Announcing: CVRC 2024 Flea Market

The CVRC 2024 Ham Radio Indoor Flea Market will be held on Sunday, March 17, 2024.

It will be at the Henniker Community School, 51 Western Avenue, Henniker, NH.

Doors open at 8:00 AM (7:00 AM for sellers) and close at 2:00 PM. Admission: $5 for buyers, $10 for sellers. 

Talk-in: Call K1BKE 146.895 (-600 kHz, PL 100 Hz)

The attached flyer has all the information including Prizes, VE Session, and Forums.

Please print the flyer and post in public locations.

CVRC Christmas Party

Bring your Family to the Contoocook Valley Radio Club Christmas Party. We always have such a good time!

On December 12, little before 6 PM, we set up tables and chairs in our regular Meeting Room in the Hopkinton Public Library in Contoocook, then the fun begins!

We will eat around 6 PM. (Arriving 20 minutes ahead of time, you may help set up, decorate, or arrange the buffet table.) After eating, we await the announcement of the CVRC Election results followed by laughing through our “Yankee Swap”!

Please sign up for attending and/or bringing something to the “Pot Luck” Dinner. We would like an idea for seating. (And avoiding 21 fruit cakes and no side dishes!)

Main Dishes:

* Bill French, AA1BF, and his Wife are bringing Sliced Spiral Ham

* Steve Jones, N1JHJ, is bringing Macaroni and Cheese

* Lanette, KA1NKD, and Don, W1FKF, are bringing Swedish Meatballs

* Ken Wilkens, K1MID, is bringing a Hamburger Dish

* Mickie, W1MKY, is bringing Chili and Corn Bread

Sides (looking for more):

* John Reynolds, KC1STC, is bringing a Macaroni Salad

* Chris Bosse, AC1EO, is bringing Squash

Desserts (Chris is looking for more):

* Ruth Reynolds, KC1STN, is bringing a Chocolate Cake

* Lanette, KA1NKD, is bringing Chocolate and Cream Cheese Brownies

Wolf, KA1VOU, is bringing a platter of Cut Vegetables and Dip.

The Club will provide Punch and Decaf Coffee.


Yankee Swap gifts should not cost over $10.00. Be sure to bring one representing each member of your Family, so they can get in on the fun, too! One gift = One entry.

Hope to see you, there!


Mickie, W1MKY, and Dale, AF1T


(Typos introduced by Chris, AC1EO.)

Upcoming CVRC Meetings – November & December 2023

November General Meeting

  • 7:30pm, Tuesday, November 14th, Hopkinton Library in Contoocook
  • Topic: “The Last Voice Out of Kuwait” video presentation
  • Jeff Alan’s “Last Man Standing” Thanksgiving Ham Radio FCC rant video
  • FCC 60 Meters allocation change proposal video
  • Officer Elections
  • FCC HF digital baud rate change proposal
  • Hash out Christmas Party Pot-Luck details
  • I nominate Dale Clement, AF1T, joker that he is, for overseeing Pot Luck details as he volunteered for refreshments on Christmas Party meeting day.
  • Hash out Christmas Party Yankee Swap details
  • Decide about having a December Business Meeting the day after Christmas
  • Begin talking about Flea Market (December deadline for publication in ARRL QST)
  • Refreshments sign-up sheet has some openings for next year
  • November refreshments provided by Ken Wilkens, K1MID, per sign-up sheet

Sneak Peek at December’s General Meeting

  • 7:30pm, Tuesday, December 12th, Hopkinton Library in Contoocook
  • Topic: Pot-Luck Christmas Party
  • Yankee Swap
  • Flea Market considerations
  • December refreshments provided by Dale Clement, AF1T, per sign-up sheet

CVRC Field Day 2023

Contoocook Valley Radio Club (CVRC) in New Hampshire Field Day Plans.

As the ham radio community gets ready for the ARRL 2023 Field Day, on June 24-25, we need your help; with setting up, operating radios, and taking down the setups.

Field Day runs for 24 hours of radio operating time, from 14:00 Saturday afternoon to 14:00 on Sunday local time.  Of course, we set up before, and take down afterwards.

Remember that on Field Day, all are welcome, unlicensed and amateur licensees alike, will be operating under the “Club Call Sign” and this is a wonderful opportunity for folks to try out bands and privileges they may still be studying for.

Your participation, even for as little as a half hour is welcome, or just come and observe, you might be pleasantly surprised if you get bitten by the “transmit bug” The most important this is to JUST SHOW UP.

We will be operating once again this year at the home location of Dale and Mickie Clement, located at 49 Corbin Rd, Henniker, NH  but if you get lost, you can always call them at 603-428-3840.

Meals will be provided for participants, (deli sandwiches, clone Egg McMuffins, Chinese takeout), but if you have special dietary restrictions you’re welcome to bring your own. 

Please take a moment now to look over the list of times and tasks listed below, then just reply to this email, and let me know where to pencil you in.  Likewise if you will not be able to attend, please just RSVP and let me know so I can save you from getting follow-up emails.


Bob Bowes – KC1MAM

CVRC Designated Cat Herder for Field Day

603-464-9629 – voice or text

Times & Tasks for 2023 Field Day

Thursday (rain date is Friday)

Thursday Noon – Fetching Stuff we need from Storage Trailer

Thursday at 10:00, Steve Jones, will be leading the effort to retrieve the tents, tables, chairs, and other supplies needed from the storage trailer located at: 18 Hemlock Corner Loop, Henniker, NH 03242


Friday by 3:00 –  Cutoff time for ordering Sandwiches for your Saturday Lunch, call 603-428-3840 with your sandwich order (see picture of sandwich menu below)


08:00-12:00 – Field Day Setup –  Tent,  Coax, Radios

12:00 Noon – Lunch – Make Pickup Run to Harvester to pick up Sandwiches

During Lunch we will be conducting our “Educational Program” for Bonus Points,

Before during and after lunch from 12:00 to 14:00 we will be testing our setups and performing final configuration checks

14:00 to 18:00 – Saturday Initial Radio Operations

18:00 to 23:59 – Saturday Evening Radio Operations

Sunday Activities

Midnight to 06:00 – Sunday Morning / Overnight Operations

07:00                Breakfast (need a couple people to help make “Egg McMuffins” (under Mickies watchful eye)

06:00 – 10:00 – Sunday Morning Radio Operations

10:00 – 13:59 – Sunday Midday Radio Operations

14:30  –  Lunch – need someone to collect and phone in order, they go pickup Chinese Food (Club pays)

14:00-16:00 – Breakdown and stow gear