Mediagistic Blog

Your Digital Marketing Campaign is not a One-Size-Fits-All Proposition

Megan Adair
Megan Adair

Business owners approach us all the time wanting to replicate the internet marketing success of another home services business. After all, if it worked for a friend or a direct competitor, shouldn’t you be able to cash in on the same strategy for success?

Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to understand why an approach that did wonders for one home services client might fail for another. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to marketing success, even for companies in the same industry and geographical area. It’s important that you understand the unique variables that come into play for your business, so you can take an informed approach to your future marketing efforts.

The Pace of Technological Change

The internet is constantly changing, and marketing tactics that worked in the past can prove ineffective or even damaging today. What was effective five years ago is now black hat, and the organic strategies that yield real results today wouldn’t have held up to the more primitive search algorithms of the past. There’s no room for vintage charm in on the online marketing space. You need to keep up with the changing face of the internet to make sure your marketing approach always aligns with emerging trends and the latest best practices.

Your internet presence is not a “set it and forget it” endeavor. You need to call on the right assets and resources to ensure prosperity and growth. You must monitor and maintain your web presence so it can continually respond to the current internet marketing landscape.

Geographic Location and Goals: 3 Scenarios

Every marketing strategy is a unique proposition, driven by the specific geography, web presence, and goals of any given company. Consider these three distinctive scenarios (which come via one of our digital strategists, Ed Valenti), and you’ll see why there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for every business in the home services market:

  • Scenario 1: Business A is located in Opelika, Alabama, nestled between several metropolitan areas including Birmingham, AL, Columbus, GA, Auburn, AL, and LaGrange, AL. To be competitive in all of these markets, Business A will need to devote resources to both paid and organic efforts in each metropolitan locale.
  • Scenario 2: Business B offers exclusive services to a small service area at the edge of the a large and highly competitive urban market. Customers in the business’s target demographic live in its service area, but travel outside of it for work. Business B needs to market to people working in the city, even though it doesn’t service that locale in order to successfully reach those who call its service area home.
  • Scenario 3: Business C has almost no internet presence, but it has set its sights on aggressive growth goals. By contrast, Business D has a stable internet presence and just wants to maintain its current level of growth. Both offer the same products and services in a similar location. But which one do you think will need more resources and time to achieve its goals?

Every Business is Unique

Every company is truly unique, with all the inherent challenges that accompany its individual goals, products, and service areas. Even when some of these elements are similar, the aggregation of these factors will mean your needs are truly one-of-a-kind. You need a marketing approach that’s similarly unique and highly personalized to get the maximum results for your needs, goals, and situation.

Your company is wholly unique in its market. You need to work with an agency that will give you equally unique services and strategies, so you can leverage a comprehensive right-sized strategy for achieving your goals.

At Mediagistic, we take the time to comprehensively learn about your business as it relates to your service area, demographic, and growth goals. Our account management and digital strategy teams then take that information and research to assemble a comprehensive, right-sized internet marketing strategy to achieve your goals.

Megan Adair is an Account Development Manager at Mediagistic. She specializes in supporting and growing the ongoing creation and development of new and current relationships within Mediagistic’s customer base. Connect with her on Linkedin.

Image via Thinkstock

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