Clarence Bass


(Founded 1980)

We are your source for bodybuilding, fitness, health, motivation, nutrition, diet & fat loss information.

We seek to inspire and provide the tools you need to help yourself




                             Carol and Clarence Bass  

528 Chama, N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87108
PO Box 51236, Albuquerque, NM 87181-1236
(505) 266-5858    E-Mail:


Clarence at age 24
squat snatch

AGE 60
 Photo by Pat Berrett


Age 86
PHOTO BY Carol Bass



A Muscle & Fitness columnist for 16 years, Clarence Bass, a lawyer and bodybuilding champion, has been called
 "the most articulate and well-read spokesman in America for an all-round fitness lifestyle."
 Author of ten books and 3 DVDs, he believes in combining weights, aerobics, and sound nutrition to achieve lifetime fitness and leanness.

Our revised and expanded pictorial of Clarence from 15 to 86 shows the results of a lifetime of regular exercise and healthy eating: GO


  About Clarence Bass
Books, DVDs, Consultations
Photos, Etc.

Success Stories


News Items




 From The Desk of Clarence Bass
on the following subjects:


Diet & Nutrition

Strength Training


Fat Loss & Weight Control

Fitness & Health

Age Factor

Physiological Factors

Psychology & Motivation

Fitness Personalities



Of Special Interest

Clarence's Hip Replacement

*Fit at 50 (Clarence's first Cooper Clinic visit)
*Clarence Bass' Prescription for Success:    Goal Setting Across a Lifetime
(by Richard A. Winett, Ph.D.)

*The Ownership Principle




We accept the following (& more):
PayPal Acceptance Mark
See Products and Ordering links to the left of this page

Help yourself live longer, stronger, and healthier!



   3 Ripped DVDs
You've read the books, now see Clarence in action in the Ripped DVD series.

To learn more about the series GO     





Comments From Visitors


Lawyer to Lawyer

I'm a lifetime lifter: weight training non stop since I was 19.  I’ll be 66 next month.

Like you I'm a lawyer (still practicing).

I want to thank you for all your great work in fitness. I have read several of your books and read your Updates religiously every month.

You are a treasure.  Many thanks for disseminating logical, easy to understand training and nutrition advice.



Fitness and Father Time

I’m 68 years old but feel much younger, though sprinting and walking long distance are no longer comfortable.

Thankfully, I can row, cycle, and strength train, though squatting is a little uncomfortable.

For the first time in my life, I’m understanding that Father Time is there to stay.

Still, except for the hip arthritis, worsened eyesight, and prostate enlargement, I feel similar to when I was much younger.

I’m fit, mentally sharp, and spiritually minded.  

I’ve spent countless hours over the years exploring fitness sites. Yours has always been one of the best.

Thank You!


A Way of Life

It is with great pleasure that I address you as the best natural athlete in the history of bodybuilding.

You’re a beacon in today’s world, full of fast fixes and shortcuts that inevitably lead to frustration and failure.

I’ve been a follower of your craft for many years - you taught me how to find a path, a way of life, that develops more than muscle, rather one that nourishes both the physical and the spiritual.

Thank you for the new photos at 86.


Respite From the Storm

I want to thank you both for the tremendous fitness insights and encouragement you have provided over the years.  While the fitness industry becomes louder and more confusing, you have been a source of consistent and sensible advice that centers around actual experience rather than theoretical extrapolations. 

Whenever I need a respite from the storm I turn to your website and books--more than ever at 70. 


New Perspective on Aging

I have followed you for over 30 years (I'm 73 now).  You shocked me at age 50 when I saw a photo of you while walking through a bookstore that completely reshaped my perspective on the possibilities for healthy aging. 


Evolutionary Basis

I think you have intuitively and experimentally created a modern version of the “hunter gatherer physical activity regimen” in your overall approach. There appears to be a valid evolutionary basis for what you do!



It is so great to see you guys still sharing this life changing information!  And it is beyond amazing to see Clarence maintain such peak fitness and health into his 80s!

Since the late 80’s when we first read Clarence’s columns in Muscle & Fitness, we have been huge fans of the common sense, no BS approach to nutrition, resistance training, and cardiovascular conditioning.

