New York Art Auctions Send a Hint

What New York City’s Art Auctions Tell You About the Stock Market — and Social Mood The fall and spring auctions in New York City are the art market’s bellwether sales events. And according to The New York Times, the results from the City’s spring art auction season “tell a story of a masterpiece market READ MORE

Commercial Real Estate

Commercial Property Prices: Why the Decline May Have Just Started This index has already retreated 20% since May 2022 The major bust in property prices 15 to 20 years ago started with the residential real estate market. This time, the commercial real estate market may have taken the lead. Here are some recent headlines: [“Shark READ MORE

Record Extreme in Stocks

Stocks: What This “Record Extreme” May Be Signaling “The total easily exceeds the prior net long extreme” When most everyone agrees on the future trend of a market, it’s almost guaranteed that the market will go in the other direction — sooner rather than later. The reason why is that there is no one left READ MORE

US Real Estate Owned by Investors

U.S. Real Estate: A 24% Problem “…24% of U.S. single family homes are owned by investors.” A big reason that U.S. home prices have skyrocketed is that big investors like corporations did a lot of buying. As a headline noted nearly two years ago (Feb. 16, 2022): Real Estate Investors Are Buying a Record READ MORE

Report on Commodities

As Geopolitical Fires Obscure Commodities’ Path, This FREE Report Illuminates It! Crisis, crisis everywhere. But objective, free from the noise of the news, forecasting of commodity prices starts here, with our free Special Report ($155 value). The geopolitical landscape is wracked. War in Ukraine, humanitarian crisis in Syria, and now, what Vox Media on October READ MORE

Mom and Pop Rushes in

Investing: What You Can Learn from Mom and Pop “The highest commitment to stocks since the record levels of early 2000” We all love Mom and Pop and cherish the valuable lessons about life they’ve given us along the way. Yet, when it comes to investing, Mom and Pop may need to learn some lessons READ MORE

Bear Market Leader

“Bear Market Leader”? Here’s a Prime Candidate This stock market sector has failed to recover since the Dow’s Q1 correction As you may know, in every bull or bear market, some stocks or sector lead while others follow. So, the “leadership” in the stock market works both ways — in uptrends and down. The rally READ MORE

Seasonal Tendencies

Stocks: Keep This in Mind About Seasonal Tendencies “In 1987 and 2000, the month of August presented a great chance to sell stocks” Many investors know that some time periods of the year tend to be more bullish for stocks, like the holiday season. Other times tend to be more bearish, like September and October. READ MORE

Earnings Season

Here’s What You Need to Know About Earnings Season Investing based on earnings “is akin to driving down the highway looking only in the rearview mirror” Many investors and financial journalists believe that corporate earnings play a substantial role in driving stock market prices. This headline from a few months ago captures the traditional thinking READ MORE

Insiders Selling

Pay Attention to This Group of Investors (They Know More) The stock market actions of corporate insiders is revealing It stands to reason that executives of a corporation know more about the goings-on of their business than outsiders. So, it’s wise to pay attention to their stock market actions regarding their own shares. Yes, the READ MORE

Platinum Selloff

Platinum’s May-June Selloff: When the “Fundamental” Chips Fall In May, a “record supply deficit” should’ve sent platinum prices soaring. So much for the best laid “fundamental” plans. If I had a nickel for every time someone asked me what value “fundamentals” serve in navigating financial markets, well… let’s just say I could’ve retired to the READ MORE

How Major Financial Trends End

Robert Prechter Interview for the Ages: Quick Takes on Big Financial Trends ‘That’s not even the craziest indicator on this chart. Look at the bottom graph.’ Robert Prechter’s June 23 interview with, which is under 15 minutes, covers a variety of financial topics. They include stocks with an emphasis on the technology sector (including READ MORE

100x Increase in Interest Rates

This Trend Is Up a Whopping 10,240% Since March 2021 How millionaires are handling financial uncertainty On March 1, 2021, the 6 Month Treasury Bill Rate was a measly 0.05%. The March 2021 Elliott Wave Theorist, a monthly Elliott Wave International publication which covers major financial and social trends, said: If the rise in interest READ MORE

Intimidating Bond Market

Want to “Intimidate Everybody”? Be a Bond Market Back in October 2021, we showed subscribers a chart of the “Bond Universe” — ALL bonds, from around the world, in ONE chart. Since then, as yields spiked and prices fell, the bond market has indeed been “intimidating everybody.” Watch our monthly Global Market Perspective contributor, Murray READ MORE