Sunday, December 4th: Ride, 10am start

Sunday’s ride may possibly be rained out, but just in case……
Meet at The Mill—A route can be discussed and chosen by the riders present, according to desired distance and route. If you have any preferences or ideas, please share them below to get the conversation about routes started.

Start time: 10:00am
Start location: The Mill Restaurant in Cobourg
Route: To be discussed. We’d love to hear what you want!

Please comment below and let people know you might ride. It helps others to plan accordingly too. Happy riding!

About nhcycling

A community of cyclists who share an interest in cycling around Cobourg and the hills of Northumberland County in Ontario, Canada.
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7 Responses to Sunday, December 4th: Ride, 10am start

  1. Rich says:

    Can’t make it, sorry, it’s the annual Ross family cutting of the Christmas tree.
    Have fun everyone.

  2. Pam Tate says:

    Can’t be there because I’m working. Maria and I rode on Thursday and it was absolutely beautiful out. Now we can say that we’ve cycled in December. Yay!

  3. Jen says:

    I am torn, a hike in the Beaches with friends? Or a nice bike ride with the club? Who is going this morning??? Looks nice out now, but could change on a dime!!!

  4. Old and now slow says:

    I will be there.

  5. anitamacklin says:

    Sorry, not I. It’s attic insulation blowing day, so neither Randy nor I will be there.

  6. vivian says:

    I will ride today

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