
Young Rich Widows: How Four Co-Authors Collaborated to Write a #1 Audible Original

Young Rich Widows is the first book in the Widows series. Written by thriller powerhouses Kimberly Belle, Layne Fargo, Cate Holahan, and Vanessa Lillie, this novel is a thrilling mystery surrounding a plane crash, money, and the widows' inheritance. We sat down with these four women to learn more about their co-author collaboration that made this story a #1 Audible Original. Young Rich Widows It's 1985 [...]

The Summer Issue 2024

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How to Start a Freelance Writing Career in 2024

Having a successful career in freelance writing is the goal of so many writers out there looking to make a living out of their passion. Working from the comfort of your home (or on the beach, or while sipping a latte, whatever floats your boat), making your own hours, choosing your own projects, and getting paid to play with words sounds ideal. But if [...]


How to Start a Freelance Writing Career in 2024

Having a successful career in freelance writing is the goal of so many writers out there looking to make a living out of their passion. Working from the comfort of your home (or on the beach, or while sipping a latte, whatever floats your boat), making your own hours, choosing your own projects, and getting paid to play with words sounds ideal. But if [...]

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Why Writers Should Be Reviewing Books

Raise your hand if you sometimes, okay always, forget to leave book reviews. *hand goes up* You have the best of intentions, but you’re busy and there are so many more books to read. On to the next. Now there may not be any immediate repercussions for skipping the review process, but I find that avid readers tend to be avid reviewers, but writers… [...]


Why Writers Should Be Reviewing Books

Raise your hand if you sometimes, okay always, forget to leave book reviews. *hand goes up* You have the best of intentions, but you’re busy and there are so many more books to read. On to the next. Now there may not be any immediate repercussions for skipping the review process, but I find that avid readers tend to be avid reviewers, but writers… [...]

Social Media Bootcamp: A Webinar Series for Authors

She Writes has partnered up with the marketing experts at BookSparks, a leading book PR and marketing agency, to bring you a 3-webinar series to help you start, grow and successfully use social media as an author.

An Award-winning Hybrid Publisher for Women

She Writes Press is unique in the world of publishing because we’re neither traditional publishing, nor are we self-publishing. As an independent publisher, we bill ourselves as a “third way” for authors, and we proudly occupy a much-needed alternative in a rapidly changing publishing landscape. In 2019, She Writes Press was the first hybrid imprint to win Independent Publisher of the Year, by the Independent Book Publishing Professionals Group. We are a mission-driven, female-run company with a strong vision, passion, and work ethic.

Coming Soon: She Writes Membership

She Writes is building out a space for writers with premium content, access to experts and courses that will help you take your career to the next level. To receive updates about what to expect and when we’ll be launching, enter your email below.

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Isabel Ibañez on the Query Letter

Guest post by Isabel Ibañez Isabel Ibañez is the author of  Woven in Moonlight and What the River Knows. In this guest post, Ibañez talks about a very important step in the road to publishing: the query letter. Learn more from the talented author and what it takes to create an excellent query letter.  When I was first researching the way into the publishing world, [...]

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