The step-by-step signature process to FINALLY attract your soulmate.

(even—and especially—if you think it’s
just not possible for you)

Here’s how.

Enough is enough. You don’t want to spend any more time without the love you long for.

And you don’t have to.

You’ve done the work on yourself.

You’ve been to therapy. Sat through seminars. Read the self-help books. And yet you still find yourself either alone, or attracting relationships where you feel even lonelier.

You watch friends having so much of an easier time finding love, with partners who truly cherish them.

Meanwhile, you’ve practically earned your Ph.D. in relationship pain, all while having given so, so much of your heart.

You feel exhausted, confused, powerless.

Maybe even a little (or a lot) resigned to live a solitary life.

Looking over your romantic history, you can see the negative patterns that have been repeating for years. You may even understand where they come from. Yet in spite of all that you’ve done to try to outgrow them, they tenaciously reappear time and time again.

You don’t want to believe it, but it sure seems that happy, healthy, wholehearted love is something that happens…for others, not you.

Even when you think you’ve found it — that you’ve cracked the code — love slips through your fingers like water. To you, the whole thing feels like a cruel joke—an enigma you can’t figure out, no matter how much you try.

How do I know you so well?

Because you’re exactly the type of person who has finally found the love of their life by doing the Calling in “The One.” 7-step process.

Stop spinning your wheels.  Learn the leading process for attracting love.  Refined, tested, and proven since 2004.

Calling in “The One” is the first book of its kind, marrying  psychologically sound metaphysical principles and leading-edge transformational technologies with the law of attraction to create a holistic, systematic approach that will melt away old painful patterns and make you magnetic to your soulmate.

Year after year, the book has sold thousands of copies worldwide, and I’m proud to have trained thousands of coaches who work with people to release their hidden barriers to love so they can finally attract love—even when they feared it would never happen for them.

No matter how persistent and painful your previous patterns have been, you have the power to create a happy, healthy love-filled future—and I can show you exactly how.

Ready for a radically different love story?
Calling in “The One” is for you if:

  • You’re done settling for crumbs.  You long to be met in a relationship that’s safe, happy, and whole—with a partner who builds you up and helps you realize your highest potential.
  • You have a deep desire for love but you’re also afraid you might never break free from the toxic patterns you were raised with (you absolutely can!)
  • You know that the kind of love you want isn’t going to “just happen”—and you’re willing to be an active co-creator in this process.
  • You’re excited about the idea that the future is not determined by your past, and that you can create an entirely different outcome through the intention you set right in this moment.

Calling in “The One” is about supporting you in finding your way to that future and leaving destructive patterns behind once and for all. 

Find a Calling in "The One" Coach

Give yourself the gift of being guided through the Calling in “The One” 7-step process by a certified coach.

Consult with Katherine

Katherine has been consulting with individuals for over 30 years. She’s currently open to working with new clients.

Become a Calling in "The One" Coach

You can create a meaningful, abundant, and fulfilling career as a Calling in “The One” Coach in just six short months.

Here’s what graduates of
Calling in "The One" have to say:

“Katherine is truly gifted! Her magical techniques and seminars are life-changing . . . especially if your heart is blocked from receiving love. Her insights and wisdom can assist anyone wanting to find ‘The One.’ Her processes worked for me . . . I am now happily married to my wonderful life mate!”

Author of Get Real About Love: The Secrets to Opening Your Heart and Finding True Love
Las Vegas, NV

“Thank you so much for bringing Calling in “The One” into the world. Following the guidance of your course helped me to heal from a significant heartbreak and led me to the most incredibly loving romantic relationship. I have so much gratitude for it every day. I recommend Calling in “The One” to anyone who will listen. I am now planning to use the same principles to “call in” some band mates for my future heart-fulfilling contra dance band.”

Musician and Music Teacher
Portland, Maine

“Although I’d been on a spiritual journey for many years and successful in many areas of life, I found myself in my 50’s confused as to why I could not seem to create the love and partnership I so deeply desired.  Finding Calling in “The One” work was truly a miracle for me.  It helped me to understand and release the patterns of the past that separated me from my heart’s desire, and it gave me the tools I needed to manifest great love in my life. Katherine Woodward Thomas helped me to believe in the possibility of healthy and happy love. Today I am happily married to my Beloved, Bob, being loved beyond my wildest dreams and having the time of my life!”

Certifed Life and Relationship Coach
Delray Beach, FL

“I was introduced to Calling in “The One” through my best friend, who heard about it on a podcast. It came to me at a particularly difficult time in my life. My search for “The One” had made me tired and angry. I had actually fallen out of love with myself. Yet thanks to Katherine Woodward Thomas, I discovered love and respect for myself again. I met my wife a few months later. Meeting her seemed like such a natural progression after doing the course.

One of the major things I learned in Calling in “The One” was that I most care about sharing knowledge. Since I did the course, I’ve written a book I have always wanted to write. I now co-host a podcast with my best friend and have a lot of plans I’m working on for the years to come. For all of this, I am very, very grateful because without Calling In “The One,” I wouldn’t be doing any of this!”

Songwriter, Author & Co-owner of an IT Services Company
San Francisco, CA 

“Your past does not determine your
future in love — you do.”

~ Katherine Woodward Thomas