Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Czardas (Valerie Kim, 8 years old) ...memories =p

hehe...little HN's love for her instrument and passion for it reminded me of my past. =)

My last piece on the violin was Czardas at the age of 12. It's a nice piece...

But I stopped due to personal reasons. Have always wanted to pick the instrument up again but NO TIME haha!

If I do have the time, I believe I will pick up again..just that I probably have to start from Grade 1 all over hahaha =)

Thank God anyway for classical music..that nourishes the soul.


Anonymous said...

Hello there! I don't really know where to start, but I will dive right in. It is now 11pm and I really should be sleepin' but I am so taken away by your bolg. I came to the computer, after lying in bed crying and pouring out my heart to my hubby(who was asleep), to find the lyrics to a song. I know that I have heard it at chruch, but I don't really know it. the only words that kept going through my head were "He Knows My Name." When I googled that phrase it let me to your blog and I began to read. the more I read it became clear to me that God wanted me to find this. I needed it! It is so encouraging to me that you aknowledge God in EVERYTHING! I feel like I am fighting a battle in my life right now and your post on 'Simplicity. . .Faith like a Child' describes the way I feel to a tee. I really don't know why I am telling you all this...just need to get it out I guess. I don't blog on a regular basis, b/c I am so busy, but you can check mine out. I do look at it ever now and then. Keep the Faith and May God Bless!

Faith said...


I don't know whether u will get to read this reply to your comment. Anyway, I am so glad that God has spoken to you and encouraged you in your time of difficulty. Remember that God is sovereign and that He loves you with an unfailing love ya =) His rod and staff comforts you. press on dear sister!