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May 4, 2008 / ranacse05

SubVersion on Windows XP

Version controlling is very important now.Almost all the developers (web app/desktop) have to know it.Subversion is software which helps us in version controlling.Who dont know what is Subversion please read this.

BTW i was looking a short and nice tutorial on subversion .But i didnt got any 😦 . Then Aman Bhai helps me to start with svn . Here is the mail he sent me as a tutorial ..

Lets start from the beginning.

First you need a repository. What is it… practically its a folder on a pc that subversion (svn now on) uses as the database. This
database manages version information. (skipping user/security, svn uses file system or dbms backend, default is fs).
Now if you want to enable versioning with svn you must have to import that project folder into a repository.

After importing a project folder into a repository, you MUST checkout (download ) it from that repository. It may sound weird. But think of a remote
user, at least s/he has to checkout the project first right ? and you are nothing but a user to svn 🙂

so, lets come back to using tortoise. If you want to checkout a project from a remote site, say a google code hosted project. you just right click on the folder where you want to checkout. select tortoisesvn->import. Copy the svn url from the browser and paste to URL of repository: field. click ok, you will find the project is downloading… and done. 🙂 now, modify any source and right click and select svn commit. Dont forget to svn update first before any commit.

now,. say you are not going to use any remote project. rather you like to use svn as your local versioning. in that case you frirst create a folder that you want to use the repository. say, you created a folder named REPO. right click on the folder and select TortoiseSVN->Create repository here… an option will appear. select Native filesystem (FSFS). done… you have created a repository successfully.

Now, right click on the project folder that you want to maintain versioning and select TortoiseSVN->import. click on the … button and select your repository folder i.e. REPO folder you have just created. say, it is like file://D:/REPO, now enter as file://D:/REPO/myproject.
Thus you can use same repo for multiple projects.
দেখবে যে তোমার প্রোজক্ট ইম্পোর্ট হয়ে গেছে under myproject folder in the REPO repository.

now, comes the funny part, YOU HAVE TO CHECKOUT THIS PROJECT AGAIN :).
Create a folder name it …say… Workspace. Now enter into the folder.
right click.
TortoiseSVN->Repo browser
select your REPO folder.
You will find myproject folder in the tree.
select it.

now, checkout. 🙂

Note : This is using TortoiseSVN .


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  1. saeed ahmed / May 4 2008 7:09 pm

    ya, nice tutorial…

  2. carlos / Jun 5 2008 7:06 pm

    Nice tutorial! Now that I have done all and have already did my checkout.. whats next?
    When should I use it? it does something automatic? Im new into subversion, I have read some tutorials but only yours helpe me, now I wish to know in what cases I can use it


  3. ranacse05 / Jun 5 2008 11:15 pm

    when u develop any software what u do ? U just keep the backups manually right ? Subversion will help u to keep ur backups.When u update any thing just give it a version name so that if any thing goes wrong u can get ur working copy back 🙂

  4. indycoding / Jan 25 2010 4:13 pm

    I have made a short two parts tutorial on SVN with Tortoise…. My intention was exactly this, to provide some beginners with all the tools for starting version control. Take a look there if you want, I’m explaining alot about when and how to use it.

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