this week, GIVES ALL SERVICE MEMBERS a 4.5% pay raise next year. It also gives E-1s through E-4s a 15% raise on top of that, for a total 19.5% pay hike next year for junior troops. Biden gave troops a 5.2% raise this year and 4.6% increase last year = 14.3% raise. Maga Lies as usual
- Woman from Norwich

2 4

can't wait till bribems' jr's tax evasion trial.....where did the 4.5 million of non reported income originate from.....Ukraine China Russia North Korea Romania
- Man from Norwich

0 1

"Man from Norwich" WOW, how IRONIC!" JSYK, I use one for me, and my significant other half uses another.
- Man from Norwich

4 0

"Do you know what it means to be owned ? Y'all are owned by the broadcast news stations." - Tie those comments with; Local News Channels Required to Repeat Trump Talking Points" https://www.facebook.com/castenforcongress/videos/local-news-channels-required-to-repeat-trump-talking-points/2069844373261581/ "Sinclair requires anchors to read script bashing 'fake' news" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGIYU2Xznb4 "How Sinclair Broadcasting puts a partisan tilt on trusted local news" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNhUk5v3ohE
- Man from Norwich

1 1

Bribem Jr convicted in deep blue state
- Man from Norwich

2 1

MFN, You love using the phrase "anti-America". What are your three main tenats of being Pro-America?
- Man from McDonough

3 0

MfN(TROLL) made a funny, although STUPID remark about me not having a "unique" handle, as if his hanlde were. S/he should really pick a lane and stay in it.
- Woman from Bainbridge

5 0

Re:" The willfully ignorant asshat can't even pick a handle here and stick with it. - Man from Norwich" WOW, how IRONIC!
- TheTrampLies

7 1

“ The majority of Americans have had enough, and it will show in November!” is that the same “majority” that has lost every election cycle since 2016? 😂😂😂😂😂👉🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠👉🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪👉🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥👉🥧🤡
- Man from Norwich

0 0

Talk about the ultimate participation trophy
- Man from New Berlin

8 1

Man from No, I'll vote for Joe over Trump every time BECAUSE of available info. These aren't confirmed "lies." If I don't believe your own conclusions about video that's circulating, for example, it's because more complete clips are available that tell more of the story. If I don't draw the same conclusions about events in the media, it's because I read and see more confirmable information. Be careful where you get your news. I am.
- Two Lane Highway

2 6

What a bunch of loser lib anti-american idiots! "Biden Admin Opposes $24 Billion Pay Raise For Enlisted Troops, After Spending 7X More On Ukraine"
- Man from Norwich

7 1

“ New bill just passed NY senate and assembly that will allow convicted felons to serve on jurys.” why not? Your presidential candidate is a convicted felon. Have a nice sammich little man 👉🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪
- Man from Norwich

8 1

Convicted felon from Florida loses NY pistol permit and NJ liquor license. 😂😂😂😂😂😂🍊🤡🍊🤡🍊🤡🍊🤡🥧🤡
- Man from Norwich

6 2

So much for that “weaponized justice system” BS that MAGA morons have been spewing. 😂😂😂😂😂😂👉🫠🫠🫠🫠👉🥪🥪🥪🥪👉🤥🤥🤥👉🥧🤡
- Man from Norwich

7 1

USA Today: "How long will feckless Joe Biden ignore the grave threat of sharks and electric boats?" https://news.yahoo.com/news/entertainment/long-feckless-joe-biden-ignore-091205841.html - Excellent facetious piece for those with a sense of humor.
- Man from Norwich

5 1

Any of you seen or heard about this? "Local News Channels Required to Repeat Trump Talking Points" https://www.facebook.com/castenforcongress/videos/local-news-channels-required-to-repeat-trump-talking-points/2069844373261581/ "Sinclair requires anchors to read script bashing 'fake' news" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGIYU2Xznb4 "How Sinclair Broadcasting puts a partisan tilt on trusted local news" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNhUk5v3ohE
- Man from Norwich

7 1

Governor Josh Shapiro infuriates MAGA world as he rips into Trump** for "whining" and praising President Biden. Shapiro:"All they hear from Trump** is whining about this country. And I think Trump’s** got to quit whining, quit trying to divide us," "We’re producing more energy than anyone before in this nation," "We have the strongest economy in the world, and we are beating China for the first time in decades. More people wentto work this morning in U.S.A. than ever"
- TheTrampLies

6 0

I'm not "dupped", but you ought to take a good look at yourself instead of spouting ignorance.
- Man from North Norwich

5 1

Re:"Tramplies you spew no facts! Just like your other liberal friends! No facts just propaganda and lies! Over and over again! 🤣 - Man from Norwich" So much PROJECTION... YOU R so full of crap that you don't even realize that you messaging is on "auto-repeat" and that "Old Dog" won't hunt anymore!
- TheTrampLies

2 2

"Pick a lane and still to it instead of your childish bs." - The willfully ignorant asshat can't even pick a handle here and stick with it.
- Man from Norwich

6 1

"If you keep paying attention to the left wing media, people like you are easily dupped!" ROFL!!!! The comment is precious being its composed via a Trump cultist.
- Man from Norwich

1 1

A local highway superintendent goes around bad mouthing his coworkers and board members then face to face kisses there butts wake up people he needs to go
- Woman from Norwich

