How to Win the Culture Wars


Moral Confusion


Sanctuary for the Secular


Is God Too Smal for the Universe?

June/July 2024

How to Win the Culture Wars

Volume 44, No. 4

Latest Articles

Picketh Up Thy Marbles and Go Home: The Origin and Absurdity of the Religious Right’s Culture Wars and Why They Should Call Them Off
Volume 44, No. 4
June/July 2024

Throughout history, young humans have endured careful moral instruction on the difference between right and wrong. Yet humanity owns a spectacular history of violent conflict between holders of relatively minor differences of opinion in the interpretation of moral tenets.  Catholicism versus Protestantism and Shi’ite versus Sunni Islam are just two of the culture wars that …

Let Me Get This Straight
Volume 44, No. 4
June/July 2024

Do You Believe in God? You are in conversation with a neighbor, friend, associate at work, or family member, and they pointedly ask you the question, “Do you believe in God?” I most certainly did, quite some time ago, and throughout my twenty-five years as a Christian minister I spent a great deal of my …

Eighty Is Enough
Volume 44, No. 4
June/July 2024

One of the truly wonderful things about being human is that we have a relatively brief lifespan. Fewer than eighty years. And, let’s face it, eighty years ought to be enough for anybody. Eighty years is enough to read all the great books you should be reading but aren’t. I personally am about to turn …

The Myth of Immortality: A Reflection on the Journey of Aging
Volume 44, No. 4
June/July 2024

Part of my daily routine is to begin my morning with a cup of coffee. In the past week, that morning routine has been literally shattered to pieces, and, in those broken pieces, a transformation has begun. Some twenty-seven years ago, in my early forties, I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Over those years, the …

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For the questions that remain unanswered after we’ve cleared our minds of gods and souls and spirits, many atheists, agnostics, skeptics, and freethinkers turn to secular humanism.

Looking Back

The Return of Ibn Warraq
Volume 40, No. 4
June / July 2020

Longtime readers will recognize the name of independent scholar Ibn Warraq, author of the breakthrough work Why I Am Not a Muslim (1995) and nearly a dozen more technical scholarly books focused principally on the history and doctrines of Islam. He was also a Free Inquiry columnist from 2005 until 2011. He recently published a …

Introduction: About those Other Apocalypses …
Volume 40, No. 4
June / July 2020

Full disclosure: One of these articles was accepted and the other commissioned before the coronavirus crisis. Nonetheless, the question these essays raise is vital: As we survey the existential challenges humanity confronts—however immediately pressing the pandemic may be, grave medium- and long-term threats still face us—are we focusing our ameliatory energy in the most effective …

Why Climate Change Is an Irrelevance, Economic Growth Is a Myth, and Sustainability Is Forty Years Too Late
Volume 40, No. 4
June / July 2020

As someone who has been exploring the world’s most isolated wilderness regions for nearly half a century, I have some insight into the state of the planet and the human race’s current environmental befuddlement. I’ve watched the condition of the earth plummet before my eyes within my own lifespan, to the extent that I no …

The Return of Ibn Warraq
Volume 40, No. 4
June / July 2020

Longtime readers will recognize the name of independent scholar Ibn Warraq, author of the breakthrough work Why I Am Not a Muslim (1995) and nearly a dozen more technical scholarly books focused principally on the history and doctrines of Islam. He was also a Free Inquiry columnist from 2005 until 2011. He recently published a …

Introduction: About those Other Apocalypses …
Volume 40, No. 4
June / July 2020

Full disclosure: One of these articles was accepted and the other commissioned before the coronavirus crisis. Nonetheless, the question these essays raise is vital: As we survey the existential challenges humanity confronts—however immediately pressing the pandemic may be, grave medium- and long-term threats still face us—are we focusing our ameliatory energy in the most effective …