The society for people who love the sky

Welcome, artists, scientists, cloudspotters and dreamers. You've come to the right place!

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Today's Cloud-a-Day

Sunday 2nd June 2024

Storm Cloud Week: Sunday

The defining characteristic of supercell storms, like this one spotted by Ryan Weller south of Miltona, Minnesota, US and shared by Mary Kessle (Member 51,523), is the large rotating centr…

Cloud of the Month

June 2024

The illusion of perspective is at its most impressive when you observe beams of light and shade, known as anti-crepuscular rays, from the window of an aircraft. That’s why we featured some as Cloud of the Month for June...

Recent Clouds Spotted

New from our Members

Cloud Art
Susan Delia sent us this image of a ...
Cloud Music
Dan Barstow, Member 41,557 and  Education Mission Specialist ...
Altocumulus with virga over Denmark.
Cloud Poetry
Anette Prehn, Member 63,419, appreciates the sky from ...
Cloud Videos
Sara Blumenstein, Member 24,936, spotted this video of ...

Get our Cloud-a-Day App

Our free Cloud-a-Day app is the perfect way to start your journey to becoming an expert cloudspotter. It has a library of descriptions and reference images for 58 different clouds and optical effects and it uses the power of AI to help you identify the clouds you spot. Members can also view the Cloud-a-Day in the app that they get as part of their subscription.

Get the Book

A Cloud A Day is our beautifully illustrated book containing 365 skies selected by the Cloud Appreciation Society. It includes photographs by our members from around the world of stunning and fascinating formations, as well as examples of clouds depicted by great artists and even formations in Space, such as interstellar clouds and those on other planets. This is the ultimate dip-in-and-out book for sky lovers. Each image is accompanied by an enlightening explanation, a revealing snippet of cloud science, a surprising story or an uplifting quotation. Each entry will teach you about the sky in a fun and uplifting way.

A Survival Kit for the Imagination

Our downloadable lesson plans and resources for schools and homeschools teaching about the sky.


No One Really Understands Clouds

Diana Bander, Member 49,101, spotted this article on The Atlantic website.  The article, written by  Zoë Schlanger, begins with the sky near to the equator.  It states, “clouds and wind run the show”, explaining that tropical cloud systems drive global atmospheric circulation, which determines the weather around the world.  It draws on the thoughts of […]

Marine Cloud Brightening: a Potential Tool in the Fight against Climate Change

A small-scale experiment was recently carried out by a team at the University of Washington to explore a potential tool in the fight against the climate crisis: marine cloud brightening. The idea is that spraying tiny particles of sea salt into marine Stratocumulus clouds – the low, clumpy layer cloud that can form over large […]

Cloud Man Production

Chicago’s Filament Theatre are in the final week of their production of Cloud Man. Filament Theatre is the premier theatre for young audiences on Chicago, Illinois’ Northwest Side, and is delighted to present the magical Constellation Points’ Cloud Man. The production is thanks to a new partnership between Filament and the Scottish theatre company Constellation […]