1 7

Dolly Parton has made millions off of being fake. Everything about her is fake, wears a wig, fake boobs, makeup put on with mason's trowel. All that to cover up because she has no voice for singing. Now has crucified music even more by thinking she is a rock star making a rock album.
- Woman from Norwich

2 6

New York is SO FAR in the sewer that it would take YEARS for Republican leadership to turn it around, even if it was WORTH doing!
- Man from Norwich

6 2

Here we go again... same crap day after day... After trump loses in November for the 2nd time perhaps then we'll see a few new posts
- Man from Outside Chenango

4 7

Wfoc, the problem is that the left believes all the lies! They fall for them, then vote for them, and that's the reason why we are in the mess we are in right now! I blame the people who voted for Joe! If you vote for him again, only to get more of the same problems, just worse, then you need your head examined! The majority of Americans have had enough, and it will show in November!
- Man from Norwich

0 1

“People say, ‘But Betty, Facebook is a great way to connect with old friends.’ Well, at my age, if I want to connect with old friends, I need a Ouija board.”
- Man from Norwich

0 0

“You know you’re getting old when the candles cost more than the cake.”
- Man from Norwich

0 0

“Love is blind but marriage is a real eye-opener.”
- Man from Norwich

8 4

"New York continues to keep flushing itself down the toilet." As does the nation with orange gloat supporters. The most unpatriotic anti-American maga jokers I've ever seen! Selfish white racist christian nationalists selling their souls to the devil 🍊 to gain their evil agendas.
- Man from New Berlin

7 2

MAGA make up your mind: either Joe Biden is a mentally deficient incoherent dummy or a genius politician that set his son's trial up to deflect from the Orange marmalade trial. Pick a lane and still to it instead of your childish bs.
- Woman from Bainbridge

3 6

Triggered much mf North Norwich? Yes I do support DJT and your statement about patriotism is completely FALSE! It's NOTHING to do with "white nationalism"! Everything to the left of you don't agree with them is racist. First of all I am not racist at all. If you keep paying attention to the left wing media, people like you are easily dupped! Your pathetic comments are so far off and if you don't love our country then YOU can leave!
- Man from Norwich

0 0

“It is useless to try to hold a person to anything he says while he’s madly in love, drunk, or running for office.”
- Man from Norwich

2 1

“Accept who you are. Unless you’re a serial killer.”
- Man from Norwich

2 1

“Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?”
- Man from Norwich

3 8

What's going on in this state wfn? It's controlled by the Democrats! Next to California it's the worst state because of Democrats. And you wonder why people are leaving the state in droves!
- Man from Norwich

2 7

'He is so pitiful': Joe Biden ripped as he botches Thomas Jefferson quote, falsely claims Americans couldn't own cannons during Civil War
- Man from Norwich

3 4

great article in the evening sun about drugs.....however I believe the bulk of the money for these drugs filters from lax rules at the dept of social services
- Man from Norwich

3 6

why should county employees be exempt from the pain of Bribems' inflation
- Man from Norwich

4 4

New bill just passed NY senate and assembly that will allow convicted felons to serve on jurys. What the the heck is going on this state. New York continues to keep flushing itself down the toilet.
- Woman from Norwich

3 0

We love you, Dolly!
- Woman from Norwich

6 5

If you still support Donald Trump you are an enemy of the United States and everything the United States stands for. You talk of patriotism, What's that word, RIGHT? The maga far right wing like yourself doesn't know that word, not even close! What you have is white Nationalism and most people don't like it! Leave! and take that orange fecal matter with you. I see Galt's Gulch is still a libertarian-nightmare. Take your squirrel brained crap with you.
- Man from North Norwich

5 2

34 felonies!
- Woman from Outside Chenango

Jun 11th, 2024

Want your own handle? Register an account and choose your unique handle to stand out from the crowd.

4 6

The biggest help to electing Donald Trump in 2024 is Joe Biden.
- Man from Norwich

30 seconds is now shut down for the evening.

- 30sec Moderator

2 6

Tramplies you spew no facts! Just like your other liberal friends! No facts just propaganda and lies! Over and over again! 🤣
- Man from Norwich

3 6

Ya isn't it great madam tattarrattat that you can protest against the country you should be showing patriotism for it!? What's that word right? The left wing like yourself doesn't know that word, not even close! Ya great to yell death to America! People don't like it? Leave!
- Man from Norwich

4 5

Joe looked like Walter the puppet when he fell asleep at the D day event! 😂. Joe's stumbles and mumbles through a speech that closely resembled Reagan's speech! No originality there! Go back and take another nap Joe, you need it. Don't forget the ice cream! Only getting worse for him as time rolls on but he did set another record. His lowest approval ratings yet! 👉👍
- Man from Norwich

5 2

MfN is speaking of "loonies"; a word of advice...KNOW THYSELF!
- Woman from Bainbridge

2 1

Hey Trumpy: AWWWW
- Man from Norwich

5 1

“American protests in NYC “. Imagine what would happen to you in Russia, Iran or China if citizens protested ANYTHING! I love this country; where we can protest and dissent FREELY. 🇺🇸🇺🇸 land that I love.
- Madam Tattarrattat

4 3

You libs are losing your minds! Blind to the obvious failures of this administration but still blame Trump for Joe's failures! Always repeating the same nonsense over and over. Cult, cult, cult, orange fat guy etc! Pathetic! - Man from Norwich At least it is the TRUTH that they promote, truth based on FACTS unlike the BS that MAGA spreads based solely on rumor and innuendo!
- TheTrampLies

