Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Perimeter & Area Quilt Squares

We have been working with Perimeter and Area. As Pioneers we love our quilts. Let's use quilts to help us understand area and perimeter better. Let's Get Sewin!

Day One

1) There are so many great books with quilts in the story. Let's read some together. How were quilts used in the past? Why are they special?

2) Now, take a tour of these wonderful quilts, Notice the patterns in the quilt blocks. http://quilting.about.com/od/picturesofquilts/ig/All-About-Squares/Robicole-s-Trailmix-Quilt.htm

3) Design your own quilt block. You will design a quilt square measuring 8 inches x 8 inches. Use graph paper to make your design of squares and rectangles. You may want to check out these sites for ideas:

4) Figure the Perimeter and Area for each of the figures on your quilt block. Record your answers on the work page.

5) You will make a final copy of your quilt block using your graph paper and measurements. You can use colored pencils, markers, crayons, wrapping paper, construction paper, fabric, or wallpaper to create your final quilt block. You may want to gather materials at home for your work tomorrow.

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