2025 Inca Trail Marathon Tour Itinerary

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Inca Trail Race Details

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Inca Trail Marathon Race dates and start times

The 2025 Races will be on Sep 1, 2025 at 5:00 AM for the full marathon and 0600 AM for the Incathon or half marathon event. These start times maximize the time you have to complete the race while minimizing the amount of time you must run before it is light out for safety reasons, and of course to better enjoy the amazing scenery.

Can I complete such a tough race?

We think so! Our staff will be out there to support, but it depends on you.

Things that will help you: If you are a good endurance athlete, a strong and/or experienced runner, avid marathoner, someone with good trail running knowledge, experience running ultras, other long course (ie Iron distance tri) background, a strong mountain hiking background. Having some of these traits will be helpful. In addition- If you train hard, safe and smart for this event, considering some of our training suggestions, then we feel you will accomplish this feat! The willingness to try it is the first step to the finish.

Inca Trail Marathon Rules

Your safety is our 1st concern for this event, please follow our guide and RD instructions.

It is not possible to participate in the races without camping out the night before near to the start line.

Start line: Faster runners should seed themselves to the front.

Official times will be recorded to gun time.

All Inca Trail runners will wear a numbered bib at all times (for tracking, splits, and safety reasons).

Packet pickup and a mandatory pre-race meeting will take place 2 days before the race.

It is not permitted to litter while running the Inca Trail. Please keep the trail clean and throw garbage away at aid stations.

Aid Stations

A total of at least 3 aid stations will be available for the race. Purified water, and some snack foods such as dried fruit, mixed nuts, pretzels, small avocado and chicken sandwiches, cookies, chocolates, coca, etc will be provided at these checkpoints. You must pack your own nutrition and carry it with you the whole time if you want anything different than these types of items.

*Please note: Due to the distance (in some cases a couple of hours depending on your pace) between aid stations, you will be required to carry your own fluids and nutrition, and some emergency gear (i.e. in a day-pack) for your personal safety. You will have the opportunity to refill water/fluids at aid stations as needed.

*Aid station locations can be moved at the race director's discretion depending on race/trail conditions.

First aid will be available at all aid stations. English and Spanish speaking staff will be available with long range radio communication and satellite phones for emergencies.

Upon arrival at the aid stations, your bib number and in some cases your arrival/departure time will be recorded. We will aim to provide you race splits from key points on the course.

Goodie Bag

All participants receive a custom tech Inca Trail Marathon race shirt, goodie bag, other items, and race medal.

You will also be given a custom logo Inca Trail Marathon drop bag by us to pack for this race. You may keep this after the event.

Race Timing and Results

Official times will be recorded to gun time.

Detailed race splits might also be provided in the race results.

Post Race and Awards

Runners in both trail race events will have the opportunity to reunite with spectators, head to your lodging whenever you are ready, change/refresh, do some celebrating with the group, and relax in the evening.

The next day in the evening, all race participants (26.2 marathon and Incathon) and spectators can proceed to a special included group dinner in Aguas Calientes to celebrate!


Although you should be prepared for a variety of weather conditions (i.e. wind, rain, heat, cold, fog, snow, hail, possible rapid changing conditions in the mountains), the typical weather conditions on the Inca Trail range from 80°F for the high and 40°F degrees for the low. Temperatures vary substantially with elevation changes.

Please plan accordingly and be properly prepared for any type of weather!

Race Gear and Clothing

Your safety is our first priority. The following items are some of the gear you will want/be required to have- this list is not all-inclusive.

Due to the varied elevations and temperature changes you will experience while running on the Inca Trail, we suggest planning your running wardrobe accordingly.

Your Original Passport
Daypack on trail with hydration bladder
Long sleeve/Windbreaker/Change of shirt/Rain poncho
Personal First Aid/ LED headlamp for racing before dawn and possibly at night
Personal Energy foods/fluids/Money for food or drink vendors and restrooms at Machu Picchu

FINISH LINE drop bag (we provide this bag, you pre-pack this, and it is placed by us at the finish):

Change of Clothes/Shoes
Personal Toiletries (rest rooms on-site)
Clothing for next day

Inca Trail Conditions

While Inca trail conditions are generally good, it is a hard trail. Many steep trail sections require very careful footing. The trail is mostly dirt sections and places where the trail surface is uneven and rocky. You will encounter steep and narrow passes with steep drop-offs to one side. The Inca trail is generally at least 4 feet wide. Conditions become slippery, wet, or muddy with rain and moisture, especially on the descents in the cloud forest, so please use caution.

The Inca Trail cannot be closed to other hikers, so you will encounter other hikers (and porters) while running on the Inca trail. It is easy to get around other runners and hikers, as there is ample width on the trail. Please be courteous and clearly announce that you are passing them, allowing them enough time to clear the path. This has never been any issue at all in our events and in fact the other groups are usually very encouraging as they become aware the race is going on. You may get cheered along by them, so its actually good fun interacting with some of the other groups and porters.

You are unlikely to encounter any hikers on the first and last legs of the race due to the time of day.

Inca Trail Marathon Course Overview

This adventure marathon is designed by experienced runners especially for racers.

The route is professionally measured, well marked, and supported with at least 3 well stocked aid stations. Our custom designed marathon race course is accurately measured to 26.2 miles. We have first-aid available at various locations and plenty of course marshals and race officials out on the racecourse.

This is one of the world's most difficult marathons! The course takes the typical hiker 3.5 days and ascends multiple mountain passes, reaching a max elevation of 15,290 feet. You will be treated to breathtaking views of the Andes Mountains, Glacial Lakes, thousands of feet of vertical change, steep ascents and descents,

History of the Original 26.2 mile Inca Trail Marathon

After many years of operating adventure tours in Peru on the Inca Trail and serious involvement in endurance sports, Erik's Adventures decided to organize a professional, fully supported, standard marathon distance length race on the Inca Trail in 2012; which was the first official 26.2 mile race on the Inca trail and is currently rated one of the most difficult marathons in the world.

The course for this race has been specially designed and professionally measured to 26.2 miles. It is longer than the one way distance of the Inca Trail from KM 82 to to Machu Picchu.

In years prior to 2012- Inca Trail runners have successfully completed challenging runs on varied distances, most commonly from KM 82 to Machu Picchu (less than 26 miles), or from any one of the organized Inca Trail camps directly to Machu Picchu (much less than 26 miles).

Times for these distances have ranged from the fastest recorded time of a little under 4 hours from KM 82 to Machu Picchu by an Inca Trail Porter to the fastest time to date for our specially designed Original 26.2 mile Inca Trail Marathon course- 6:33 by our winner in 2015, Mick Clifford.

In 2023, we changed the course off of the Classic Inca Trail and onto the Salkantay Inca Trail.

Since then, the course records are:
Ben Lewis with the mens best time of 6:25:11 in 2024. Jin Zhu with the ladies best time of 6:48:22 in 2023

Whatever the distance run or the time achieved, the Inca Trail offers runners a once in a lifetime experience. With Erik's Adventures running adventures, you too can add your name to this elite list of Inca Trail runners and become a true Chasqui!

Race Photos

All photos we get of you during the race from our race directors, photographer, and course officials will be available to you free of charge.


$3695per person sharing a room. Same rate for runners and spectators

Single room supplement: For runners and spectators, please add $789 for a single room throughout the trip (for runners this will also include a single tent for the camping night before the race).

What’s Included

Accolades and Testimonials

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