Canyon Lake Resource & Recreation Center

of Canyon Lake

Serving the residents of Canyon Lake by providing vital social services and life-enriching opportunities to increase our community’s wellness through building connections, offering resources, and providing support.

Canyon Lake Population
Individuals Served
Percent of Population Served
Assistance Since Covid-19
Need Help?

Our Food Pantry, Crisis Assistance, Wellness Checkups, and Durable Medical Equipment are available at our Resource Center


Make a secure donation to invest in the present and future work of the CRRC


CRRC provides rewarding volunteer opportunities for community-minded people like YOU


Save at our Thrift Store, Get fit at our Recreation Center, Enjoy our Community Garden and Community Center

Our Services
Food Pantry

Providing food to all ages, including Meals on Wheels

Crisis Assistance

Providing financial assistance to those in crisis

Durable Medical Equipment

Providing a variety of durable medical equipment

Wellness Checkups

Providing blood pressure, blood glucose, mental health screenings and more

Resource Center

Food Pantry, Crisis Assistance, Durable Medical Equipment, Wellness Checkups, and more

Thrift Store

Shopping here saves money and helps others

Recreation Center

Healthy activities and Community Garden

Community Center

Seniors, community groups, and more

Keep informed about the CRRC's latest news and opportunities

Sign Up for the CRRC Newsletter

CRRC on Facebook

CRRC Hours

Resource Center 9-4 Monday – Friday (last shopper at 3:30)

Recreation Center See calendars

Thrift Store Sales 10-5 M Tuesday – Saturday (Closed Sunday and Monday)

Thrift Store Donations 10-2

List of Accepted Items for Donation See list

How can we help YOU?

Contact the CRRC of Canyon Lake