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A-Z Directory of Yoga Poses

Need step-by-step instructions for a certain yoga asana? We've got you covered. Browse this alphabetical list to learn more about yoga pose benefits, contraindications, practice tips, and more.

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Want to expand your understanding of the physical practice of yoga? Access our comprehensive Pose Library, complete with video tutorials, variations, anatomical illustrations, and more to take you beyond the basics and dive deeper into your practice.

List of Yoga Poses: A-Z Asana Guide

English Name Sanskrit Name Pose Type
Bharadvaja's Twist Bharadvajasana I

Hip-Opening Yoga Poses

Seated Yoga Poses

Twist Yoga Poses

Big Toe Pose Padangusthasana Forward Bend Yoga Poses

Standing Yoga Poses

Boat Pose Paripurna Navasana Core Yoga Poses

Seated Yoga Poses

Strengthening Yoga Poses

Bound Angle Pose Baddha Konasana Forward Bend Yoga Poses

Hip-Opening Yoga Poses

Seated Yoga Poses

Bow Pose Dhanurasana Chest-Opening Yoga Poses

Yoga Backbends

Bridge Pose Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Yoga Backbends
Camel Pose Ustrasana Chest-Opening Yoga Poses

Yoga Backbends

Cat Pose Marjaryasana Core Yoga Poses
Chair Pose Utkatasana Core Yoga Poses

Standing Yoga Poses

Strengthening Yoga Poses

Child’s Pose Balasana Forward Bend Yoga Poses

Hip-Opening Yoga Poses

Restorative Yoga Poses

Cobra Pose Bhujangasana Chest-Opening Yoga Poses

Yoga Backbends

Corpse Pose Savasana Restorative Yoga Poses
Cow Face Pose Gomukhasana Hip-Opening Yoga Poses

Seated Yoga Poses

Cow Pose Bitilasana Chest-Opening Yoga Poses

Yoga Backbends

Crane (Crow) Pose Bakasana Arm Balance Yoga Poses

Core Yoga Poses

Dolphin Plank Pose | Forearm Plank Arm Balance Yoga Poses

Core Yoga Poses

Strengthening Yoga Poses

Dolphin Pose Core Yoga Poses

Standing Yoga Poses

Strengthening Yoga Poses

Downward-Facing Dog Adho Mukha Svanasana Forward Bend Yoga Poses

Standing Yoga Poses

Strengthening Yoga Poses

Eagle Pose Garudasana Balancing Yoga Poses

Hip-Opening Yoga Poses

Standing Yoga Poses

Easy Pose Sukhasana Hip-Opening Yoga Poses

Seated Yoga Poses

Eight-Angle Pose Astavakrasana Arm Balance Yoga Poses
Extended Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose Utthita Hasta Padangustasana Balancing Yoga Poses

Hip-Opening Yoga Poses

Standing Yoga Poses

Extended Puppy Pose Uttana Shishosana Forward Bend Yoga Poses
Extended Side Angle Pose Utthita Parsvakonasana Standing Yoga Poses

Strengthening Yoga Poses

Extended Triangle Pose Utthita Trikonasana Standing Yoga Poses

Strengthening Yoga Poses

Feathered Peacock Pose Pincha Mayurasana Inversion Yoga Poses

Strengthening Yoga Poses

Fire Log Pose Agnistambhasana Hip-Opening Yoga Poses

Seated Yoga Poses

Firefly Pose Tittibhasana Arm Balance Yoga Poses
Fish Pose Matsyasana Chest-Opening Yoga Poses

Yoga Backbends

Four-Limbed Staff Pose Chaturanga Dandasana Arm Balance Yoga Poses

Core Yoga Poses

Strengthening Yoga Poses

Garland Pose Malasana Standing Yoga Poses
Gate Pose Parighasana Standing Yoga Poses
Half Frog Pose Ardha Bhekasana Chest-Opening Yoga Poses

