The next message you need is always right where you are.

- Ram Dass

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Latest Teachings

Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 252 – An Imaginary Playmate

May 28, 2024

In this Q&A session, Ram Dass talks about dealing with disturbances in meditation, letting go of identifications, seeing the guru …


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Ram Dass 24/7 Lo-fi Livestream – talks with lo-fi beats to chill to

May 14, 2024

Thanks for tuning in! This 24/7 livestream is presented by Ram Dass’ Love Serve Remember Foundation, and is made possible …


Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 251 – Resting in ‘I Am’

May 14, 2024

In this classic talk, Ram Dass explores resting in ‘I am,’ a place where we can see the perfection of …


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Love Serve Remember Foundation is dedicated to preserving and continuing the teachings of Ram Dass and his guru, Neem Karoli Baba.

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"I just wanted to take a moment to share my deep gratitude and thankfulness for what you are doing to proliferate Ram Dass's wisdom to new generations and the general public. I have garnered myriad lessons from Ram Dass and having the Love Serve Remember network as a resource has been more helpful than I can ever properly state. What a GREAT karmic trip to be on this path. Life is hard, but LSR makes it easier to navigate and I cannot thank you enough for all your hard work, dedication, and love. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!!"

- Daniel W.

"A Ram Dass renaissance is happening."

- Stefan R.

"How powerful to hear this guidance during these troubling times. It is a beacon of truth in a whirlwind of chaos."

- Sarah N.

"Ram Dass's humor is wonderful to remind us that we need to lighten up a little too! He has great tips for using the breath & mantra in everyday situations."

- Dayna B.

"I must thank you from the bottom of my heart. These teachings are tying a whole lot of loose ends together. You have opened me up to a whole new world of loving inspiration that is going to carry me forward on my journey."

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Part of your relationship with yourself is taking responsibility for the care of your body and doing the things that promote good health. The body is the temple of the soul, the temple of your spirit. It is the vehicle for you to stay in this incarnation and become a fully conscious being – the vehicle for you to become one with God. Honor it. Take care of it. I was not fully conscious in the way I dealt with my body, and I paid a big price with the stroke that I had.

As you quiet your mind, you begin to see the different components of your being and which ones are out of harmony.

For example, at times you can feel that your body is pulling on you. It’s draining your energy, or the muscles need strengthening or relaxing. Remembering that your body is the temple of your spirit, work with it, doing things that release or balance energy. Hatha yoga, the yoga of energy, can be used as a path to the soul. Forming an asana is talking to God. Also be mindful of what you are putting into your body. The human body is a manifestation of God. Honor it.
- Ram Dass

“Acting with compassion is not doing good because we think we ought to... It is giving ourselves into what we are doing, and being present in the moment. It is acting from our deepest understanding of what life is and not compromising the truth.”
- Ram Dass

Life is an incredible curriculum in which we live richly and passionately as a way of awakening to the deepest truths of our being. As a soul, I have only one motive: to merge with God. As a soul, I live in the moment, in each rich and precious moment, and I am filled with contentment.

– Ram Dass, excerpt from Polishing the Mirror: How to Live from Your Spiritual Heart

“The world is a series of experiences that are given to me in order to awaken out of the illusion of my own separate self.” ...

We’re all little pieces of God 🧩 ...

For many of us who have come into meditation through psychedelics, the model we had for changing consciousness has been of “getting high”. We pushed away our normal waking state in order to embrace a state of euphoria, harmony, bliss, peace, or ecstasy. Many of us spent long periods of time getting high and coming down. My guru, in speaking about psychedelics, said: 

“These medicines will allow you to come and visit Christ, but you can only stay two hours. Then you have to leave again. This is not the true samadhi. It’s better to become Christ than to visit him – but even the visit of a saint for a moment is useful.” Then he added, “But love is the most powerful medicine.”  

Love slowly transforms you into what psychedelics only let you glimpse. In view of his words, when I reflected on my trips with LSD and other psychedelics, I saw that after a glimpse of the possibility of transcendence, I continued tripping only to reassure myself that the possibility was still there. Seeing the possibility is indeed different from being the possibility. Sooner or later you must purify and alter your mind, heart, and body so that the things which bring you down from your experiences lose their power over you. Psychedelics could chemically override the thought patterns in your brain so that you are open to the moment, but once the chemical loses its power the old habit patterns take over again. With them comes a subtle despair that without chemicals you are a prisoner of your thoughts. 

The trap of high experiences, however they occur, is that you become attached to their memory and so you try to recreate them. These memories compel you to try to reproduce the high. 

Ultimately they trap you because they interfere with your experience of the present moment. In meditation you must be in the moment, letting go of comparisons and memories. If the high was too powerful in comparison to the rest of your life, it overrides the present and keeps you focused on the past. The paradox is that were you to let go of the past, you would find in the present moment the same quality that you once had. Because you’re trying to repeat the past, you lose the moment. 

Ram Dass

"Our whole spiritual transformation brings us to the point where we realize that in our own being, we are enough."

- Ram Dass

"Our whole spiritual transformation brings us to the point where we realize that in our own being, we are enough."

- Ram Dass


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