New Zealand Cancels the Climate Change Cow Fart Tax

The new Conservative New Zealand Coalition Government has cancelled a climate flatulence tax which was due to start in 2025.

Aussie Green Insurrection: Build Coal Plants to Save the Koalas!

“We can’t destroy biodiversity to save the planet.” – local greens teaming up with hardline conservatives to block new wind farms.

The EV Tax Credit Is a Climate Lemon

o measure the success of their policies by how much taxpayer money they can burn through, and the White House periodically reminds taxpayers that the Inflation Reduction Act is the…

New Report Reveals Massive Scale of Green Billionaire Funding of ‘Climate Emergency’ Reporting in Mainstream Media

…there might be some concern that another science-lite campaign could eventually lead to more grovelling public accountability, laughable scorn and diminished credibility.

Exit the UN Climate Treaty–Again!

The reasons for a US withdrawal were given seven years ago this month by President Trump. The logic holds with ever more reason.

Climate Alarmist Hype that May 2024 is the “Hottest” Global Average Temperature Anomaly is Meaningless in the U.S. and at other global locations around the World

Alarmists also grossly misrepresent that the earth has exceeded a 1.5 degrees threshold temperature limit that is nothing but an arbitrary and purely politically contrived alarmist propaganda claim.

POLITICO: ‘Europe’s Greens take a beating at the polls. Is the US next?’

…a reversal of political fortunes in Europe could upend the move to zero-carbon energy and a hard shift toward electric cars by 2035.

Huge area of open water on Hudson Bay created by wind, not ice melt, NSIDC experts confirm

Sea ice experts at the US National Snow and Ice Data Center just confirmed my suspicion that the huge area of open water in eastern Hudson Bay during May this…

Tune in Live: Steve Koonin With Andrew Revkin and Roger Pielke Jr.

It’s rare to get a serious conversation between informed people who have significantly different points of view. So this session might be quite informative. 

Windless nights make net zero impossible

It is very simple. The cost of storing electricity is so huge it makes getting through a single windless night under a net zero wind, solar, and storage plan economically…

Updated Hydrogen Costings

The cost of producing and installing electrolysers for green hydrogen production in China, the US and Europe — three of the world’s biggest markets — has risen by more than…

Deputy Leader Of Germany’s Centre-Right Party: Country in A “Green Fairy Tale World”

The Deputy Leader of Germany’s Christian Democratic Union Jens Spahn warns that the current socialist-green government is leading the country into a “green fairy tale world” and sharply citicizes the country’s the…

Vaclav Smil On The Two Cultures And Our “Fully Post-Factual World”

The elites, for their part, wish to change everything: sex, the climate, our history, your automobile, your diet, even the straws with which you slurp your smoothie.

Nuclear Power Risk? Australia is Already Part of the Nuclear Age

Both hotels were near nuclear medicine facilities. The first hotel (peak 0.14 µSv / hour) was a holiday rental in an apartment complex where lots of doctors live. The second…

Is Paris About to Leave the Paris Agreement?

President Macron has called a snap parliamentary election after devastating losses to right wing challenger Marine Le Penn in recent European elections.

Avoiding the Net Zero Trap

By Andy May Clintel has just put out a new publication, We Can Still Avoid the Net Zero Trap, by Kees de Lange and Guus Berkhout.

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #601

No government has the right to decide on the truth of scientific principles, or to prescribe in any way the character of the questions investigated.

The Latest On The Federal War Against Internal Combustion Vehicles

o what happens when manufacturers produce mostly EVs to comply with these Rules, and then nobody will buy them? This could be very entertaining.

New Zealand to revoke oil drilling ban amid fears of blackouts

The country’s coalition government is preparing to invite energy companies to resume exploration in the three major offshore fields that supply most of its gas.

Did the Aussie Opposition Leader Just Call for Cancelling the Paris Agreement?

Does “there’s no sense in signing up to targets you don’t have any prospect of achieving” translate to a commitment to dump Australia’s Paris obligations?

Green Dilemma: Pennsylvania Fracking Wastewater Could Provide Half the USA’s Lithium Needs

They have to extract the gas to get to the Lithium…

UAH Upper Tropospheric Temperatures Corroborate LT Temperature Trends

…our traditional LT (lower tropospheric) temperature trends are basically corroborated by the other channels of MSU/AMSU.

Open Thread

Climate Change Weekly #508: On Extreme Weather, the More We Learn, the More We Know How Little We Knew Before (and Still Don’t Know)

The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.

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