November 3, 2007

How to combat ferret's bad smell - Part II

Five tips to get rid of ferret's bad smell

First of all we want to point out that we can DECREASE the smell, make it less intense and unpleasant, but we can NOT make it disappear, it is the ferret's natural smell. So here are the tips.

  1. It is demontrated scientifically that non-castrated ferrett smell more than catsrated ferret (also known as hobbles)
  2. Bathing a ferret frequently has the contrary effects to what we expect. What it does is drying ferret's skin, resulting in promoting more sebaceuos gland segregation
  3. Some ferret food may make the ferret smell more. Some foods as fish can increase the smell of the cage, and the smell of the ferret as well
  4. Ferret cage cleaning is an important issue. Sometimes what smells is the cage and not the ferret,the latter just absorbs the smell of the things inside its cage. The hot spots of a ferret cage are the hammock and the corner litter pan. Clean them, 2 to 3 times a week.
  5. There are internal deodorants that help decrease the smell of ferret feces as BiOdor de Marshall.
Hope these tips help you have a better environment for your ferret pet and you at home. C-ya on next post ;)


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