Sunday 2 June 2024


Footprint written by Phil Cummings and illustrated by Sally Soweol Han (Allen & Unwin) PB RRP $24.99 ISBN 9781761180323

Reviewed by Sarah Tegerdine

Footprint comes from CBCA award winning creators Phil Cummings and Sally Soweol Han. It invites one to go on a journey, take a walk outside, explore far and wide and wonder in the natural beauty that surrounds, while also encouraging us to slow down, to take a moment to ‘breathe.’

It really is a beautifully crafted picture book that has so many layers and subtle messages, both within the lyrical text and the gorgeous soft illustrations.

Each page features a child or children traversing wild and mesmerising landscapes. It carries a defined yet gentle environmental message throughout. It ends with leaving only footprints, planting the seed of hope, the hope for a bright future, so long as we nurture and care.

              ‘You carry hope and future need,

              With careful footprint, plant the seed.

              Breathe… Yes, breath.’

Rhyme and rhythm make Footprint perfect for bedtime as it has a lovely lullaby quality to it.
It would also be a fantastic edition in schools, with teachers and librarians alike including the early childhood space.

With every turn of the page, Footprint is as magical as it is inspiring.

Recommended for children aged 3 years and up.

 by Phil Cummings and illustrated by Sally Soweol Han (Allen & Unwin) PB RRP $24.99 ISBN 9781761180323

Reviewed by Sarah Tegerdine

Footprint comes from CBCA award winning creators Phil Cummings and Sally Soweol Han. It invites one to go on a journey, take a walk outside, explore far and wide and wonder in the natural beauty that surrounds, while also encouraging us to slow down, to take a moment to ‘breathe.’

It really is a beautifully crafted picture book that has so many layers and subtle messages, both within the lyrical text and the gorgeous soft illustrations.

Each page features a child or children traversing wild and mesmerising landscapes. It carries a defined yet gentle environmental message throughout. It ends with leaving only footprints, planting the seed of hope, the hope for a bright future, so long as we nurture and care.

              ‘You carry hope and future need,

              With careful footprint, plant the seed.

              Breathe… Yes, breath.’

Rhyme and rhythm make Footprint perfect for bedtime as it has a lovely lullaby quality to it.
It would also be a fantastic edition in schools, with teachers and librarians alike including the early childhood space.

With every turn of the page, Footprint is as magical as it is inspiring.

Recommended for children aged 3 years and up.


Friday 31 May 2024

What they told me: A life divided

What they told me: A life divided by Hayley Lawrence (Scholastic Australia) PB RRP $18.99 ISBN: 9781761291708

Reviewed by Kellie Nissen

What does it take to be the luckiest family?

Fifteen-year-old Elliot knows the Gillespies are the luckiest. They live in a beautiful part of Australia, surrounded by friends and joy and love. It’s the perfect life – but perfect doesn’t last forever and, piece by piece, Elliot’s perfect life starts to disintegrate.

First, her best friend, Drake, suggests that he might want to move away to study.

Then, Elliot’s parents drop the bombshell no child ever wants to hear: they still love each other but can’t live together anymore. They can’t be a family.

Almost overnight, Elliot starts to wonder if her whole life has been constructed around one big lie.

In What they told me, author Hayley Lawrence captures Elliot’s internal turmoil in detail, drawing the reader right in to Elliot’s pain and confusion. Alternating skilfully between backstory and real-time events, Lawrence builds on the main characters – Elliot, Drake and Elliot’s father Dan – and their relationships and reliance on each other.

Lawrence has crafted the ultimate coming-of-age story, and we cannot help but be drawn into Elliot’s world as she grapples with change and manages her growing feelings for Drake, all while needing to grow up very fast and support both her younger brother, Lachy, and her father.

While Elliot’s strong sense of connection to her family history and the Gillespie land may be something not all readers can resonate with, they will be able to see a little of themselves in Elliot, or in Drake.

There is much to love about the way Hayley Lawrence has told this story, from Elliot’s raw honesty and passion for family to the tiny, funny and poignant moments that we all have but often take for granted. My favourite – and my biggest takeaway – is Drake’s wisdom when he advises Elliot to focus on the things she gets to keep … a subtle but meaningful lesson for all of us.

