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Chicagoland Speedway Joliet
Jefferson Street Bridge

Welcome to Joliet Township

Townships have many duties and some permissive powers. Services expressly required of all townships include providing welfare assistance, building and maintaining rural roads, assessment of property, and preventing the spread of communicable diseases. In addition, townships may establish libraries, medical clinics, museums, community buildings, public rest stations, mental health facilities, and youth committees. Click here to read more.

Next Regular Board Meeting is
Tuesday, June 11th, 2024
at 5PM

Check back here for all the agendas, meetings, and other calendar events.

As a targeted community that has faced disproportionate gun violence, Joliet Township was awarded IDHS's Greater Illinois Reimagine Violence Prevention Services Grant.

The Assessor is responsible for assessing property at one-third of market value or fair cash value with the exception of farmland, railroad or coal properties which are properties valued by the State of Illinois Department of Revenue.

Every year hundreds of animals come into Joliet Township Animal Control, and it is our goal to find them their forever home.

Our Vet Techs meet with each potential adoptee and ensure that is the right match for the new owner as well as their new pet.

The Joliet Township Highway Department maintains the right-of-way on streets in unincorporated areas of the Township. The Road District also plows and salts the township roads in the winter.

General Assistance (GA) is a locally administered financial assistance program that provides monthly financial assistance to persons who do not have adequate income or resources to provide for their own basic needs.

Joliet funds several senior organizations to provide social and community services to residents over 51 years of age. Check out the list of organizations and meetings for an opportunity to join.

Our mission is to be transparent by providing Township information.

Quarterly applications are reviewed.

Download the application to read more.

Community and Non-Profit Grants Application.

Applicants are encouraged to apply for the new Advisory Committees.

Please download the application.

Meet Your Township Officials

All terms of office for township officials are for four years until a successor is elected and qualified. 

Township Supervisor


The supervisor is the chief executive officer of the township. He is responsible for the township funds and serves as treasurer of the funds, recording all transactions in an official book. He files a statement of the financial status of the township with the township clerk. Published reports are required of him as supervisor of general assistance and treasurer of the Road and Bridge fund.


The Town Clerk is the custodian of all records, books, papers, certificates, oaths, and official documents of the township. The clerk must give official notice of the annual town meeting, special meetings, and certain elections. Also, as district clerk for the highway commissioner, she is to give specific election notices for tax limits, bond issues, etc. She annually certifies to the County Clerk the amount of taxes required to be raised for all township purposes.

Highway Commissioner

The Highway commissioner directs the construction, maintenance, and repair of roads and bridges within the township. He also lets contracts, employ labor, and purchases materials and machinery. The highway commissioner must make monthly reports. A portion of the tax levied by the township highway commissioner is given to the municipalities within his district. 



The Township Assessor is an elected official who determines property values for tax purposes. The Assessor does not estimate or compute the real estate taxes, does not send out tax bills, and does not collect property taxes. The assessor is responsible for the fair and equitable assessment of all parcels in their jurisdiction. 


The Township Trustees are also known as Town Auditors. Four Trustees are elected along with the Supervisor and Town Clerk; they comprise the Town Board of Auditors. 

They meet to examine and audition Township, Road, and Bridge district accounts before paying any bills. The board examines the accounts of the Supervisor of General Assistance and the Highway Commissioner's accounts for all monies received and paid out.

Animal Control Executive Director

The electors established an animal control run under the care and direction of a "pound master," currently the Animal Control Executive Director. This is not an elected position but an employed professional. Joliet Township Animal Control cares for animals who have lost their owners or homes temporarily and places animals in new homes for those who cannot be reacquainted. The Executive Director makes sure the facility, Officers, and Staff are all working to meet the needs of the animals and their families.