4 1

MSNBC and CNN believes the evidence has all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation. 😂
- Man from Norwich

5 2

Americans are looking around at a failing Society. So bring back DJ Trump, the role model for levelheadedness, high morals, faithfulness, integrity, lawfulness, ethics and inclusiveness. - Man from Norwich Now that is HILARIOUS, dumb but funny!
- TheTrampLies

3 5

Joe Biden said the laptop was Russian disinformation. It was used as evidence in this trial. Leftists love to be lied to.
- Woman from Outside Chenango

7 4

More anti American protests in NYC screaming death to America and sticking up for HAMAS!! Round up these idiots and send them to Gaza and then see how that works out for them! - Man from Norwich That shouldn't be a surprise to anyone in this political climate, especially MAGA. MAGA has been busy protesting against everything that the Nation/COTUS stand for and rooting for those that have partaken in an insurrection!
- TheTrampLies

7 3

We’ll see just how weaponized the justice system is, when it comes to Hunter’s sentencing. If it were the John Q. Public, they would be facing some serious prison time. Hopefully it will be a judge affiliated with the Republican Party and a good upstanding member of the NRA. - Man from Norwich Yes, the sentence should be applied accordingly, especially in the case of TREASON, where execution should still be applicable!
- TheTrampLies

3 7

Joe has absolutely no ethics jumping jack! What are you on? Brainwashed liberal looney! How anyone can vote for Joe after the last four years of epic failure after failure is beyond me. Anyone with half a brain knows that the country was much better off under Trump by far in multiple different ways! Voters will show that they are sick of the status quo!
- Man from Norwich

1 5

Border agents have allowed 72% of migrants who illegally crossed into the San Diego sector since the Biden administration’s border ‘crackdown’ to continue into the US…Biden is a liar as always 🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥
- Woman from Norwich

1 7

Hunter did nothing wrong. Hunter never made money in China. I have no knowledge of Hunter's business partners. Inflation was 9% when I took office. The border is secure (THREE years of this one). My uncle was eaten by cannibals. Joe l!es like he breathes. Often, and without thinking. Hopefully he stops doing both...SOON.
- Woman from Outside Chenango

2 5

I wonder......did Joyless Behar also piss herself when she heard Hunter's verdict like she admitted to with Trump?
- Man from Norwich

3 5

Now that Hunter is a convicted felon, I sincerely hope the FBI raids all his residences and sizes and confiscates any other firearms they find as they have done with others!
- Man from Norwich

6 1

"He's not a war hero. He's a hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured." I imagine the American hostages captured by Hamas in Gaza are very happy Biden is the Commander in Chief. Next time you see a POW*MIA YOU WILL NOT BE FORGOTTEN flag with the silhouette of a soldier with head bowed, think about what Trump said about THEM !
- Man from McDonough

1 2

All the Town Supervisor along with their board members are only in their positions for one reason their monthly paychecks. In addition to giving themselves raises from the money they don't put back into towns, their roads and the ones really doing the work.
- Woman from Norwich

6 1

As easily predicted, the MAGA Konspiracy Klan has started the churn: trump campaign: "This trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family, which has raked in tens of millions of dollars from China, Russia and Ukraine. “Hunter Biden guilty. Yawn,” Charlie Kirk wrote. “The true crimes of the Biden Crime Family remain untouched. This is a fake trial trying to make the Justice system appear ‘balanced.’ Don’t fall for it.”
- Kill Project 2025!

3 1

quilty...maga woe
- Woman from Oxford

6 1

34 felonies!
- Woman from Outside Chenango

9 3

"We’ll see just how weaponized the justice system is, when it comes to Hunter’s sentencing. If it were the John Q. Public, they would be facing some serious prison time" Wrong. It wouldn't have even gone this far. Read some expert, unbiased opinions.
- Kill Project 2025!

3 8

I was truly amazed by the somber tone taken by the CBS News team while reporting on Hunter Biden’s guilty verdict.When they report on the Trump trial , you can almost see the venom flowing. What a poor excuse for a news team!
- Man from Norwich

2 6

Oh shoot Hunter quilty...we were hoping the addiction defense was a winner😜😜😜😜😜🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 maybe Mookie delivers to the White House.!
- Woman from Norwich

6 0

Now that he's been convicted, Hunter is perfect to be a candidate for President: Hunter 2028
- Woman from Bainbridge

5 8

We’ll see just how weaponized the justice system is, when it comes to Hunter’s sentencing. If it were the John Q. Public, they would be facing some serious prison time. Hopefully it will be a judge affiliated with the Republican Party and a good upstanding member of the NRA.
- Man from Norwich

5 0

Please congratulate the Winner of today’s “ buffoon confederate prize” MFN -regarding MAGA’s own rambling criminal conman: “role model for levelheadedness, high morals, faithfulness, integrity, lawfulness, ethics and inclusiveness.
- Madam Tattarrattat

5 0

There was a shooting in sherburne last night and someone was injured. Any news on that? - Woman from Norwich There was a shooting in sherburne last night and someone was injured. There.
- Man from Norwich

4 2

More anti American protests in NYC screaming death to America and sticking up for HAMAS!! Round up these idiots and send them to Gaza and then see how that works out for them!
- Man from Norwich

2 4

Orange this orange that! Broken record.... TDS is through the roof on 30 seconds! Yet Joe can't put two sentences together, mumbling constantly, and a cognitive mess! Pathetic! Hopefully Hunter gets the time he deserves! Joe previously said that he would not pardon him but I guarantee that was just another lie out of his mouth!
- Man from Norwich

