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Dirty Feet Make Momma Cry

Have you ever been chased by natives brandishing spears? Or had a face to face encounter with a huge Black Mamba? In Dirty Feet Make Momma Cry, you will experience all this and more!

Don't Cry Cherie

Injured, with his brain a scrambled mess and suffering from complete amnesia, it took psychotherapy and the reappearance of an old sweetheart to put all the pieces back together.

New England Frontier: The Prescott Garrison-1692

With the stories of families at one garrison in 1692, we see what settlers of the New England frontier were doing, thinking, and feeling in the Indian Wars.

Del Paraiso Al Infierno

La lectura del texto es fácil y comprensiva, por el léxico común utilizado, durante el desarrollo de la temática. Cargado de violencia en algunos capítulos, parecidos con la realidad latinoamericana.

So Said to Be

Suspense thriller centered around a dead man’s secret, a fatherless son, and a brother she never knew, or is he…? A medley of family secrets, lies, and trust.


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Anna's Secret Legacy
by S.A. Williams