Focus on Kiambu County – Uhuru Kenyatta County? Njenga karume county? or New Mps County?

          Kiambu CountyWii rutagwo Mwiiruti (Only those who help themselves can prosper)

The question out there is who should be the new governor of Kiambu County? The current names being floated around are of former mps such as Njenga Karume(died in February 2012), Paul Muite, Viscount Kimathi, Stanley Githunguri, Baiya. Below is my analysis of strengths and weakness of the proposed candidates

Muite is a good politician with a national outlook on issues. His weakness is that he was a poor performer as an MP of Kikuyu

NjengaKarume – Died in February 2012

Viscount Kimathi an ego maniac and a con man not fit for any public office

Stanley Githunguri – I do not know much about him but his performance in parliament has been unimpressive time for this old man to be sent home is now

Uhuru Kenyatta – he is running for presidency so governor position may be only a fall back position.  His recent accusations of crimes against humanity by the ICC will be his political Achilles Hill

Peter Baiya – having worked as the Managing Director of Fresha Dairy Baiya turned the poor performing cooperative society to a billion shilling company this kind of managerial ability is what Kiambu county may needs.  However, Baiya opponents complain that he has not intiated any development projects since he was elected to parliament 4 years ago.  The Tradedy of this is that it looks like Baiya will be one term MP may be he should seriously consider seeking Governor or Senate seat. 

Profile Kiambu County:

Kiambu Count will have 8 mps drawn from the following constituencies:

  1. Githunguri
  2. Gatundu North
  3. Gatundu South
  4. Limuru
  5. Lari
  6. Juja
  7. Kiambaa
  8. Kabete


Kiambu has been at the forefront of political transformation of Kenya since colonial days.  During the fight for independence Kiambu county produced high ranking politicians among them first president of Kenya Jomo kenyatta. During the fight for multiparty in the 1990’s Kiambu county strongly supported the opposition parties of the time in 1992 former presidential candidate Kenneth Matiba was highly supported in the region, 1997, 2002 and 2007 Kibaki won majority of the votes in the county. Right now apart from Uhuru Kenyatta all the other mps are first time mps from little known parties. The following is a complete list of current mps and their party of affiliation. 

  1.  Clement Kungu Waibara Gatundu North PICK
  2. Kenyatta Uhuru Gatundu South KANU – Former KANU presidential Nominee in 2007, son of First of president of Kenya
  3. David Njuguna Kiburi Mwaura Lari PPK – Oil tycoon, former teacher and KNUT offficial
  4.  Peter Mungai Mwathi Limuru FORD-P – local Business man
  5. Peter Njoroge Baiya Githunguri SAFINA – Former managing Director of Fresha dairy
  6. Stanley Githunguri Kiambaa – known for infamous case of lillian vs CBK
  7. Lewis Nguyai Nganga Kikuyu PNU 
  8.  Kabogo – second term after winning against Peter Thuo
  9. Source: Citizen TV


The main economic activity in Kiambu County is agriculture in tea, coffee, dairy, poultry and horticulture farming.  There is a recent boom in Real estate sector around major towns such as Kiambu town which is now a suburban of Nairobi city. Many city dwellers prefer to rent apartments or build residential areas in Kiambu because of availability of relatively cheap land and good transportation network to Nairobi.

Notable Industries:

  1. Bata Shoe Factory in Limuru on of the oldest and most successful shoe companies in east Africa. It is the largest employer in Limuru
  2. Carbacid mines Carbon dioxide for production of dry ice. Locate in Kinale forest in Lari Division.
  3. Milk processing plants (FRESHA, Palmant, Kinale and many more)
  4. Tea Factories
  • Kambaa Tea  Factory – located in Lari coustiuency
  • Kagwe Tea Factory – Lari
  • Mundoro Tea Factory – Gatundu
  • Several – Private factories in Limuru
  1. Coffee according to my estimate there are about 100 factories currently in operation both owned by private companies and cooperative society

Candidates that have already declared their interesting in Governor and senate position


  1. George Munyotta – currently in USA
  2. Njenga Karume


Kuria his vision is outlined here


MY preferred candidate

  1. Governor – Eric Kimani – Business man and financial executive of several operations
  2. Muite – Senator

Bloggers suggestions on other possible candidates

Eddy Njoroge(KENGEN)

 Dr Kibathi (Director General-Vision 2030)

 Njoroge (KPLC; Mike Mukiri – director of Protocol

 Prof Mugendi (VC – KU)

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56 thoughts on “Focus on Kiambu County – Uhuru Kenyatta County? Njenga karume county? or New Mps County?

