[Autism Society Greater Tucson] Licensure of BCBA's

Greetings everyone,


I am emailing to spread the word about Arizona's Licensure Law. As of January 1, 2010 practicing BCBA's are required by law to become licensed through the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners (http://www.psychboard.az.gov/). If you are a BCBA, or you are a family currently using a BCBA, please make sure they get this information and begin the process to become licensed. You can find the application here: http://www.psychboard.az.gov/applications.htm.


Also, for any BCBA's who are interested, there is a current google group for Arizona BCBA's to join.  It is az-aba@googlegroups.com. Email Becky Wiskirchen [beckywisk@gmail.com] if you are interested and she will invite you to the google group. It is a great way to connect with fellow- BCBA's and exchange information.


If you have any questions, please contact me and I would be happy to help.



Sheena Trayte, M.Ed. BCBA
Board Certified Behavior Analyst
UCP of Southern Arizona
(520) 344-8223
Cell (520) 488-8218

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