Queen of KAOS

Do you feel like you are always running?  

...and not getting too far!

Frustrated by the never ending battle with clutter and mayhem?

Do you dream of being in control of your home? Your life?

Don't know where to start?

My name is Janice Ferrante, and I'd love to share my wisdom and experience of the past 21 years as a mom dealing with all of the same issues as you - I'm here to help!

(That's me on the left with my daughter. I'm the short, tired one.)

Explore my proven systems to avoid housework overwhelm, take control of your day, get stronger and feel good about yourself again too.

Where to Start...

My Clean House - the BOOST Simple Housework System, my daily prescription for peace and tranquility, it's what I use myself to stay sane!

The No KAOS Zone, my monthly program to help you to stay on track for good (you don't need both - the No KAOS Zone includes a free copy of 'My Clean House') Try it out this month for $1!

TAKE 5 and make it 5 minutes better, every day! It's free and what the heck, it only takes 5 minutes!

Create your own Home Organization Planner


Get a Brand New FRESH START - a complete program designed to help you to clean out the old and bring in the new in any area of your life - you decide - I give you the tools and support to do it.

And be sure to sign up for the free 12 for 12 Mini Challenge included with your free TAKE 5 subscription. The object is to give away, put away or throw away 12 things for 12 days. Why not?

Every Day Solutions to Every Day KAOS - the Queen of KAOS Blog

Visit my blog for up to date, informative articles, how to and personal updates on organizing, cleaning and managing a happy home, nutrition and fitness.

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