Keep up the great work. 

Some of your biggest fans,

Keats and Franz

Help with Depression

Hope you are OK and training good still.  I'm 62 today and just thought I'd say thank you for all your help with my depression. 

Who knows maybe I wouldn’t be here if it wasn't for your help. 



More Inspired

Clarence has been an inspiration for me going back to my early teenage years and even more so now.  Thank you both.


The Message

Totally agree with your article (on Alzheimer's). As an example in Belgium the actress Alice Toen who is 99 and still acting.  So staying physically and mentally active is the message.


Wellspring of Wisdom

Your articles and books have given me a wellspring of cold refreshing water over the years. (I'm 38)    

It's always a pleasure to read your thoughts, insights, and, most notably: Wisdom.

Between you and Leonard Schwartz, I'm always in good company:

I keep your books beside my Platos, Aristotles, and Aquinases.

I've always admired the Greek ideal of mind-body and maintained the crossroad of beauty, proportions, and The Good as strands in a great web of gossamer; you pluck one strand, and the whole substance jiggles.


The Real Deal

Clarence, you are informative and inspirational.

The real deal!

You have persevered and been genuine.

I appreciate you and your wife. Not a flash in the pan but an example of growth and progress.

You learn and share. Those who want to advance will read, discern and apply appropriately.

I’m grateful you research, publish and pass it on.

Keep it up till the finish line!


Engaged in Life

I have contradictory thoughts on aging.

I think about death a LOT, but I'm fully engaged in life.  

I remain stronger than most men,

I remain intellectually involved in what's happening in the world (as grim as that is much of the time).

My reading comprehension is as good as it ever has been.  

My sense of humor remains strong.  

And I'm again focusing on my previously published writings.

What more could I ask for!


Walking for Life

Thank you for all that you and Clarence do.  I am a Senior coming back from a bad accident resulting in a long ICU stay. 

You introduced me to walking, which is life changing.  Before I thought I had to run.  Now that I can’t run walking has really helped me.


Website a Treasure Trove

Thank you for your disciplined dedication as well as publicly documented fitness journey.  The website alone is a treasure trove for the novice to the advanced practitioner.


Customer for Life

I just want to touch base and let you know the package arrived as scheduled and to thank you and the team for providing such outstanding customer service.  I really appreciated the personalized email you sent and for providing the tracking information; but I was even more blown away to see the bonus gift and personalize, hand-written, messages in the books!  You and the team are first-class all the way and I want you to know how grateful I am for that.  You got a customer for life! 


A Wellness Doctor

Thank you so much for signing my book and for including another book for free! I have already devoured both books, and receiving them made my week!

I also want to share that I am currently a medical student planning to pursue a career as a preventative medicine physician.

I attribute my decision to pursue this path to my early exposure to Clarence's writing back when I was in high school.

It is from reading about Clarence's experience at the Cooper Clinic and learning about Dr. Arno Jensen that I learned that this is even a possible field to go into within medicine.

Thank you again,


The RIPPED Literary Formula

Thank you so much for the August 1 column. As is always the case the composition is such a hopeful, accessible motivation.

I’m taken with clarity of your writing. State the need with evidence, link the supporting literature, state the footnoted remedy filtered with your current experience and show the photographic proof of your results with a positive update on how you both live the message.

I don’t know if it’s the legal education, writing for Weider or Carol’s editing that does it but the world of journalism would be a better place if they’d follow your recipe.

Anyway, I’m wishing you a peaceful Sunday and my deepest appreciation for all you do.

Bart Gallant


Reasoned, Fact Based Approach

I have always used Clarence as my “north star.”

For these many years you and Clarence have both not only talked the talk but you have walked the walk. You both are wonderful examples of lives well lived and have served as wonderful role models.  

Especially in these times of “fake news,” I am especially appreciative of Clarence’s reasoned, fact based approach to life.

Thank you both. 

Geof Mulford

Legendary Strength Coach Speaks Out

I am flying out to a workshop in North Carolina and I am powering through Ripped 1-3. I read them years ago and I am still convinced that these are the best of the best. There is a new thing I see a lot:


Clarence's story is ONE person but the honesty, so rare in this industry, is illuminating.

