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A Little Bit of Everything

I’m not sure what games I’ll be playing in the year 2026, unless hiding from packs of wild dogs is a game. I can tell you what I’ve been playing in 2024 though! I’m still not really into any one big game at the moment but I’ve put a few hours into some fun stuff here and there. This is what I’ve been playing:



May We Die In The Forest

By Gabe – June 10, 2024

I just noticed that today marks the 15 year anniversary of the very first Lookouts comic. It’s hard to believe it’s been that long! You can check out more Lookouts stories along with other tales of the Eyrewood right here. You can also watch the Lookouts short film by Redgate Films, which we didn’t know was being made until they invited us to the premiere. I think "fantasy Boy Scouts" is still probably one of the coolest ideas we’ve cooked up. 

-Gabe out



Friday was the day that everybody decided to say all the deeply held gaming secrets at once, a policy that only echoed for the rest of the weekend and technically - technically - won't even resolve until today at noon my time, when Ubisoft does its thing. My favorite things from them were the pre-RPG Assassin's Creeds and Splinter Cell, which is to say I haven't been "addressed" as a "market" for a while. But Bungie also dropped the raid that unlocks The Final Shape's ending mission on the same day, with all the revelations that must certainly entail.  

My Star Wars Hunters review

I’m actually a big fan of Hero Shooters. I’m not nearly as sick of the genre as many other gamers out there seem to be. My only requirement is that the heroes in said shooter need to look cool and not like normal people they found in a Target or a bunch of cosplayers. Star Wars Hunters is a new Hero Shooter with some very cool characters and the game itself is fast and fun. The problem is that it is also free to play.



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