0 3

Hunter won't get prison.......then on the last day, Daddy will pardon him for every conviction....these, and the ones to come.
- Man from Norwich

1 6

Biden speaks on gun safety after Hunter's guilty verdicts! Joe get the marbles out of your mouth! Please! I don't think they gave him enough Adderall! He needs to take a cognitive test and drug test before the debate! He would fail both miserably! Dementia Joe is gotta go!
- Man from Norwich

9 2

"Poor Hunter Biden, daddy couldn't get his son out of this jam." Daddy could easily get him out of this jam, but Daddy has ethics, unlike the Orange Felon.
- jumping jack

6 0

There was a shooting in sherburne last night and someone was injured. Any news on that?
- Woman from Norwich

7 2

A reminder no one is above the law, even republicans. Now on to his tax evasion trial. But orange daddy says he innocent.Put that orange s[l]ob in prison where he belongs. He's nothing but a low life, grifting mobster!
- Woman from Outside Chenango

9 1

"Poor Hunter Biden, daddy couldn't get his son out of this jam. Guilty on all 3 felony charges. A reminder no one is above the law, even democrats. Now on to his tax evasion trial. But daddy says he is "proud of his son". Apples don't fall far from the tree. And what goes around, comes around." I notice you're singing a different song when its not your beloved Trump that's found guilty. TOO FUNNY!
- Man from Norwich

10 1

"BREAKING NEWS: Jr FOUND GUILTY" - "As I also said last week, I will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as Hunter considers an appeal." Joe Biden .. Quite a difference than wailing that the system is rigged, the trial was a sham etc. etc.
- Man from Norwich

10 2

What! " Hunter Biden convicted on 3 felony gun charges earlier today." But Biden's DOJ is weaponized! It's rigged! It's crooked! How can this be! Better check with Conspiracy Central for your talking points and get back to us.
- Kill Project 2025!

10 1

"including an infamous order that put infected patients in senior care facilities alongside vulnerable elderly people" There you go again. No proof of this claim. those patients transferred were not infectious. Nursing home staff and visitors were the culprits, like in every other nursing home throughout the country. Of course if you have proof, would love to see it.
- Kill Project 2025!

6 0

" I think I’d rather drive my dad’s 57 Chevy to school like I did back in 75. - Man from Columbus" Just don't drive on the roads in Columbus, particularly Potter Road. Looks like a war zone. Who the hell is in charge over there?
- Kill Project 2025!

3 2

- Woman from Norwich

1 9

Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo arrived on Capitol Hill Tuesday to answer questions about his leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic – including an infamous order that put infected patients in senior care facilities alongside vulnerable elderly people. Didn’t Andy write a book about what a GREAT a job he did? Loser libs just lie and lie.😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜
- Woman from Norwich

0 4

It should be noted they have only kept track of lifting records for 20 years.
- Woman from Norwich

1 9

Nothing like Karma. Hunter Biden convicted on 3 felony gun charges earlier today. His father Joe is addressing a convention later today on his plan on improving gun violence and safety in this country later today. Fell out of my chair laughing at that.
- Woman from Norwich

1 7

Poor Hunter Biden, daddy couldn't get his son out of this jam. Guilty on all 3 felony charges. A reminder no one is above the law, even democrats. Now on to his tax evasion trial. But daddy says he is "proud of his son". Apples don't fall far from the tree. And what goes around, comes around.
- Woman from Norwich

9 0

I am a straight shooter and do not suffer liars , especially those driven by political zeal. They are all full of crap, lie for a living and seem to favor treason over patriotism. 🙄
- Woman from Bainbridge

2 3

Let’s have ride your bicycle to school day and pretend it’s a sport.
- Man from Norwich

4 0

If four people show up is it really a parade? Pretty much silly at this point
- Woman from Otselic

2 0

I think I’d rather drive my dad’s 57 Chevy to school like I did back in 75.
- Man from Columbus

2 9

Bribem Sr holding a gun control event today...tougher gun laws...can't make this up what a clown show
- Man from Norwich

2 10

Americans are looking around at a failing Society. So bring back DJ Trump, the role model for levelheadedness, high morals, faithfulness, integrity, lawfulness, ethics and inclusiveness.
- Man from Norwich

1 6

Another Fake Trial.....Bribem Jr found guilty but will get a weak sentence probation will essentially get off
- Man from Norwich

5 2

County Board of supervisors? What for?
- Man from Norwich

0 0

- Man from Columbus

2 2

- Man from Norwich

7 0

Ah, man from Norwich who wrote"Guess Biden has forgot about the long standing American policy "We Do Not Negotiate With Terrorists"” The long standing policy belongs to Israel, not the United States.
- Woman from Norwich

7 0

"What Will You Tell Your Kids?" The Lincoln Project. YouTube. Watch & Share!
- Kill Project 2025!