Daniel John

The Benchmark

Having read your latest article on ablation I thought I’d drop you a line to say how uplifting that read was.  I’ve been following you for over 20 years and in that time have read – and continue to read – many, many articles on other sites about health and fitness, but your site is the benchmark and the one I ALWAYS return to..!  I felt a real personal connection to you this time and am so happy things have worked out well for you. 

All the best wishes from the UK.

Nick Unwin

Fresh and Compelling

I really admire how you make each month fresh and compelling.

Richard A. Winett, Ph.D.
Heilig Meyers Emeritus Professor of Psychology
Virginia Tech

OMG, He's Still Doing It

I will be turning 56 this year and on a whim went looking for strength training information as it applies to older people. 

And I find Clarence Bass, a name I remembered from back when I read muscle magazines.

OMG he is still doing it.


Wow good job to both Basses, inspiring! 

Thank you.

Ray Bennett

How & Why

I'm in the camp that appreciates your style: intelligence guided by exercise focused research, and experience.  A good coach can tell you what and how, and a great one can tell you why.

You help us educate and convince ourselves.

Dave Walsh

Inspires and Informs

My own health situation is not dire but being born with one kidney gives me motivation to protect it. 

Your approach saved me a lot of grief in my early 20’s. My friends mostly resided on nearby cattle farms. We were all eager to get bigger. Some started taking anabolic steroids they had access to for their cattle, just guessing at dosages.

I resisted my ego and the temptation to join my friends in their experimentation, while reading about how Clarence was the leanest man in bodybuilding.

All it would have taken at that time is likely for me to pick up the wrong magazine and peer pressure may have won the day. Clarence has followed science and keen observation to his credit in pursuits of achievement of his potential. Many lessons to be taken from Clarence that extend well beyond bodybuilding and nutrition. What a great role model, more a healthy lifestyle!

Clarence’s contribution to bodybuilding, fitness and diet will be welcomed reference materials in my home and a terrific keepsake from a man who in many ways helped to construct a very important body of work that I am sure has inspired and informed many people.

That is not a small legacy.

Carl McIntosh


Thank You


I was on your website today reading a few articles and want to thank you for your site and the knowledge you provide.


You are a true gentleman and a great credit to the physical culture and health Lifestyle.  Long may you train and enjoy

your life. 


Much Respect,


Jim Figurniak


PS:. CHALLENGE YOURSELF is still my favorite book of yours. I re-read it often. 


I stumbled upon your name, mulling over a history of nutrition and bodybuilding. I'm grateful for the wealth of knowledge and documentation that you have amassed in one place. I've come to appreciate physical fitness and autonomy on a deep personal level, moving from 350+ pound morbid obesity to a fit young man with a passion for movement.

I've had to address so many habits, coping mechanisms, and behaviors around food and my body image, and your personal story was a breath of fresh air. I'd like to personally thank you for being an advocate. For advocating rest. For advocating doing what brings you joy, enjoying food, enjoying life. I feel safer taking more rest and less physical and emotional punishment in the name of an unreal struggle for "never good enough." You are an inspiration and pretty swell human. Thank you for speaking your truth to the world.

Tyler Woods

Aging Well

In Dec. 2019, I collapsed with blood clots in my lungs.  5 days in intensive care and I was back up, running and training with weights in the gym.  Drs. were amazed at how fit I was for a 71 year old and barring the blood clots, my lungs and heart were great.  I just told them that an even older American gentleman who I have never met has been the inspiration for me over many years.  They hadn't a clue what I was talking about but, I thought this message would make you smile and know that your lifetimes work is still helping people.

All the best - Graham.

That's Who I Want To Be Like, Then & Now

When I discovered your Ripped articles in the early 1980s as a young lifter, I remember saying to myself, "That's who I want to look like when I'm older."  Well, now that I'm older (and bald), I've strived for that health & look you always presented - for this, I am forever grateful to you for your inspiration.
Thank you for your website, your eloquent writing and keeping those of us in the "masters" generation updated on the importance of health & strength as we age. 
Your writing on diet & weight training all those decades ago in Muscle & Fitness affected all of us who are now older - and we are better for it.  I do hope this finds you and your family safe during this trying time in our nation's history.

