For a better tomorrow, save energy today.

Start your renewable energy journey with The Natural Energy Company

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As heat pump installers in Scotland for over 15 years, we are dedicated to creating a cleaner and more sustainable future. As one of the longest established providers of renewable energy solutions, we offer a complete package for your home that is tailor made to your property and lifestyle. From heat pumps to solar panels and battery storage, our bespoke solutions harness the power of natural energy, empowering you to embrace a cleaner future effectively. 

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Heat Pumps

Providing central heating & hot water, or air conditioning.  Increase your comfort, save on energy costs & reduce your carbon footprint.
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Reduce your reliance on the grid & power your home with clean energy.  Take control of your electric & hot water costs with a PV array.  
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Battery Storage

Power your home using stored green energy, even during a powercut with Tesla Powerwall - the perfect partner to your Solar PV array.
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About Us

We are passionate about providing sustainable energy solutions.  Learn more about our journey and visit our Showroom.
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Save on your fuel costs, reduce your reliance on the national grid and transition towards a greener and more efficient energy landscape.


With over 15 years of experience, we have become trusted experts in renewable energy. Our team's extensive knowledge and expertise allows us to offer a sustainable energy system is tailor-made to fit your home and lifestyle, ensuring your system not only works but runs at optimal efficiency to save you money.

Throughout your sustainable energy journey, the Natural Energy Company team will be by your side, guiding you every step of the way. We are here to answer your questions and provide the support you need to make the transition to sustainable energy effortless and rewarding.
