Find Private Tutors on our UK Private Tuition Service

We are the leading tutor matching service providing home and private tutors in your area for primary, secondary and degree level private or home tuition. Our UK private tutors cover a wide range of subjects including English and Maths and other niche subjects like languages. Private tuition for Entrance exams, A-Levels, GCSEs and SATs are all catered for across the UK.

Use the search box below to find home tutors close to you that meet your private tuition needs.

News items

Flights offer for crisis-hit Nigerian students
Some students at Teesside University are being seriously affected by the Nigerian currency crisis.

Labour pledges 100,000 new childcare places
The funding will come from Labour's plan to levy VAT on private schools, the party says.

Exercise challenge 'brought me back to my dad'
Charlotte Greatorex says her challenge was in honour of her father, who died when she was nine.

Bluey cartoon disrupts election count plans
Bluey's live theatre show gives a headache for those trying to organise an election count.

Parents asked to put away phones at school gate
The headteacher says he is trying to "resurrect the joy of conversation back into the community".

Would a 1.40pm Friday finish stop teachers quitting?
The number of teachers in England has risen - but so has the number leaving, the latest figures reveal.

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Why Private Tuition?

Private tuition on a one-to-one basis is clearly the most productive way to learn. Private tuition can be used to help your child catch up after temporarily falling behind, to learn a subject outside the school environment, to stretch your child further or give closer attention to the needs of your child than is possible in a classroom environment.

We feel home tutors and private tutors can offer a number of benefits for your child, including raising levels of school performance, but also helping a child to increase their confidence, enjoyment and motivation in a subject.

The extra focus and tailored attention of specialised one-to-one private tuition can be the decisive factor that will make the difference to successful learning and good exam grades, ensuring that you or your child is able to gain the most benefit from their mainstream educational activities and fulfil their academic potential.

Personal Tutors

Both home tutors and personal tutors can register with us for free and start advertising their private tuition services across their local area. This allows tutors to showcase their qualifications, experience and tutoring approach. Tutees are then free to browse all the available home tutors and personal tutors and based on the information outlined in the tutor profiles, tutees can select the tutor or tutors that meet their tuition needs.

How Our Private Tuition Service Works

Using the search box above you can find home or private tutors in your area that meet your tuition needs. Just enter your postcode, level and subject you require tuition in and we will display a list of tutors in your area that are able to offer private tuition.

Follow the simple steps below to contact our private tutors:

  • 1. Search for a personal tutor or private tutor by entering your postcode, subject and level you want tuition in.

  • 2. Browse the list of private tutors and home tutors and view their profiles to find more information on the individual tutors, such as their qualifications and tutoring background.

  • 3. Finally, just login or register to contact the home tutor that meet your tuition needs based on their tuition experience outlined in their tutor profile.