
Daily Devotional

Today’s Devotional June 12

Christians have immense resources in times of trouble. Sadly, we often forget this truth and react as if we had to face our problems alone. Angels must wonder at our frail faith. We have been […]


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      Lives Changed

      Dear Drs. Jack and Rexella van Impe,

      May the Lord continue to Bless you and keep you in the Palm of His Awesome Mighty Right Hand. He has kept you both and restored Dr. Jack to his rightful place in front of the TV Camera. Praise His Wonderful Name.

      I live in South Africa and have been part of your unseen TV audience whilst you were on TBN and now Faith Broadcasting Network, TV out of East London, South Africa

      Your weekly email over the years , the in-depth study recently of Daniel and now back to Revelation have been a source and constant reminder of how the ‘date line’ of things past and things to come dove-tail in prophesy.

      How can anyone not believe what is so accurately revealed in scripture?

      My Mom and Dad had your ‘Study Bible” which they received from you some 20 or so years ago and was passed on to me after they went home to be with our Lord.

      My Dad was a Director of Christian Camping International and both he and my Mom had a beautiful Property in the Midlands of Natal. A spread of thatch Rondavels on the banks of the Mooi River (Willowvale Christian Camping and Conference Centre). This could house 120 kids, teenagers and Sunday School Teachers at any given time, where they could learn and were taught of His wonderful love for them.

      My Dad erected a ‘foffi’ slide from the top of the bank over to the other side of the river, with a sign at the start, saying, “No turning back” and you had to sing the chorus of the same wording before taking the plunge!. If you didn’t make it – you would land in the river!!

      As I was unable to find any mention of ‘Retirement’ in scripture, the Lord blessed me with an awe-inspiring Property, with a river running through the centre of it, this I turned into a Guest Lodge. The word ‘Lodge’ has a deeper meaning and was shown to me from Psalm 91 verse 1, He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High (el Elyon) shall ABIDE (LODGE) under the shadow of the Almighty. (El Shaddai) He has, as always, kept His Word to perform it. His Word is a Constant Companion in these last days.

      I figured that if guests were themselves serious about the Lord, they would bring their own Bibles and study literature, if not, it was time they had His Word to read, so I scattered throughout the rooms, books by , Perry Stone, Joyce Meyer, the late Myles Munroe and many others that I could lay my hands on. I am always replacing them as the guests, say, ‘I have not finished reading this one, may I take it home and bring it back when next I stay with you’

      Your latest addition to you weekly email, has been to allow me to click on to you Broadcast Message, which is wonderful, should I be busy with Guests and miss you weekly TV Broadcast.

      PLEASE, JUST KNOW YOUR MESSAGES ARE A LIGHT IN DARKEST AFRICA and are a real Blessing and Greatly appreciated.

      May the Lord keep you keeping on,

      Jeanie R.

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      About JVIM

      Current international events reflect exactly the conditions predicted throughout the Bible for the last days of this age. Dr. Jack Van Impe has been declaring the truth of Bible prophecy since 1948 and continues to be a leading voice in declaring the soon return of the Savior. Dr. Rexella Van Impe is a talented musician and a critical part of the TV and teaching ministries.

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