2 3

Congratulations to my boy he led the parade on his Toro 360 Memories that will last forever
- Man from Norwich

2 3

I for one I’m glad that my boy got to drive his tractor to school I have a feeling that will be the highlight of his life
- Man from Plymouth

5 0

When is Push-mower day?
- Man from Norwich

9 1

Board of supervisor stop being cheap & give county employees the raise they deserve. You are not hurting for money., they have to leave as well. Plus the the key word is retention, maybe more would stay longer. Raises are needed.
- Woman from Oxford

6 0

“Americans are looking around at a failing Society” total nonsense 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
- Man from Norwich

8 1

“Are dems just stupid or evil? A mob of anti-Israel protesters chanted “Long live the Intifada” during a depraved celebration Monday night outside a downtown Manhattan exhibit” what does that have to do with democrats? A swing and a miss little man 👉🤥👉🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪👉🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
- Man from Norwich

3 0

RE: Faux News: we distort, you comply - HuffPost: "Nicolle Wallace Flags A ‘Slow-Moving Scandal’ Involving Donald Trump And Fox News" “I think the slow-moving scandal, in my view, is that Fox News isn’t broadcasting this anymore, that {Trump's Las Vegas Rally} was not aired in its entirety,” “I actually heard from someone who was watching Fox looking for it that it wasn’t on, and they were wondering why.”
- Man from Norwich

5 1

"News Alert ! The Southern border is still open." Guess they haven't found out who stole the wall yet. Where could it be ? BUILD ANOTHER WALL ! BUILD ANOTHER WALL ! BUILD ANOTHER WALL !
- Man from McDonough

5 0

"Guess Biden has forgot about the long standing American policy" - We do not negotiate with terrorists. And Trump is unaware of the US Military's pledge of "NO MAN LEFT BEHIND." Because as he stated, he only "likes" "people who weren't captured." Whattya go get captured for loser! DJT.
- Man from McDonough

5 0

"we grovel to our adversaries" To Helsinki you say; we share love letters with Kim Jong Un.
- Man from Norwich

0 5

How long do we have to wait til Joe Biden sends in American Soldiers to rescue the 8 American Hostages in Gaza?.....his weakness is unacceptable!!!
- Man from Norwich

6 0

Newsweek: "Former Donald Trump Aide: 'Seeing a Decline in Him'" "I think that if you're going to be critical of Joe Biden, you have to look at the glaring warning signs about Donald Trump,"
- Man from Norwich

3 6

President Joe Biden is in serious mental decline, from the "perpetual state of confusion" displayed on his trip to France, to Washington insiders reporting that the president has performed poorly in meetings, the president’s cognitive impairment raises serious concerns for U.S. national security with a heightened potential for global conflict.  
- Man from Norwich

6 0

Woman from No, why do you think all Dems support pro-Intifada protests? It's like you're trying to fit what you know into a block puzzle, and you have only 2 shapes to work with. Real life is more complex than that. Work on discernment and pay attention. You can have both Hamas and Netanyahu's government as far as I'm concerned. That doesn't mean I want Palestinians OR Jews to die. Do you understand?
- Two Lane Highway

7 0

"Are dems just stupid or evil? A mob of anti-Israel protesters chanted “Long live the Intifada” " Please tell us how you identified them as "dems"? Should be fascinating!
- Kill Project 2025!

6 0

MfN: Take the news in stride. Nothing is 100% true or as one interprets things. Realize everyone is biased. Realize that money is a huge motivator. Realize that all the polls are just crap. Realize having a different opinion does not make one a "communist". Try and be realistic and balanced. Realize that half of our country did not just become your enemy. Chill out bro.
- Man from Outside Chenango

0 5

America is returning to Godliness......
- Man from Norwich

12 0

Faux News: we distort, you comply.
- Man from Norwich

3 6

Are dems just stupid or evil? A mob of anti-Israel protesters chanted “Long live the Intifada” during a depraved celebration Monday night outside a downtown Manhattan exhibit that memorializes the murder and rape victims of the Oct. 7 Nova Music Festival, where 364 people were killed by Hamas terrorists.😈
- Woman from Norwich

4 5

News alert .... Southern border is still open...cartels are in control.
- Woman from Norwich

4 5

Dem approved ... The four Israeli hostages rescued during a daring military operation over the weekend were starved and beaten “almost every day” by Hamas terrorists during their eight months in captivity, their doctor has revealed
- Woman from Norwich

3 12

Americans are looking around at a failing Society and want change. they are sick of the woke BS coming from the Left, bankrupting a once great nation as we grovel to our adversaries for the basic sustenances of life. America will re elect Donald Trump, and that you can also blame on Joe Biden!
- Man from Norwich

3 6

What does a bunch of rednecks on tractors having a parade prove? Nothing that a bunch of high schools kids have or haven't learned anything in school but how to skate by in academics and how to prepare for a successful future. No wonder the job market is so weak and in need of young hard working educated people these days.
- Woman from Norwich

4 1

"Do you know what it means to be owned ? Y'all are owned by the broadcast news stations." Ok critic, list a few places you get your information from.
- Man from Norwich

12 2

To those who proudly display POW/MIA flags. Remember, Donald Trump “Likes people who weren’t captured.”
- Man from McDonough

0 3

No more Regents????........ That's OK- just drink the leachate......bottoms up!!
- Man from Norwich

7 2

“ Guess Biden has forgot about the long standing American policy "We Do Not Negotiate With Terrorists"” nah all the MAGA J6 terrorists got what they earned
- Man from Norwich

11 2

All you have to do is listen to Trump and he proves he is one of the least qualified people on Earth to be President, the man is deranged and talks about Sharks, Electric Boats and just plan Garbage. He told the Nevada people he didn’t care about Them only wanted there Vote and that’s it he only cares about himself and that’s all everyone is supposed to care only about him. Draft Dodger and hates our VETERANS SICK.
- Man from Outside Chenango

7 2

"So obvious, you are not tricking anyone! Same loser different handle" Pretty sharp there buck-O. Taint nobody putting nuthing over on you! Too bad that discerning eye of yours can't detect the con to which you have fallen for hook, line and stinker! Try harder.
- Kill Project 2025!