My best regards to you - Joe Daniels

Physical Culture Historian

Hi Clarence, just been browsing your site, always loved your stuff, have your books, always read your articles, you are a great inspiration.

Thanks for keeping honest bodybuilding alive; you and I know that good old fashioned training, along with rest and decent nutrition stays with you all your life.

God Bless, David Gentle, now 85 having spent 74 years in the iron game, see our “History of Physical Culture” website: 

*  *  *

The History of Physical Culture (HOPC) contains one of the largest and most comprehensive online libraries of its kind.  It was originally founded under the name, Sandow Plus in the United Kingdom in the late 90’s.  Following the untimely death of one of its founders, ownership was transferred to Canada and it was renamed the History of Physical Culture (HOPC).  Since then it has grown exponentially. 

Its online library represents two decades of collective literature that consists of rare historical publications from the early 1900’s to modern times. The HOPC Library offers resources to meet the needs of individuals, historians, media outlets, scholars, researchers and the academic community. Along with contemporary work and biographies by its talented team of historians and writers, it contains hundreds of rare books, articles and photos donated by the HOPC Team and collectors from all over the world who support the HOPC’s vision to preserve history.”

Fitness & Science

The two of you redirected my mindset to a really useful way to approach fitness. The power of small improvements is quite amazing! I also use the website to keep up to date on fitness as well as to be inspired by the success stories you share.

Secondly, you two were the originals when it came to putting "science" into fitness! There are many in the fitness world who claim this moniker now, but you two started this years ago - and share a lot of the information at no cost to your followers.


Scott R.

Thoughtful Gesture

I am writing to thank you. 

I got involved with some very bad people and ended up in prison.  I followed the wrong guys and lost my career. While in jail, I wrote to you  and you were kind enough to write back and include a complimentary copy of one of your books. 

I found it to be such a kind, thoughtful gesture and want to thank you for  it. 

I first saw you back in the early 80's in muscle magazines and followed you ever since. You are the Jack LaLanne of my generation. Truly a gentleman, a scholar, and an Inspiration!

Appreciate Openness

I have been a fan of Clarence and Carol for almost 30 years now.  I like how open and real you are with your photos and even your doctor & Cooper Clinic results.  You have been the #1 influence on how I train.  In fact, I was talking to a friend at dinner tonight about some of the things you have taught me over the years. 

Thank you again for all you do.

NP in Ohio

Happy birthday Clarence!

I really appreciate you taking the time to share the results of your Cooper  Clinic checkup.  Of course, your "ageless" pictures speak for themselves.  As a result, your life reflects solid confirmation that your fitness and diet philosophy is RIGHT ON!

The best part of your sharing is that you tell it like it is without altering the results.  Your sincerity on the aging process demonstrates your character makeup.  Plus, your writing style makes for a great narrative of who you are...a super healthy individual.  Thanks for your information which encourages us all to keep focusing on our long term health!

You definitely are an inspiration and motivator.


Victor D.  Silva

Thank You from English Instructor

I'm now over 70 years young, been training since 12 years old including Army and Police service as an instructor; found out about your methods of training in the 1980s and have been an enthusiast for your methods ever since.

I have received and delivered training all over Europe working with and for Police and Special Forces.

All these organization's fitness training programs are condensed in your core philosophy of cardio, strength through resistance training, diet ,and above all, keep at it and cycle the training program up and down to allow recovery.

I like the way you embrace age and training methods to suit real life. Hence I believe your programs are spot on and your acknowledgement of aging keeps my spirits high and myself on the way to the gym.

Thank you for inspiring another human being to live well.

All the best from England,
Graham Lawrence

Gary's Gurus

"What Gary Keller (1019 Legacy Award recipient) has learned from decades atop real estate industry...are the tenants that guide Keller's life--those espoused by people such as mega-investor Warren Buffett and fitness guru Clarence Bass"

Austin Business Journal,  October 3, 2019

International Treasure

Clarence, let me just start out by saying I think you are one of the most important human beings we have on the planet at the moment. You have truly proven that what everyone thinks is not possible, quite surely is. You are more muscular than most people in their 20s. I know, that alone is freaking INSANE.