  1. Violet Marai says:

    Evn in my worst nytmare i wuld neva vte 4 Peter Baiya as our govnr/senatr! Wat hs he done since he bcame our Mp! Nothn!

  2. Violet Marai says:

    I hav nothn personal 4 Peter Baiya but he aint da politician we need 4 our Githunguri Constituency nor Kiambu County!

  3. Violet Marai says:

    I hope u make a trip frm Ruiru via jacaranda 2 kigumo. Da road hs changd frm gud-worse-worst! Yani maendeleo iko down!

    • Gachuki jonah says:

      it is now what we can call tourist attraction#potholes it taking somebody century to get to the destination i wish we can be in a position to do something.that mpig doest deserve any other term pliz.

  4. john kanyui says:

    am trying to compare kiambu county with lamu county

    • njamba says:

      In which way?
      Kiambu is agricultural rich with Big Farms in Tea, Coffee, horticulture, dairy, poultry
      Real estate industry is vibrant around major towns such as Juja, Kiambu, Kiambaa towns, Githunguri, Limuru etc
      Industries, Dairy processing plants in Limuru, Githunguri, Lari,

      About lamu apart from Tourism I do not know what else and the fact that it may become a Free trade port

  5. jampetkam says:

    Lets see how things fold but for God’s sake lets not recycle anybody. We certainly need fresh minds, fresh people who can give our youth hope but not a Sonko!!!

  6. E. Mwangi says:

    What about George Nyanja does he have any hope if he ran for governor?

  7. Gatonye says:

    Where are kiambu professionals and CEO ‘s who have made a mark in the republic? We need men/ women who can make kiambu a place the other counties can learn from.

    • njamba says:

      Former CEO of nation Wilfred Kiboro is from Githunguri may be he should become the next governor? But he is too concieted to be a public servant

  8. mwaura wa ngigi says:

    my fellow people from kiambu let give credit where is due and criticism where necesary everyone is a leader in his own way but why do we always seek old gurds think of youth too its time thy can deliver

  9. C. Njoroge says:

    Si kwa ubaya…but why are we narrowing our choices to a few individuals? Kiambu County has the potential of being the richest county in Kenya and so we need a focused, pragmmatic leader who can roll up his sleeves and work for the county.

    • njamba says:

      where are the so called pragmatic leaders? We used to have the corrupt Magugu as a moderate leader who deleloped Githunguri now all we have are green horns and some old men who are beyond their sanity age

    • john ndugi says:

      this is good to focus on various choice. the problem with Kiambu is that always don’t offer ourselves for leadership. can you imagin that Wilfred Kiboro a man who has lead to the success of many companies and still is chairman of several of them is born and brought up in Kiambu? can someone please talk to such a fellow to consider taking over as governor of Kiambu?

  10. Joseph Gitau says:

    I thought new people would do good but now am dissapointed by Hon Mwathi after Mutarakwa road construction was abandoned on Limuru bourder,its now two years.Can he manage the vast county,May be Uhuru or Muite

  11. herman says:

    I Agree we need a new breed. on fresh with new Idea. for Governor we need someone with the mind of balancing the urban kind of life while not forsaking the agricultural part of the county. For the senator0 we need someone who will be able to know the need of the people.

    muite: pliz he is the wrong person for any job in the county let him go for private practice or nominate him as a Human Right commission.

    None of the current M.P’s should get the jobs.

    • njamba says:

      Who are these professionals that are not out there campaigning to get their name out. Most businessmen and professional from Kiambu detest public service because it pays less and is very intrusive. So we have to work with what we have.

  12. shem kogi says:

    We can never vote njoroge baiya as a school commitee chairman leave alone a governor.what has he done,especially to the people of komothai.I will be vying for Githunguri mp and i urge the youth to vote for fellow youths,Nd it you are above 40,read this you are not a youth.