Yoga Backbends

Half Lord of the Fishes Pose Ardha Matsyendrasana Hip-Opening Yoga Poses

Seated Yoga Poses

Twist Yoga Poses

Half Moon Pose Ardha Chandrasana Balancing Yoga Poses

Standing Yoga Poses

Handstand Adho Mukha Vrksasana Balancing Yoga Poses

Inversion Yoga Poses

Strengthening Yoga Poses

Happy Baby Pose Ananda Balasana Core Yoga Poses
Head-to-Knee Pose Janu Sirsasana Forward Bend Yoga Poses

Seated Yoga Poses

Hero Pose Virasana Seated Yoga Poses
Heron Pose Krounchasana Seated Yoga Poses
High Lunge Standing Yoga Poses
High Lunge, Crescent Variation Standing Yoga Poses
Intense Side Stretch Pose | Pyramid Pose Parsvottanasana Forward Bend Yoga Poses

Standing Yoga Poses

Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose Viparita Karani Restorative Yoga Poses
Locust Pose Salabhasana Chest-Opening Yoga Poses

Strengthening Yoga Poses

Yoga Backbends

Lord of the Dance Pose Natarajasana Balancing Yoga Poses

Chest-Opening Yoga Poses

Standing Yoga Poses

Yoga Backbends

Lotus Pose Padmasana Seated Yoga Poses
Low Lunge Anjaneyasana Standing Yoga Poses
Marichi’s Pose Marichyasana III Hip-Opening Yoga Poses

Seated Yoga Poses

Twist Yoga Poses

Monkey Pose Hanumanasana Seated Yoga Poses
Mountain Pose Tadasana Standing Yoga Poses
Rope Pose Pasasana Binding Yoga Poses

Hip-Opening Yoga Poses

Strengthening Yoga Poses

Twist Yoga Poses

One-Legged King Pigeon Pose Eka Pada Rajakapotasana Hip-Opening Yoga Poses

Yoga Backbends

One-Legged King Pigeon Pose II Eka Pada Rajakapotasana II Yoga Backbends
Peacock Pose Mayurasana Arm Balance Yoga Poses
Pigeon Pose Kapotasana Yoga Backbends
Plank Pose Arm Balance Yoga Poses

Core Yoga Poses

Strengthening Yoga Poses

Plow Pose Halasana Inversion Yoga Poses
Pose Dedicated to the Sage

Koundinya I

Eka Pada Koundinyanasana I Arm Balance Yoga Poses

Twist Yoga Poses

Pose Dedicated to the Sage

Koundinya II

Eka Pada Koundinyanasana II Arm Balance Yoga Poses
Pose Dedicated to the Sage Marichi I Marichyasana I Binding Yoga Poses

Forward Bend Yoga Poses

Hip-Opening Yoga Poses

Seated Yoga Poses

Reclining Bound Angle Pose Supta Baddha Konasana Hip-Opening Yoga Poses

Restorative Yoga Poses

Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose Supta Padangusthasana Restorative Yoga Poses
Reclining Hero Pose Supta Virasana Restorative Yoga Poses
Revolved Head-to-Knee Pose Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana Seated Yoga Poses

Twist Yoga Poses

Revolved Side Angle Pose Parivrtta Parsvakonasana Standing Yoga Poses

Strengthening Yoga Poses

Twist Yoga Poses

Revolved Triangle Pose Parivrtta Trikonasana Standing Yoga Poses

Strengthening Yoga Poses

Twist Yoga Poses

Scale Pose Tolasana Arm Balance Yoga Poses

Core Yoga Poses

Seated Forward Bend Paschimottanasana Forward Bend Yoga Poses

Seated Yoga Poses

Shoulder-Pressing Pose Bhujapidasana Arm Balance Yoga Poses
Side Crane (Crow) Pose Parsva Bakasana Arm Balance Yoga Poses
Side Plank Pose Vasisthasana Arm Balance Yoga Poses

Balancing Yoga Poses

Core Yoga Poses

Side-Reclining Leg Lift Anantasana Balancing Yoga Poses

Core Yoga Poses

Sphinx Pose Chest-Opening Yoga Poses

Yoga Backbends

Staff Pose Dandasana Seated Yoga Poses
Standing Forward Bend Uttanasana Forward Bend Yoga Poses
Standing Half Forward Bend Ardha Uttanasana Forward Bend Yoga Poses