What is your secret, to that amazing lifetime of muscularity and leanness?

You are truly incredible!!

Hi Matheus:

Careful or I might start believing it; Carol warns against getting a big head.

To answer your query, my secret, if there is one, is always looking for ways to improve; building on success one step at a time. See Outlook Matters--My Story:

Thank you for your very kind comment.


Gift of Inspiration






Love From Denmark

Hello Clarence:

You are really an idol for me...

I am sure it is true that lifestyle (eating Whole Foods minimally processed and exercising regularly) has kept you at a low body fat your whole life.  I mean, I would be overjoyed, if I could stay at the 10-12 range for my life by following your lifestyle tips. 

Lots of love and support from Denmark!

Konrad Jensen

Hey! from UK

Just been looking through your website while having my coffee on my night shift here in the UK. It's a little after 0240hrs and I've been reading some articles on Vince Gironda and looking through yours and Frank Zane's old photos from back in the day!  I've gotta say bodybuilding and physique has really lost  its way over the years. The Anabolics have completely ruined the physique. Your conditioning was insane Clarence!  I mean you really came into your top form in your 40's. You gotta love the fact you've held your condition all these years. Phenomenal physique and really inspiring.  I think a lean athletic physique is the way to go for sure! I'm 38 and seeing the levels of conditioning you achieved after the age of 40 is something to behold.  Thanks for the inspiration, and thanks for the great content on your site also!

Good day to you Sir!

Andy  Bellion

 Pharmacist Thank You

I just want to drop you a short note of thanks.  I'm a recently retired 70 year old pharmacist.  I first started reading your work way back in my old drugstore days when I could steal a few minutes and goof off.  Thanks to you I'm still working out with high intensity and strength training a few times a week as you recommend.  And I have read all of your books.  I cannot tell you how valuable your writing have been to me during my career as a working pharmacist.  I knew I could always count on your recommendations as being well researched and up to date.  I hope I (we) have helped some patients along the way.  So I just wanted to thank you and wish you continued Health and a long life.  I am sure there are many more people just like me that feel the same way that I do.

With respect,
Bill Neunder

Perspective of a Minimalist

Clarence:  At 59, I have spent my life making things simple.  I have maintained a 5'10" 160 lb physique for 40 years.  I take no medicine, supplements or vitamins and have a simple diet of fruit, vegetables, oats, rice, peanut butter, yogurt and chicken.

My workouts are just under 40 minutes 5 days a week and I use a minimal of equipment along with bodyweight exercises (sit-ups, ab wheel roll outs, pull ups, push ups and dips).  I have good muscularity and flexibility along with a resting pulse of 50 and average BP of 120/65.

I have been inspired by Jack LaLanne and Clarence Bass.  My success in marriage, family and business is in many ways attributable to my fitness and I can credit my fitness to my Spartan home gym and simple exercise regime.

Thanks for being an inspiration and like Jack Lalanne before you a national treasure.

David Helms, Dallas, Texas

From Florida

Good afternoon.  Nice to meet you via e-mail.  I have followed your career in bodybuilding and bought one of your books, Challenge Yourself.  The book was very well written and informative. 

You truly provide superb scientific information and wonderful practical knowledge to us the readers and followers.  At 58 and heading toward the "golden years," it is very reassuring to have all the information you provide.  It is also inspiring to see that with hard work and sensible eating patterns you can be healthy and strong later in life.

I am incorporating many of the principles you discuss, such as walking.  I have two medium sized dogs and except for lightning, I walk them every day for two to three miles, do one intense cardiovascular sessions a week and two full body sessions of weightlifting a week, with one being traditional lifting and the other being more circuit training. 

I am very grateful for all your advice on training, nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. I hope our paths cross one day so I can personally thank you for your excellent work.