    • njamba says:

      Shem Kogi, biaya is Mp of githunguri not Komothai alone. By the way do not shun old people those above 40 years they have the biggest turnout in Elections. Most youth do not have a voters card.

      Good luck in your bid

      • john waihenya says:

        NJOROGE BAIYA IS A PAIN IN THE ASS. This guy is total bullshit. he has done nothing for githunguri! We need some change. Old pple go to hell! we live in misery bcoz of u!

  13. Karathi mwangi says:

    Pls let enlarge our list with people like thuo do not count him out and more so youth leaders are croping with ideologies and still do not forget woman leaders .

  14. njamba says:

    who is this Thuo you speaketh of? is the Election Thief from Juja who used his buses to ferry Mungiki to Naivasha to massacre women and children

  15. njoroge says:

    I think we need someone who can help everyone in kiambu prosper, for muite he was my Mp for 15 years and he did nothing for kikuyu, in kiambu we have very great entrepreneurs like j b wanjui, eddy njoroge who have done alot for this country may we should look upon them for guidance and leadership. kiambu we have potential due to our hardwork and focus , though we known to lack unity

    • njamba says:

      There is a big difference between politics and business and two do not mix. Eddy and Joe may never want to be public servants I agree we need better candidates and I am living this to people of the county to decide who best represents them

      Give me more candidates

  16. pat says:

    Baiyqa of all the people, Orphans have been buying bursary forms for Ksh 2500 and more under the watch of this holy boy, what else can he be in chqrge of if he cant protect the interest of destitute

  17. pat says:

    How many times do you hear Njoroge Baiya being mentioned in parliament; farmers coffee is lying in godowns and Baiya cant raise a voice; where will he get voice for the governor

  18. patrick says:

    please give us a break about this fellow Baiya,where else are u seing roads being filled using soil, check the Ruiru githunguri,kwamaiko-kibichoi let alone allthe feedeer roads.

    • njamba says:

      must be very unpopular guy I have to contend. I have come to see him as bad antireform guy especially the latest stand he took on the Kibaki illegal nomination. He off my list of the future leaders of Kiambu County

    • Gachuki jonah says:

      if i had a way of meeting njoroge baiya himself i would tell him point blank we no longer need his services why do he discriminate in this century.

  19. jampetkam says:

    Noted the good comments but I guess it would be better to try new blood rather than recycle the same old politicians. I would hope for the Governor a senior civil servant like Eddy Njoroge(KENGEN), Dr Kibathi (Director General-Vision 2030), Njoroge (KPLC; Mike Mukiri – director of Protocol; Prof Mugendi (VC – KU)etc would be a good start.

    many of us should try the County Reps seats otherwise the County Assembly may be invaded by a class that we not assist the Governor to work ending up in a big mess!

  20. Peter says:

    We need professionals to run our county & not politicians, the issue of recycling the same unproductive MPs is overtaken by events. Professionals from Kiambu, tujitokeze kwa wingi tung’ang’anie hivi vyeo.

  21. steve says:

    kiambu is rich n mind,n everything else yes, grorly 2 God thats wat we want 2 extend not those u call old politicians,those who currentry hold big positions n palastals or where,kila mtu ana dosali, HON.baiya has persistently shown he is a grt manager n u all know that,he stands 2 do right not 2 impress some few characters even 4 him being our governor is a two step foward.frm my perspective most of us want a ”nyeff nyeff” kind of a lnder.

  22. stephen kinyua says:

    am staff carrying research for kiambu county governor,senator,woman representatives,and mps for all the 8 counties i will post some of the people’s preferences for the county pliz welcome us if you hear of us inform your relatives thank you we love you all one Kenya united people and very optimistic nation.

  23. shish says:

    we need an active MP in parliament not a domant one….im tired of our constituency producing backbenchers in parliament…i.e Githunguri.there is no sign of presidential candidate not even in the near future.

  24. james says:

    why not stanely mbugua of farmers choice vie for githunguri mp

  25. bishop says:

    in this county we need new fresh and true leaders who are ready to embrace change and not the old good for nothing politicians whose work is go around the country parroting ….


    In kiambu we have the potential but most of our leadears have just been using the youths as ladder 2get high by cheap ideas, which are short sighted.First enlighten the youth 4abetter kiambu.Iwish peter keneth was from kiambu.

