Opera at Valencia Central Market

I’ve been one of the 100.000 people watching “Opera at Valencia Central Market” today … and would like to share this with you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ds8ryWd5aFw

It is aboslutely amazing!! I regret not having been there on 13th November.

As I told you in one of my recent posts … everyday different incredible things are going on at Valencia city!

Valencia Central Market (http://www.mercadocentralvalencia.es/) is one of biggest European Markets … built in 1914 with modernist style, offers now a wide range of services updated to XXI century (free parking, online shopping, etc.).

At this picture you can see Japanese famous beautiful artist Yamada Yu, filming a programme for FUJI TV (August 2008).


Besides this improvised Opera… if you are keen on Opera … have a visit at www.lesarts.com  and keep informed about the programme from Valencia’s Opera House: “Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia“- managed by Ms. Helga Schmidt and which Orchestra is directed by Mr. Lorin Maazel.

Opera House was inaugurated by our Queen “Reina Sofia” and build by Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava. It was the 3rd building from City of Arts and Sciences (www.cac.es) after 3d Cinema: Hemisferic and Science Museum “Principe Felipe”.

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