Oliver J. Langstadt, Miami, Florida

From Australia

Thanks for sharing the article on how exercise slows down muscle aging and strengthens the immune system.  I've just turned 55 and having read this has motivated me more than ever to exercise hard and eat well.  I really look forward to reading the informative articles you put up on your website each month and I particularly like your take on each article.  You will always be my go to man for health and fitness.  Keep up the awesome work!
Andrew Jewell  

 From England

I just want to say thank you for the fabulous information and site you have put together. I saw you in the magazines I read as a kid. I've just turned 30, strong but fat after getting married, having kids, getting lazy, etc.  You have motivated me to be my best self again and reduce my weight. I always wanted abs like yours and seeing what you have accomplished way down the line I have no excuses in my 30s.

You are a true representative of physical culture, longevity and wisdom.  A far cry from the chemical Frankenstein bodies of today's bodybuilding.  You show balance, health and provide a positive role model to may young and old.  Thank you.

Joe Charnley

                              Health Markers 

Excellent Health marker tests Clarence, most people bury their heads and would rather not know at any age.  This attitude also allows one to continue along a destructive health/lifestyle regime as in "if I am not aware of any problems I do not have to solve them."
     Regarding the testosterone reading of 788 at 80 years of age without TRT - Incredible.
     During the early 80s I used to see your advertisements and articles in Muscle & Fitness and bypass them for more heavily built stars of the day (Arnold and Sergio) but having gotten older (51) I realize how much wisdom your methods hold and can aid a person to attain good health and well-being for life.
     Good health to you and yours.

Best Wishes from England.           


 Better than Amazon Prime!!

Hello Carol,

Thank you very much for the very fast delivery of your book Lean for Life. And it was autographed to boot!! Also, many thanks for the bonus book The Lean Advantage 3. That was unexpected and much appreciated.

But I have a confession to make. I have known about Clarence Bass for many years. I am a lifelong fitness exerciser using just barbells and a stationary bicycles at home (69 years old, 6’4”, 190). I have been VERY impressed by Clarence in the muscle magazines over the years, but unfortunately never went to your website.

Well, several weeks ago I was linked to your website through another article I was reading on the internet. Boy, was I SHOCKED!! I actually think I lost consciousness for several minutes. It was just too much for my aging, feeble brain to absorb all at once.

I immediately went to my Amazon Prime account and ordered brand new copies of “Take Charge, Great Expectations, Challenge Yourself and Ripped 1” (I have the receipts to prove it!!). I noticed your website ordering section, but of course I thought “it will take weeks for the books to arrive.” Now I know better. And to think I could have probably had those books autographed really hurts!! (I generally “jump around” a book looking for relevant sections of most interest to me - I eventually read the entire book). I have also been on your website every single day since I discovered it.

Clarence looks “beyond comprehension.” He looks better at 80 than anyone else at 20. I feel like crying when I look at his pictures. It hurts that bad!!

By the way, you should not let Clarence bask in all the glory. You look VERY HOT!! yourself. I know there are millions of men all over the world just waiting for your bikini photos to appear on this website, YOUNG LADY!!!!

Thanks again,

Jim Lee, Alexandria, VA

           From Germany

 Recently I was giving a public lecture on the beneficial health effects of high intensity training. When addressing the "anti-aging effect" I showed the audience the pictures of you from your homepage (that show you at 30, 40 etc.). The people simply could not believe their eyes. Even when I continued talking about the next aspect of my lecture, someone asked me to switch back to the slide with your photos and asked if such a condition was really possible. How is that for a compliment!

All the best and many greetings from Germany

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Giessing, University of Koblenz-Landau,
Germany, author of High Intensity Training (HIT), 2016


[Your expanded training pictorial] is incredible! You have likely done something with your life that no one else in the world has ever done or probably ever will. Through unfailing life-long consistency and careful documentation you have shown what high intensity exercise, endurance, and excellent nutrition can contribute to the maintenance of maximum human physical function throughout the life span. Your life is a superb case study that will be probably be referred to forever. Congratulations, and thanks!”

 Waneen Spirduso, Professor Emeritus, The University of Texas at Austin, co-author of Physical Dimensions of Aging

 [Your expanded training pictorial] is a dramatic example of what exercise and nutrition and healthy living can accomplish over a life span. Thank you for including me. I look forward to sharing this with my students.

