Chopped Shrimp Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette

This Chopped Shrimp Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette makes a tasty light and healthy meal full of poached shrimp, veggies, herbs, and avocado. This tasty Shrimp Salad with avocado, fresh herbs, and a quick lemon dressing is the perfect way to celebrate the warm weather with a cool, refreshing, and flavor-packed meal. Shrimp is one of ...


From The Community


Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)
396 views · 51 replies

What's on your (PHOTO) Friday Menu?

Gooooooooooooooood Morning! It's Friday and all is right in the world. I slept for 8 hours in a row for the first time in ages, the sun is shining again, and tonight we are meeting up with friends for my favorite fish tacos tonight. Just like that, life is back…

Queen JB

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)
242 views · 26 replies

What's on your Thursday Menu?

Hellllloooooooo Thursday! I am thrilled that it's here. WFH today & tomorrow, which is amazing. Yesterday was a lot of peopling. I had hoped adrenaline would get me through it but I admit to a moment of weakness and I ordered a Venti caffeinated iced coffee. It was heaven and…

Queen JB

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)
321 views · 29 replies

What's on your Wednesday Menu?

Good Morning! The good news is that it's already hump day. Yay! The bad news is that ^^that guy is exactly how I'm feeling. I am sooo tired. I don't have any time off this upcoming weekend and I just can't imagine HOW I am going to make it another…

Queen JB

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)
302 views · 16 replies

What's on your Tuesday Menu?

***Just updated the day to Tuesday because, apparently, it's Tuesday? ^^I sense some sarcasm from Dom, which I do not appreciate on this Tuesday morning!^^ I hope everyone had a great weekend. Lots of fun over here but I could definitely use a day to recover from all the fun…

Queen JB

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)
493 views · 31 replies

What's on your (PHOTO) Friday Menu?

Good Morning, gang! Wow, I really limped to the finish line this week. Yesterday was just long and tiring and it felt like it should have been Friday all day. But it's finally here, and the bosses that be declared us off at 2pm, so I can do this! QOTD:…

Queen JB

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)
406 views · 26 replies

What's on your Thursday Menu?

Morning! It's Jr. Friday and I am ready for it. I am heading into the office today but I am going to be on zoom calls for almost the entire time, so it's sort of annoying. But hopefully today's lunch with my niece will happen 🙂 Not sure if we'll…

Queen JB

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)
436 views · 27 replies

What's on your Wednesday Menu?

^^Our "ham cat" was pulling out the shovel this morning^^ Morning Gang. Half way there--whooo! I had a great day yesterday - I was able to work outdoors for most of the day and it was absolutely lovely, then the ball game was perfect weather. I'm a little disappointed about…

Queen JB

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)
458 views · 29 replies

What's on your Tuesday Menu?

Good Morning! I got nothing. Work was good. Gerd and allergies are less good. You know--the usual. But the weather is beautiful and it's going to be my first work-from-my-outdoor-office day 🙂 And we have a ball game tonight. Yay! QOTD: Do you have a favorite stand up comedian? I…

Queen JB

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)
436 views · 22 replies

What's on your Monday Menu?

Happy Monday, Gang! I hope everyone had a great weekend! Mine was very very nice--good combo of organization and relaxation. I could really use another day off, but whaddya gonna do? Today is very quiet at work so I can keep my head down and finish a big project I've…

Queen JB

Duodenal Switch Forum (DS)
445 views · 5 replies

Need help for my mom

I already posted this over in one of the gastric bypass forums, but you all tend to have such good advice that I thought I would post here too. My mom had gastric bypass a few months ago. Her doctor wanted her to have it because she was Type 2…

DS | Oct 25, 2017 | Bariatric Surgeon: Dr.


Mini Goal 2

1 comment

So, Ive set my second mini goal. I want to get to 260.0  by the end of June. I've got 3.4 pounds to lose next month.  I know that's not much but, I'm a slow loser.  I haven't been 260 roughly 13 years.  


So much has changed since my last entry

1 comment

I had bariatric RnY in 2012. Did very well, in spite of not having a not so supportive husband. Went from 303 to 189, then had an injury. We moved from Iowa to my home state of Virginia. My husband eventually came around. His job as a software engineer eventually moved us…


IV iron


Has anyone had to get IV iron infusion therapy recently? I can't seem to find a hospital near me. Is it true? This is no longer covered by OHIP?

RNY | Aug 04, 2008 | Bariatric Surgeon: Dr.

617 pounds

1 comment

Lost some more weight


Support group

1 comment

Looking to attend a support group as it's one of my requirements. I'm having trouble finding them... or is this the support group... can anyone point me in the right direction please.


So much……

1 comment

There is so much to learn.  I have been working on this plan for months and have been reading, reading and reading more. I feel like I'm ready but I'm feeling there will be something that I'm lacking information on when it comes time for my surgery. All I feel…


Guess Who's Back!!


17 Years Later... the weight came back ( but not all of it). But the journey continues. 


Just saying hi


Not sure if anyone is still around.  I am about 16 years post op.  Never made it to my goal weight of 150.  I have stayed consistently between low 160's and 170's.  Seems to be my sweet spot.  No complaints.  Far cry from 265 (pre op).  Well if anyone is…

Tanya B.



I had a sleeve revision in January. Original surgery was in February of 2016 and I maintained most of my weight loss. This surgery was to help lose additional weight to see if I can gain mobility and have future knee surgery. It's slow going. I don't weigh in as…


Spring 2024


4/25/24 Hello Everyone its been a long time ! Soo much has happened and changed in my life. Ive been well. My lowest weight was 176 lbs in 2023. Someone special to Me lost his life and it was devestating. At that weight i didnt look myself but actually felt…

lucille C.


Dr. Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon

There isn’t enough space in this box to describe Dr. Alvarez and his staff. You get the best. Beautiful facilities, very caring staff, very professional. I knew I had made the right decision. If you’re contemplating on having the surgery or not sure about Dr. Alvarez, give him a call…


Dr. Jon R. Pirrello

Bariatric Surgeon

I started my bariatric surgery journey with Dr Jon Pirrello in 2021. He removed my lap band that was put in in 2003. I was such a mess inside. The lap band had slipped up off from the stomach area and was attached to my esophagus, my spleen and the…


Dr. Dmitri Baranov

Bariatric Surgeon

Dr. Baranov is very knowledgeable in the field of Bariatric’s. He guides you towards options that will best suit you and explain everything. His team is always willing to answer questions you may have. There are support groups and nutritionist to see as well. My experience with the surgical team…


Dr. George Ferzli

Bariatric Surgeon

I heard about Dr. Ferzli from my friend after he did her surgery. He is great and he is patient, kind and respectful. It feels like he is a member of my family now. Everyone in the clinic was so helpful, especially Karen. His support groups gave me the hope…


Dr. Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon

I’m 3 months post op today and have zero regrets! Dr. Alvarez and his team are absolutely amazing. The hospital is modern, clean and safe. My husband and I drove crossed the border with no issues or safety concerns. Recovery went smoothly no complications. Dr A checks on you personally…





Duodenal Switch on Nov 30, 2021 SEE MORE BEFORE & AFTERS