9 2

Business Insider: "Trump got special treatment from NYC probation, and defense lawyers are crying foul" More pampering for the lifelong pampered.
- Man from Norwich

3 8

Guess Biden has forgot about the long standing American policy "We Do Not Negotiate With Terrorists". Nothing like bowing down, letting terrorists know who is stronger and in control.
- Woman from Norwich

2 8

I get a kick out of the few loser libs here on 30 seconds that change and or have multiple handles! So obvious, you are not tricking anyone! Same loser different handle! 👉👍🤣🤣🤣
- Man from Norwich

3 2

Well I will say this. The Wild Reckless Unsafe Tractor Joyride in The NHS Gym Parking Lot 3 Years Ago Where NMS/NHS Students Where Nearly Run Over by The Tractor/Spreader Turned into a Positive. We have now completed the 3rd Annual Tractor Day in Norwich. Great Job!
- Man from Norwich

Jun 10th, 2024

Want your own handle? Register an account and choose your unique handle to stand out from the crowd.

30 seconds is now shut down for the evening.

- 30sec Moderator

8 1

Now that’s a MAGA meltdown! Pull the string and the hate flows right out. America is exhausted of it. The end.
- Man from Norwich

9 2

UH-OH- More trouble for the CONVICTED FELON! You CANNOT own a liquor license in the State of NJ as a convicted felon! All you trumpies that visit his 3 courses there will just have to drink more kool-aid at the 19th hole after whacking your balls around on the front and back 9.
- Man from Norwich

8 2

"Wake up because many people are according to the recent polls! MAGA 2024! " Thanks for the inside look at cult mentality. I believe you and your polls. I'm certain that whenever the landline rings in a trailer park in East Bass Awkwards, Oklahoma, a bitter, unemployed alcoholic trumper picks up.
- Kill Project 2025!

1 6

62% of Voting Americans (Dem & Repub) favor deporting ALL Illegal Aliens once Trump is elected.
- Man from Norwich

2 7

You libs are losing your minds! Blind to the obvious failures of this administration but still blame Trump for Joe's failures! Always repeating the same nonsense over and over. Cult, cult, cult, orange fat guy etc! Pathetic!
- Man from Norwich

4 7

I'd much rather be a Trump cultist if that's what you really want to call it than admitting I support Biden and the far left any day! All the made up BS from the left wing media makes the weak minded brainwashed and you fall right into it! Now you are totally fine with inflation, out of control immigration, weak leadership etc! Wake up because many people are according to the recent polls! MAGA 2024! 👉👍🤣🤣🤣
- Man from Norwich

1 0

My husband told me to do whatever makes me happy. I'm going to miss him.
- Woman from Pitcher

7 3

Very interesting Judge Alito. Say, would you mind stepping a little closer and repeating that Christo-Fascist rant into my lapel? Great! Care for another Scotch?
- Kill Project 2025!

2 0

Free Leonard Peltier Now!
- Kill Project 2025!

7 2

How can it be legal for trump to have a pre-sentencing meeting with his probation officer while at the home of a convicted felon?
- Kill Project 2025!

1 3

You came to my house to bother me on a clear warm evening with a forecast of warmth and sun. They can thank you for the cold and rain. Stephen King wrote a short story about my grandmother. She was freed before our relatives were out of fear of retribution. I'll call HIM down on you again. You'll enjoy another 2011. Your husband begged me to lift it before he died from cancer. Do you wish to follow him? Remmeber?
- Woman from Norwich

8 1

Remember when MAGA/GQP boasted that the Orange GLOAT was not convicted of anything...Oh, the good Ole days! 😄 🤣 😂 😆
- Woman from Bainbridge

6 2

- Kill Project 2025!

1 6

It seems so nice to see something positive on in the world today. It’s great that NCS allowed those kids who chose to drive a tractor to school. THANKS to NCS for allowing a positive day for our students.
- Woman from Norwich

3 3

Do you know what it means to be owned ? Y'all are owned by the broadcast news stations.
- Man from Outside Chenango

5 1

MFN; C'mon man, open your heart to all the love being sent your way. We all know you're a sweet caring man who needs attention and love. Isn't that why you come here every day ? McDonut is rooting for you and I'm confident you'll learn to accept my love and good wishes. I think there's some Liberal inside you yearning to break free and toss aside the chains that bind you. We all see it in your posts.
- Man from McDonough

2 8

Remember when the Dems touted the 'laptop' as fake news?? Ohh the good old days.
- Woman from Norwich

2 8

President Trump's conviction by the communist show trial having No impact on the polls....Trump did raise $300 million in May thanks to the corrupt NY Judicial System
- Man from Norwich

2 8

CBS host Margaret Brennan appeared perplexed by a new poll showing a majority of registered voters supported an effort to deport all migrants living in the U.S. illegally. Dems truly don't get it
- Woman from Norwich

1 7

Bombshell text messages Hunter exchanged with drug dealer!! https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/bombshell-text-messages-hunter-exchanged-with-drug-dealer/ss-BB1nXWZ6?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=dacf8fe8ce7e4bc99b75f31845b80ba9&ei=45#image=2
- Man from Norwich