What they told me is an important read in the mid-grade genre for readers aged 10–14, but I also feel it is a story that parents need to read for the interiority of the teenage mind.

Wednesday 29 May 2024

The Reflection in Me

The Reflection in Me by Mark Colagiovanni & Peter H Reynolds (Scholastic), RRP $19.99 Picture Book ISBN 9-781760-269760

Reviewed by Susan Hancy

The Reflection in Me is a clever title for this positive affirmation book to remind each and every child that they are special. The title has a dual meaning: the affirmations are a form of self-reflection and the story is depicted with expressive illustrations by Peter H. Reynolds as a dialogue between a girl and her reflection in the mirror.


The girl starts off shy and surprised to hear from the voice in the mirror who thinks that she’s perfectly perfect. The voice then elaborates on a variety of reasons why the girl is so fabulous, such as her magnificent smile, her friendliness, her caring and her courage. With each reason the girl gains more confidence about her herself and by the end she is twirling, laughing and liking who she is.


This is an easy-to-read book that will most likely appeal more so to girls. It has a particularly important message for school-aged children who are discovering their own identity.

Monday 27 May 2024

Tearaway Coach

Set during the Victorian Gold Rush, Tearaway Coach by Neridah McMullin, illustrated by Andrew McLean, is a story about a journey from Ballarat to Geelong in a Cobb & Co coach.

This is the blurb: When Fenton and his father catch the coach to Geelong, they have no idea that their driver of the team of powerful horses is the famous Edward Devine - 'Cabbage tree Ned' - or of the incredible adventure that lies ahead. A breathless story of bushrangers, danger, daring and escape as Fen finds himself holding the reins of the tearaway coach.

Neridah says: “I’m a descendent of gold rush immigrants (as many Australians are) so I’d always wanted to write a story set in this period. Having horses in it was the logical thing for me to do, and then in my research I read about Cabbage Tree Ned and couldn’t resist having him in it.”

Friday 24 May 2024

Secrets of the Water Meadow

Secrets of the Water Meadow by Dawn Meredith

All her life Freya has been told that the havfruer of the deep, green fjord are dark angels who lure children into the water and drown them. But Freya is certain that if she sings a havfrue to the shore, they can be friends. To her surprise and joy, it works! Family secrets come to the surface too, making all the adults upset. Freya’s sister Lisbet suddenly becomes angry and depressed holding in a secret of her own. And so Freya seeks comfort and advice from Lorelei, her havfrue friend, that no one else has seen. When someone she loves falls into the cold waters and is in danger of drowning, can Freya really trust this mysterious, oddly beautiful creature to help? Or will Lorelei choose the darker side of her nature?
Set against the magnificent backdrop of Strandafjord, in Norway, Secrets of the Water Meadow is an evocative, rich world where the senses are tingled, and love is deep as the fjord itself. No matter what conflict simmers in the Askvold family, the ties are strong and the patience to persist in healing wins out.

Book available from 40 South Publishing and also online - 

Thursday 23 May 2024

Amulet: Waverider

Amulet: Waverider (Book 9) by Kazu Kibuishi (Scholastic) PB RRP $19.99 ISBN 9781761520754

“After her confrontation with Ikol, Emily finally understands the stone's power and what she must do to defend Alledia from the shadows. As she travels to Typhon to help her mom and Navin, Prince Trellis returns to the Kingdom of the Elves to save his countrymen -- and confront the fraud who has seized power in the absence of a king. The threat of darkness follows all Stonekeepers closely, and it will take the strength of both new friends and old foes to conquer it... and survive.”

Amulet is a fantasy adventure graphic novel series, with full colour artwork, suitable for middle grade readers. Waverider is the ninth and final instalment in the Amulet series. It includes themes of self-belief, courage, resilience, leadership, and teamwork and would appeal to readers who enjoy good vs. evil tropes. It is recommended to read the series in sequential order to fully appreciate the characters and their motives.