What We Do

TADA represents over 1,400 franchised automobile dealerships in 290 communities throughout the state of Texas. TADA advocates on behalf of the dealers at the Texas Legislature, Congress, and all regulatory agencies




Talk. Text. Crash.

Distracted driving continues to be a problem in Texas and takes many forms. In 2022, nearly one in six crashes on Texas roads were caused by a distracted driver in which 487 people died and 2,824 were seriously injured. TxDOT’s annual Talk. Text. Crash. campaign is a crucial call-to-action encouraging drivers to keep their heads up and pay attention when behind the wheel.

All distractions – whether texting, eating, grooming, or having a conversation – can be dangerous. Every driver and every passenger, regardless of age, can be impacted by distracted driving.

Since Sept. 1, 2017, it has been illegal to read, write, or send a text while driving in Texas. Violators can face a fine of up to $200.

TxDOT’s Talk. Text. Crash. statewide public awareness campaign educates Texans on the dangers and risks of driving distracted while also raising awareness of statewide laws. The campaign addresses and discourages all forms of distracted driving when behind the wheel, with the overall goal of saving lives and reducing crashes.

Campaign activities include paid media, social media and earned media, Texas-based social media influencer programming, and community education.

What is distracted driving?

Distracted driving is any activity that takes your attention away from driving. Distractions can include anything from texting and talking on a mobile phone to eating and drinking, putting on makeup, shaving, reading, programming a navigation system, watching a video, and even adjusting the radio.

What if I need to text or call someone immediately?

Research shows that regardless of whether you use a voice-to-text program, hands-free device or a handheld one, the distraction will affect your driving. TxDOT offers these tips to prevent distracted driving that can lead to a ticket, or worse, a crash:

  • Always give driving your full attention
  • Pull off the road entirely and come to a complete stop before you talk or text
  • Put your phone away, turn it off, or use an app or your phone settings to block texts and calls or send auto reply texts while you are driving
  • Tell friends, family, and coworkers you won’t respond to calls or texts when you are behind the wheel
  • Remember that all distractions are dangerous, so pay full attention when behind the wheel

#EndTheStreakTX Campaign

The Talk. Text. Crash. distracted driving campaign is a key component of #EndTheStreakTX, a broader social media and word-of-mouth effort that encourages drivers to make safer choices while behind the wheel, like wearing a seatbelt, driving the speed limit, never texting and driving, and never driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. Nov. 7, 2000, was the last deathless day on Texas roadways. #EndTheStreakTX asks all Texans to commit to driving safely to help end the streak of daily deaths on Texas roadways.


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2024 TADA Annual Conference

The 2024 TADA Annual Conference was held April 14-15, 2024 at the Omni PGA Frisco.  Nyle Maxwell was honored as the TADA Legend, we heard from Laila Assanie, a Senior Business Economist from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and we remembered those who left us since our last meeting.



Dealer Search

Search for you local dealer or any of the over 1,400 Dealers in Texas.






Register for one of upcoming Texas Dealer Academy Meetings, Annual Membership Conference or other Meetings.


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Franchised dealers of Texas have a tremendous presence in this state and are a vital part of its economic health. 


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Become a Member

TADA is committed to promoting and maintaining a competitive auto industry in Texas while protecting the communities our members serve. 

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TADA members are in over 290 Communities in Texas..

Our Members see themselves as a partner to the communities they serve and are engaged in local organizations who focus on thoughtful business and community growth.

$50 Million Dollars Annually.  That is the average charitable contributions generated by dealers every year.


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How we help

The average volunteer hours served by dealership employees every year is 135,000 hours.

Who we help

Over 70%+ of Texas Dealerships have employees serving schools, local churchs, non-profit organizations and other community organizations.

Local Communities

The average charitable contributions received every year by communities that have local dealerships is over $174,000.


Texas Dealers Academy

Want to pass on your dealership to the next generation?  Members can enroll young family members/staff in this leadership training program tailored for franchised dealers.

Dealers Choice

TADA’s quarterly magazine provides up-to-date information on business and industry issues making it a critical resource for franchised dealers and affiliated industry partners.

Legislative Issues

Learn more about the issues facing our industry at the state capitol through our policy papers and legislative session recaps.

Your Personal Automobile Insurance policy comes with a Consumer Bill of Rights.
This Bill of Rights gives you, the insured, the right to choose where your vehicle is repaired and what kinds of parts are used on your vehicle. 

English   Spanish

TADA and its members care about those who purchase vehicles from our dealerships. A few resources that are available to consumers to take advantage of include: a statewide dealer search, information on the dealer-customer dispute mediation program, the Texas Lemon Law, vehicle financing, open recall search info, and Consumer Bill of Rights. To Learn More Visit the Consumers Tab.

Upcoming Events

2024 TADA Board Meeting-Montage Deer Valley


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“It is my honor and privilege to serve as the Chairman of the Texas Automobile Dealers Association (TADA) this year and represent over 1,400 of the franchised automobile dealers in this state."

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