  27. njamba says:

    readers do you have suggestions of candidates please forward them and I will include them on ocndetenders list but after my SWOT analysis

    strength, weakness, opportunity and Threats (SWOT)

  28. says:

    We all need to get focused here. And i have a question is Prof Mugenda a member of KIAMBU county. In kiambu we are not short of leaders its only the quality people tend to keep a low profile for example who knew Uhuru Kenyatta before 2002. Guys lets come out for the support of our Great County

  29. njoro says:

    “REVOLUTIONALISTS” DAT IS WAT WE REQUIRE IN KIAMBU COUNTY. si watu wa kudanganya kama kungu waibara ati amesoma!!!!!

  30. GACHUKI JONAH says:

    i dont get it when sme one opposes a candidate coz i also want to vie for councllor n let no one kill my dream so all the people proposed and to come wiill wait for the voters verdict ausio? NO MORE NO LESS, kabogo and the rest are most welcme

  31. njuguna says:

    Mmmmm What are the sons and daughters of Kiambu doing in the US.? We have well educated people whose brains are slowly going down working in nursing homes and hospitals. We need this brains for our county. If I am assured of personal security I would board the next plane to Nairobi. I have a lot to offer for my people.

  32. john says:

    It is interesting to note all the frustration expressed, but guys can we start with the quality of the prefered candidates. i have in mind things like charismas, practical,management,outgoing,networked (networkable?) .we have more than we may need within the county,but to get them to get into the muck called politics is not easy.Again we should not dismiss the sitting leaders ,they were elected in one way or the other and can do it again in a similar way.

  33. Ericcs says:

    We also have Dr. Magana and Sir Charles Njonjo they can also come back to politics.

  34. william kuria josiah says:

    we have william kabogo gitau for governor, mp for juja is ideal, quite charismatic, experienced and seasoned. he got back juja by a by election with 45000 votes
    deputy governor is from limuru is william kuria josiah, young businessman in nairobi

    • njamba says:

      what has kabogo done other than being elected by 45,000 to show that he is better leader than others. What is his development track record in Juja

      • Gachuki jonah says:

        i see now u have opened your eyes. thank you infact i see cartels running our county.

  35. David Kuria Mbote says:

    David Kuria Mbote is a new mind offering himself for the senate position. It is important that Kiambu voters begin a new voting brains instead of money. Visit for a new beginning.

  36. Gachuki jonah says:

    thank you sir may u give this old followers a wake up call to ensure that they don’t see as if we youths we are joking in fact i can even join your campaign team.

  37. Gachuki jonah says:

    my people let us honor both those who served their country as mau mau, and the values they fought to protect. that’s the only way we can ensure that we uphold our patriotism for development.

    Government of the people,
    by the people,
    for the people,
    shall not perish from the earth.
    said Abraham Lincoln

    My fellow kiambu people,
    ask not what your county can do for you;
    ask what you can do for your county.

  38. am happy that Uhuru has a case to answer with no regrets i really hate it when they call him “KAMWANA” To me Uhuru doesn’t represent the change we want,when i was born many guys of my age can bear me witness there used to be baba’s radio n so in politics what happens rather the question which u get to be asked is who is your father where do he come from why do you want to be there?whats? how? is your background? i believe some old guard wants to use Uhuru for their own benefit at the expense of ordinary Kenyans so to me i need real change. when Martha Karua brought the bill about local tribunal they ignored her just because of who she was and now they didn’t even listen to her the problem with us is that we don’t nurture other young leaders now we don’t have an option the only option we have OLD GUARDS,anyway how do i wish our politics can be free and fair and real politics not dirty politics.please people give everybody an ear thats listen more and talk less my brother Uhuru. Hague is not Kenyan law courts take care but i do wish you well and please speak less and do what……….. that’s my advice.

  39. Eddy njoroge fit te position of governor

  40. JOSEPH KAMAU says:

    I would prefer our Kenya to have a new change in leadership;those politicians who call themselves hustlers have hustled our country since the famous ‘Y2K’and became instant millionares and now they want to to be billionares when elected[never].Pliz KENYANS elect visionary leaders who have made their names by developing our country.

  41. all kiambu county needs is a performer and an honest person as a governor

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