2 8

Dems can blame Trump for everything under the sun, but it is your presidential candidate that is so unfit at this time, that he has become practically unelectable. Any reasonable candidate could probably beat Trump quite easily, but the Democrats are not presenting a candidate the country can get behind. The only real vote that Democrats will make is not for Biden, it will only be one that is against Trump.
- You can make a difference

1 4

… Former Gov. Andrew Cuomo schmoozed with New York celebs on Friday night, days before facing a likely less hospitable Republican-led Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. Spies told Page Six that Cuomo was spotted at a dinner at the hip and glamourous Chelsea Hotel on Friday night at an annual private VIP dinner for the Tribeca Festival — along with attendees including fest co-founder Robert De Niro, “The View” host Whoopi Goldberg😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Woman from Norwich

1 5

Dems support Palestine...🇵🇸 81 percent of Palestinians favor stoning to death as punishment for adultery. 66 percent of Sharia-supportive Palestinians believe death is the appropriate punishment for leaving Islam and converting to another religion...sounds like really great folks😅😅😅😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Woman from Norwich

6 1

"Quit blaming the other party " Via a Trump cultist. rofl!!
- Man from Norwich

1 3

Newsweek: "Donald Trump Rally Crowd Size Claims Have One Major Problem" 'Trump addressed the weather during his remarks, telling rallygoers that his campaign told people "do not come," which resulted in "only 20,000" attendees." ""That [rally] was a little different because they used just a specific part of the park, and that has a capacity of, like, 2,000 to 3,000, depending on the setup," the park spokesperson said, adding that the entire park could accommodate more."
- Man from Norwich

7 1

If you are still on the fence about if MAGA is a cult, Trump told his rally audience to choose “suicide over Biden.” And, there you have it. The final demand of a cult leader is always death to the followers by their own hand. I will say this ad nauseam. Where is the damn media on this? Where are they??????? On the other hand, if MAGAts choose suicide, they won't be around to destroy the U.S.A.!
- TheTrampLies

4 1

Salon: "Fox News edits Trump interview clip to remove weird response to Jeffrey Epstein question"
- Man from Norwich

6 1

Why is MAGA not whining about the Orange BLOAT's pre-sentencing process? I thought meetings with probation officers were supposed to be in person, alone without an attorney, and usually with urine and blood samples being taken to test for drugs. Right? Yes, the system is rigged — in Trump’s favor And he'll still WHINE about the "mistreatment"; What a crock!
- TheTrampLies

2 3

Dementia Don waving at non existent crowds in multiple videos 😂😂😂😂😂
- Man from Norwich

0 5

Enough with the “Border” already! Why don’t you people drive down there and see that Wall for yourselves! Migrants CANNOT get over, under, through or around that Wall! FACT!! Sammich etc. Yeah!
- Man from McDonough

1 5

Biden is struggling to zip up his fly...so we're not expecting he will make the border Secure😅😅😅😅😂😅😂😂
- Woman from Norwich

1 4

Why don't Dems want a secure border? 6 million got aways under Biden...he is the cartels puppet.
- Woman from Norwich

6 1

Hey Magas, how are you going to explain your desire for a convicted criminal to lead our country to your children after they learn about our country's history and democracy that so many Americans have died to protect? What will you say to them when they learn about cults and how much people are controlled by the cult leader? They will learn about it, you know, just like we did.
- Man from Norwich

4 1

Never blind Hunter's gun trial, he's a junkie and I have little sympathy for people who resort to drugs. What is more pertinent is the federal trial of he who would sell out his country for $$$$. Hunter's illegal purchase/possession of a gun has limited effect on the sovereignty of the Nation whereas TREASON has an effect on the entire Nation's Security!
- TheTrampLies

7 1

The Trumpy Bear commercials will start again when the new facility Trump is building in Chenango County to produce his merchandise is opened. Going to be good paying manufacturing jobs with benefits and a daycare for children to help struggling parents. Or, when Trump secures a deal with China to use child labor to make his stuff like before. I’d bet on the latter. The cheapest labor that money can buy will produce Trumpy Bears. No American will benefit.
- Man from McDonough

0 0

- Man from Norwich

1 4

Biden confused Irag with Ukraine …. Wtf 😳
- Woman from Norwich

1 4

On Monday, Biden notched the unpleasant distinction of recording his lowest-ever mark in FiveThirtyEight's weighted tracker of his approval rating with a 37.4% approval. His latest mark comes as polling shows worrying signs of his support among nonwhite voters. Some progressives have also hammered the White House over its response to Israel's handling of the war in Gaza in the aftermath of Hamas' October 7 attack.
- Woman from Norwich

4 1

Little buddy from Norwich, that’s the point. Dem voters don’t hate the country and we aren’t anti-American. You won’t know that until you meet your neighbors. Propaganda trolls feed you a double bucket of scours and know you’ll eat it. Please don’t. It’s not good for you.
- Two Lane Highway

4 1

Drampf didn't get the job done the first time around so Vlad is going to call in his loans, if he don't pay, well we all know what will happen and Putin is happy that drampf lives HIGH in the Sky.
- Putin's_Puppet

1 4

The Number One cause of Death in USA 18-49 year old....Bribems' Fentanyl....close the border
- Man from Norwich

2 5

Biden obviously wanted an open border from the beginning tramplies. Hence the big stack of executive orders on day one Joe signed to reverse everything to secure the border. He could have done something a long time ago but obviously didn't want to. Quit blaming the other party when Joe has the power to do it. Too late and one of the main reasons people will be voting on is illegal immigration! Nice try though! 👉
- Man from Norwich

