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Crikey is an independent news website featuring commentary on politics, media, business, culture and technology.

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Former treasurer Josh Frydenberg (Image: AAP/Bianca De Marchi)

Josh Frydenberg — no ticker, no start

Josh Frydenberg didn’t have the guts to go after Scott Morrison and stuffed a return to Kooyong when he didn’t know he could win. So why should he get another crack now?

Antoinette Lattouf fired by ABC, Fair Work Commission finds 

Antoinette Lattouf has had a win in her legal battle with the ABC, with the Fair Work Commission finding she was fired from her casual radio role.

Former US president Donald Trump at a campaign rally (Image: AP/Yuki Iwamura)

Trump, Tingle and touching the nerve of white grievance

Why do racists hate being called racist? The fury directed at Laura Tingle throws some light on the grievance that powers Donald Trump.

Convicted felon Donald Trump faces Australia travel ban

His conviction also means he’s barred from sitting on a jury… and teaching English in South Korea.

12 countries across the world have lowered their voting age from 18. Australia should be next

Young people are more politically engaged than ever before. It’s time they were given equal representation.

Darren Wick, Peter Costello and Mike Sneesby (Image: Private Media/Zennie)

The Nine board response to Wick scandal mirrors a corporate culture addicted to ‘good news’

Nine’s CEO claims he had no idea about the alleged toxic behaviour of a senior executive. Why is it that corporate bosses never seem to know what’s happening in their own corporations?

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Anthony Albanese (Image: Zennie/Private Media)

Protester to prime minister: A timeline of Albanese’s public stance on Palestine 

Anthony Albanese has criticised student protesters and reprimanded a junior senator for speaking out. But he was once an outspoken advocate too, attending a protest in 2000 where Israeli flags were burned and the US consulate stormed.

Anthony Albanese with News Corp chairman Lachlan Murdoch (centre) and NSW Premier Chris Minns (left) (Image: AAP/Dean Lewins)

How do we get serious about fixing Australia’s lack of media diversity?

The new program aims to support public interest journalism and, at long last, improve diversity in our media ecosystem.

Greens leader Adam Bandt (Image: AAP)

Media fetishisation of ‘two-state solution’ betrays ignorance and cover-up

Adam Bandt has been widely criticised for refusing to endorse a two-state solution. Strange that Benjamin Netanyahu’s efforts to prevent one never attract attention.

Pro-Palestine and pro-Israel protesters from universities across Australia (Image: Private Media)

Coverage of pro-Palestine university protests reflects Australia’s polarised, skewed media

Media coverage of pro-Palestine university protests has seen a collapse of the middle ground, with students painted as violent and racist, and their demands largely ignored and misinterpreted. 

Donald Trump (Image: AP/LM Otero)

If there’s no reason to ‘fear’ Trump will scuttle AUKUS, why do we need to be told over and over? 

Over the years, we’ve been treated to numerous stories about how people in Trump’s orbit believes he’ll support AUKUS if reelected. But there’s a reason fears to the contrary remain.

Shadow treasurer Angus Taylor (Image: AAP/Lukas Coch)

How much do we really want productivity growth? Turns out, not so much

The easiest way to lift productivity is to get rid of workers. But how serious are we about improving our productivity performance?

(Image: Private Media/Zennie)

Money worries? Ask Steve Forrester!

Crikey’s money man Steve Forrester takes your questions about all your goddamn swag. As told to Guy Rundle.

Cannabis and the logo for online medical clinic Alternaleaf (Image: Private Media/Alternaleaf)

Cannabis companies advertising on social media face backlash from drug watchdog

The Therapeutic Goods Administration alleges advertising cannabis directly to consumers can lead to ‘inappropriate demand for these medicines’.

NDIS Minister Bill Shorten (Image: AAP/Lukas Coch)

People with disability have spelled out 6 priorities — now politicians must act 

People with disability are too often seen as problems to be solved, rather than the problem-solvers with agency to act.

NSW Premier Chris Minns (Image: AAP/Bianca De Marchi)

Coalkeeper 2.0: NSW Labor to make taxpayers prop up lethal coal power

The NSW Labor government is pursuing its own version of Angus Taylor’s Coalkeeper tax — by forcing taxpayers to prop up an unviable coal-fired power station.

Federal Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen (Image: AAP/FLAVIO BRANCALEONE)

Future Gas Strategy will be expensive and inequitable

The strategy would be a more convincing document if it engaged deeply with the many gas substitute technologies.