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Modern music production suite


Are you a songwriter?

We can help you take your songs to the next level!  Working from a modern music production suite in Formby, Merseyside, we have access to excellent vocalists and musicians who can turn your basic ideas into a product you can sell or use to promote yourself!


Please call or email producer Steve to discuss your project!


Sound On Sound

Recording publication


The guitar parts on this CD are especially well-recorded...the second track, for example, has a fantastic lead guitar sound, full of sustain and rich in harmonics."  From a review of the album "Switch" by rock outfit Relay. 

Kathy Dyson

Musician, MU publication


Immaculately recorded, the sound and feel is very real and alive somehow, sounding better and with more edge and energy ..."  Taken from a review of "Speechless" by solo acoustic guitarist Mike Chapman.

Ashwyn Smyth

Phoenix FM


This is a very enjoyable, nicely varied and most thoughtful collection of songs....well fashioned and well recorded by Steve Tsoi at Soundmagic Studios..."  Extract from a review of the album "The Screamin' Ab Dabs" by Gator Blues. 


Musicians Union publication


Excellent production.  From a review of the album "Satan's Zoo" by Suffolk singer/songwriter Tony Winn.

Soundmagic Productions



L37 2LH


T: 07889-930049




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