Our home in Hoover, Alabama

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A Realtor's Picture of the house from the front.  See the picture to the right for a pic of the rear of the house.  It doesn't look like the same house.

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This is what the house looks from the rear.  The rail on the deck is 25' above the ground surface.  The rail hides the living room windows and the gabled area to the right is two stories tall... as is the rest of the house.

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This is the living room.  The wood stove at the left, barely visible, puts out enough heat to heat the whole house.

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Snow on the deck after one of our 5 snows the winter of 2010.  It built up about 3" that day.



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View from the deck when it is not snowing.  The property is adjacent to the Moss Rock Preserve, a wooded preserve with waterfalls, unique rock formations and lots of wooded hiking trails.  Although this looks like we live way out in the country, we are in the middle of the City of Hoover.  Double Oak Mountain is in the background.

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About 200' behind the house, this is a solid rock layer and trees grow like Bonsai trees... very slow.  The Preserve folks say some of these trees could be a couple of hundred years old!  Almost all of the rocks are covered with lichens.  The rock layer is so solid that water flows on top of the rock without sinking in.  Additional Pictures of the Preserve.

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This is a skewed panoramic photo "stitch" of the view off our back deck.  The "rocks" are humongous!  The right side of the photo shows a lot of vegetation because our riding mower can't get over the rocks.  Since then, we purchased a push-type mower to handle it.  That area of stone on the left is about as big as a semi tractor-trailer.  That's a 5' fence.