Last Night

Chemical Toxins / Cold Cases & EVPs
Chemical Toxins / Cold Cases & EVPs
Consumer advocate David Steinman revealed how many foods and products contain chemical toxins and what we can do to protect ourselves. Followed by paranormal investigator Scott Degenhardt on EVPs and cold cases.


Astrology Forecast / Other Side Communications
Astrology Forecast / Other Side Communications

First Half: A student of astrology for over 30 years, Leslie McGuirk teaches regularly at Rancho La Puerta Spa and, in the corporate world, is a popular keynote speaker on the topic of creative inspiration. She'll present her predictions for the second half of 2024 as well as tips on how to use astrology to improve your life.

Second Half: Inspirational artist Laurie Majka began receiving communications from the Other Side in 2012 when her soul mate Mark passed away. She'll discuss the astonishing communications in the form of music, dreams, and uncanny synchronicities that many have experienced after a loved one has died.

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