Carla Stockalper

Carla discovered hot yoga while recovering from a series of knee surgeries she underwent from playing basketball. She had practiced some Hatha and Ashtanga yoga for a year when a physical therapist suggested trying Bikram’s yoga. The hot yoga helped her make a full recovery and maintain healthy joints. Since her first Bikram class, Carla was hooked on hot yoga. She completed her training in LA with Bikram Choudry and taught Bikram yoga in San Diego for 4 years. Since 2006 she has been teaching hot vinyasa flow classes at Yoga Tropics. Carla’s classes emphasize meditation through stillness and rhythm. Carla spent the past year traveling and living in Chicago where she studied and taught Baptiste Power yoga. These days she enjoys trying new styles of yoga and keeping a well balanced practice. She teaches the Tropics 2 classes on Tues and Thurs at 4:30, and Power Vinyasa on Monday at 10:15am.