
I am so glad you are here. I hope this space can be a place where you feel understood in your experiences and optimistic for the future. I strive to provide a calm, supportive, non-judgmental space for you to share your feelings, discover unmet needs, and process heavy emotions. My goal is to make sure you never feel alone in your experiences.

I have always been in the field of helping others. Through my work in the school system and with families, I discovered the importance of supportive relationships and one-on-one connection. I believe childhood experiences shape the way we interact with life and that uncovering unconscious perceptions can create new perspectives on life.

Gracie Berntsen, LPCC, PMH-C


  • Individual Therapy

    Counseling to support adults (18+) managing mental health concerns

  • Perinatal Therapy

    Counseling for people dealing with fertility, pregnancy, loss, and postpartum

  • Parenting Support

    Counseling for parents looking to increase harmony in the household

  • Workshops and Classes

    People looking for psychoeducation on navigating emotional wellbeing

  • Speaking Engagements

    Providing mental health education for companies, groups, schools, and more

  • Courses

    On demand mental health education courses to learn at your own pace