2 4

Dementia Don mfn? Says the guy who will be voting for the one that actually has dementia! 👉👍🤣🤣🤣
- Man from Norwich

2 5

No thanks Two lane. No interest in hanging out with Anti American liberals! You people can group together and hate on the country all you want!
- Man from Norwich

4 1

I'm amazed the MAGAs aren't complaining about the tractor parade...
- Man from Norwich

3 3

“ Trump closed the border with executive orders” the border has never been closed 👉🤥
- Man from Norwich

4 0

I wonder when the Trumpy Bear commercials will commence again?
- Debbie Downer

4 2

Re:"Sounds like you are the one paranoid over Trump mf McDonough! Don't let him get to you like that! What are you going to do to yourself in November when he wins? - Man from Norwich" The one that is obsessed with tfg** is the same idiot that keep repeating the same nonsense over and over again, but you know what, nobody likes a NAG and all the idiot does is turn people off to the stupidity!
- TheTrampLies

0 0

pretty pajamas
- Man from Outside Chenango

6 2

9 people combined watching a tractor/Athletic event is not a parade It’s a waste of gas.
- Woman from Norwich

3 6

Dems love Hamas
- Woman from Norwich

0 3

President Biden announced an executive order Tuesday that officials say will shut down the US-Mexico border if illegal crossings top 2,500 per day for seven consecutive days — a “crackdown” that will still allow at least 1.8 million asylum seekers into America each year even if fully enforced. Dems da facts.
- Woman from Norwich

0 4

Yeeha! A tractor parade in downtown Norwich! Not that is some good ole fashion who cares news. Must be national redneck day also.
- Woman from Norwich

4 7

Trump closed the border with executive orders...Biden can't seem to close US borders to drug traffickers, human smugglers, terrorists and millions of illegals. Failure. She do dems keep crying about congress? Cause they have nothing else...😝😝😝😝😝😝
- Woman from Norwich

3 0

CNN reports there was a hostage release 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
- Woman from Norwich

4 2

Forget about Bribem Jr's gun trial.....Interested in the tax evasion trial want to know all about Jr's "business income" origin...
- Man from Norwich

0 8

Sounds like you are the one paranoid over Trump mf McDonough! Don't let him get to you like that! What are you going to do to yourself in November when he wins?
- Man from Norwich

2 2

Love those tractors on the front page. What NEWS!!!
- Man from Norwich

6 1

Man from No, there are a lot of Dem voters in Chenango County. We don’t need to use multiple handles. It’s funny that that should surprise you. Please get out more and meet your neighbors.
- Two Lane Highway

1 6

Hope Hunter gets off...then all addicts can commit any crime with no consequences. It will be a great day for all addicts.
- Woman from Norwich

0 3

Your 30 Seconds family loves you. Honestly, we do." uhh, NO THANKS!! ESPECIALLY from mcdonut!! HAHAHA!!!
- Man from Norwich

4 6

Illegals crossings are actually up since Joe tried to close border. 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹
- Woman from Norwich

5 1

MFN; “DUUHHHH UUMMMM DOOIIIEEEE!!! After careful consideration and analysis it appears you are in desperate need of love and attention. We hear your cry for help and we’re here for you MFN. We all think you’re pretty awesome so hang in there. DUHh UUum dooiieee dooby doo to you as well sweet friend. Your 30 Seconds family loves you. Honestly, we do.
- Man from McDonough

3 7

Blacks are running from Biden in droves. They know he's a racist wanderer, and his VP spent her career putting blacks behind bars for weed charges.
- Man from Norwich

8 2

Dementia Don keeps waving to crowds that don’t exist 😂😂😂😂😂
- Man from Norwich

6 3

NEW PRODUCT FROM TRUMP ORGANIZATION. Trumps members frequently call for "Libs" to take medication for what they refer to as Trump Derangement Syndrome. Trump Pharma (a new company) developed the TDS Pill to "make Liberals better." As with most of Trumps business ventures this one was not thought out well and the Med has been re-marketed as Trump Vitamins. The Trump Davidians are the Pills only consumers. A possible side effect is Orange Skin and paranoia.
- Man from McDonough

1 5

Triumph The Insult Comic Dog on Rob Reiner: "I'm actually sorry to see you showed up tonight — I won't be getting any table scraps." "You're like Orson Welles, without all that genius baggage". "Even David Crosby thinks you've let yourself go!"
- Man from Oxford

9 3

“I don’t care about you, I just want your vote ~ Donald J. Trumputin" And your money, of course.
- Dixie Dawg

2 6

- Man from Norwich

10 3

“I don’t care about you, I just want your vote” ~ Donald J. Trumputin
- Man from Norwich

11 4

Re:"Biden finally is going to do something about the border? A couple of months before the election? Lol People already know how Joe rolls! Can't flip flop right before the end of the game! 👉👍🤣🤣🤣 - Man from Norwich" He preferred it to be done by Congress, enacted as LAW, but the GQP?MAGA got their orders from the Orange GLOAT and torpedoed their own Bill, so his choice was contend with the Status Quo or issue an EO: FACT!
- TheTrampLies

4 1

The OPs statement WAS about the Norwich Transfer Station. NOT the Norwich Landfill.
- Man from Norwich

9 3

There is no hate like christian love.
- Man from New Berlin