English Listening World

It Doesn’t Get Easier!

You have tried to practise listening to English AGAIN and AGAIN but it never gets easier. Everywhere you go the listening practice is Just Plain Hard.

All the listening practice you have tried is Just Plain English.

They don’t break listening down into Simple Skills and skillbuilding.

Listening practice is DIFFERENT on this site.

I have studied English listening in my students for over 17 years.

I have found the BASIC skills you need to master listening.

Here you can practise BASIC skills in simple STEPS.

Step #1

Basic Rhythm

English rhythm is quite different from many other languages. Start here to become sensitive to the basic rhythm patterns of English. It’s a fun game to sharpen your sense of rhythm. Working with just single words you will easily progress to a higher level. Go Check out basic Rhythm practice now.

Step #2

Advanced Rhythm

In this step you practise the rhythms at a more complex level. You will use the skill you built in level one on sentences. The sentences progress from the simple to the difficult in small steps. Go Check out advanced Rhythm practice now.

Step #3

Verb Tenses

After you have a good skill with English rhythm in sentences, you can start to focus on the meaning in the sentence. In this step, you will focus on the verbs until you are very good at this skill.

Step #4


Prepositions can really affect the meaning of the sentence. But they are very hard for learners to hear. They are ‘weak’. Gain skill listening for prepositions at this level.

Step #5


Now we begin to put together your skills and start building larger ‘chunks’ of English