Edward F. Coyle, Ph.D., Professor and Director of the Human Performance Laboratory, Department of Kinesiology & Health Education, University of Texas at Austin

 The quote from [Dr. Spirduso] is well deserved... She is the recognized world renowned expert. Besides your physical accomplishments, you are the only one I know who has not seen their career diminish in their late 60's and 70's. Your latest book shows you are at an even higher level than before.

Richard A. Winett, Ph.D., Heilig Meyers Professor of Psychology, Director, Center for Research in Health Behavior, Director of Clinical Science Training, Virginia Tech




More Comments From Visitors


New articles in June:

Feature:  Hitler's Greatest Weightlifter
     2) Electric Bikes?
     3) Success Story Reports Back

      3) New Comment: Lawyer to Lawyer (Left)


Recent Articles of Special Interest:
 Remembering Peary Rader
**Exercise-Strength & Aerobic-Your Most Powerful Medicine
Benefits of Weekend Training & Weekday Walking
Triglyceride-HDL, A Blood Fat Ratio to Watch
John Grimek's Family and More
The Mind Diet
Purposeful Work & Long Life: Reflections by Cellist Pablo Casals 
Benefits of Exercise at Molecular Level
Can Aging Be Reversed?
Muscle Combats Alzheimer's & Develops Superior Brain Function
Stalling Cancer and Reversing Aging
Researchers Validate Morning Motion
Preventable Cancer Risks: Poor Diet
Meet Elaine La Lanne
Evidence of "Muscle Talk" Mounts
Can You Be Too Fit?
Endurance & Strength Training Vie in Combating Aging
Lifestyle Can Prevent & Reverse Cognitive Decline
Muscle Memory "Banked" in Youth Survives into Old Age
FAQ 11:  Single- or Multi-Joint Exercises? 
Fountain of Youth in Our Bones
Clarence at 86 with Visitor Comments
Chris Dickerson: First Black Mr. America
New Findings on Staying Young
Exercise Keeps Immune System Healthy
Reimagining Health
Weight Training Triggers Immediate Fat Burn
       **High Blood Pressure and Lifestyle
       ** New Weight Loss Drugs
Muscle and Longevity
        ** Bang for Buck from Low-Volume RT-Different Results Men, Women
        **Weights, Aerobics Reduce Depression - Stave Off Heart Disease, Death
        **The Bottom Line on Metabolism
        **Train Your Ankles to Avoid Sprains
        **Petroglyph National Monument
        **Outlook Matters - My Story
Remembering Mike Mentzer:  and Visitor Comments
Training of Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates
Strength-Not Muscle Mass-Bolsters Cognitive Function

bullet Powerlifting Champion Rickey Dale Crain/The Real Deal
bulletPublications About Past Iron Game Greats 
Iron Game History Remembers Steve Reeves
Book on Steve Reeves
New Source for Steve Reeves Products
Oldetimers Remember John Davis
The Iron Master
Iron Game History
bullet Of continuing interest:  Paul Anderson - biography and DVD documentary and Clarence's commentary


 ****** Lean For Life Review from Johns Hopkins Weight Management Letter

 ******Great Expectations Review in Iron Man Magazine   ("...No low-carb diets here; he did it with
                        lifestyle eating habits that he's maintained for decades.  Even more impressive is that he recently turned
                        70 and has kept his body fat in the single digits since that first book.")
Read Review

Want better results from diet and training? Consult with Clarence by phone or in person (1 or 2 days)





Precautionary Advice

Anyone with medical problems--of any nature--should see a doctor before starting a diet and exercise program. Furthermore, even if you have no known health problems, it is advisable to consult your doctor before making major changes in your lifestyle. Invariably, if you are out of shape and want to start training, follow the advice of the American Medical Association: "Start slowly and increase the vigor and duration of the activity as your fitness improves."


Contact Information

bullet 505-266-5858 (M-F, 8-5 Mountain time)
bulletPostal address:
 P.O. Box 51236, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87181-1236 U.S.A. 
or street address:  528 Chama, N.E., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87108 USA
bulletElectronic mail
General Information: (e-mail) (Please do not send attachments or photos.  Company policy prohibits the downloading of attachments or photos).
Webmaster: (webmaster)

is the trademark of Clarence and Carol Bass.

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