Standing Yoga Poses

Standing Split Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana Forward Bend Yoga Poses

Standing Yoga Poses

Supported Headstand Salamba Sirsasana Balancing Yoga Poses

Inversion Yoga Poses

Supported Shoulderstand Salamba Sarvangasana Balancing Yoga Poses

Inversion Yoga Poses

Tree Pose Vrksasana Balancing Yoga Poses

Standing Yoga Poses

Upward Bow (Wheel) Pose Urdhva Dhanurasana Chest-Opening Yoga Poses

Strengthening Yoga Poses

Yoga Backbends

Upward Facing Two-Foot Staff Pose Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana Chest-Opening Yoga Poses

Yoga Backbends

Upward Plank Pose | Reverse Plank Purvottanasana Strengthening Yoga Poses
Upward Salute Urdhva Hastasana Standing Yoga Poses
Upward-Facing Dog Pose Urdhva Mukha Svanasana Chest-Opening Yoga Poses

Yoga Backbends

Warrior I Pose Virabhadrasana I Standing Yoga Poses

Strengthening Yoga Poses

Warrior II Pose Virabhadrasana II Standing Yoga Poses

Strengthening Yoga Poses

Warrior III Pose Virabhadrasana III Balancing Yoga Poses

Standing Yoga Poses

Strengthening Yoga Poses

Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend Upavistha Konasana Forward Bend Yoga Poses

Hip-Opening Yoga Poses

Seated Yoga Poses

Wide-Legged Forward Bend Prasarita Padottanasana Forward Bend Yoga Poses

Hip-Opening Yoga Poses

Standing Yoga Poses

Strengthening Yoga Poses

Wild Thing Camatkarasana Arm Balance Yoga Poses

Chest-Opening Yoga Poses

Bandha, Meditation, Mudra, and Pranayama

English Name Sanskrit Name Type
Big Mind Meditation Dhyana Meditation
Breath Retention Kumbhaka Pranayama Pranayama Exercises & Poses
Calm Heart Meditation Dhyana Meditation
Channel Cleaning Breath Nadi Shodhana Pranayama Pranayama Exercises & Poses
Conqueror Breath Ujjayi Pranayama Pranayama Exercises & Poses
Consciousness Seal Chin Mudra or Jnana Mudra Yoga Mudras
Cross-Heart Kirtan Kriya Meditation Dhyana Meditation
Deer Seal Mrigi Mudra Pranayama Exercises & Poses

Yoga Mudras

Do-the-Right-Thing Meditation Dhyana Meditation
Eagle Seal Yoga Mudras
Fearless Heart Seal Abhaya Hridaya Mudra Yoga Mudras
Ganesha Mudra Yoga Mudras
I-Want-It-So-Badly Meditation Dhyana Meditation
Intuition Meditation Dhyana Meditation
Life Force Seal Prana Mudra Yoga Mudras
Lion Pose Simhasana Pranayama Exercises & Poses
Lotus Seal Padma Mudra Yoga Mudras
Loving Your Enemies Meditation Dhyana Meditation
Mantra Meditation Dhyana Meditation
Meditation Seal Dhyana Mudra Yoga Mudras
Net-Bearer Bond Jalandhara Bandha Yoga Bandha
Practice Enlightenment Meditation Dhyana Meditation
Root Bond Mula Bandha Yoga Bandha
Salutation Seal Anjali Mudra Yoga Bandha

Yoga Mudras

Self-Inquiry Meditation Dhyana Meditation
Single Nostril Breath Surya Bhedana Pranayama Pranayama Exercises & Poses
Skull Shining Breath Kapalabhati Pranayama Pranayama Exercises & Poses
Truth Seal Tattva Mudra Yoga Mudras
Upright Seal Linga Mudra Yoga Mudras
Upward Abdominal Lock Uddiyana Bandha Yoga Bandha
Wheel of Dharma Seal Dharmachakra Mudra Yoga Mudras
Yoga of Sound Breath Svara Yoga Pranayama Pranayama Exercises & Poses

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